Agrochemicals include fertilizers, liming and acidifying agents (which are designed to change the pH), soil conditioners, pesticides, and chemicals used in the raising of livestock such as antibiotics and hormones. [26] findings in cowpea production. Mattah et al. The projects aimed at providing alternatives to commercial agrochemicals which are harmful to human, animal and environmental health. (This phenomenon is widely called Fish kills) Excess chemicals lead to eutrophication. This is a system that incorporates preventive cultural, mechanical, physical, biological and chemical controls. Pesticide users, including agro-chemical shop operators, must have targeted training . Fungistat refers to a class of chemicals that do not kill fungal pathogens but temporarily limit fungus development, and fungistatis refers to the phenomenon. Pesticides Use in Ghana. In Ghana, the agricultural sector is principally dominated by small-scale farmers. Effects on Soil. Pesticide misuse is often easy to spot. Bangladeshi poor and untrained farmers apply the agrochemicals massively for getting rapid and huge returns from their shared lands causing incurable risks for the ecosystem and human health. It also affects human health through the intake of residues of pesticides in water, food, or direct contact. It is, therefore, important to know the limiting factors to farmers awareness of health risks associated with agrochemical use. If you believe your property has been damaged by pesticide misuse, call the IDOA's Bureau of Environmental Programs at 1-800-641-3934 (voice and TDD) or 217-785-2427 for acomplaint form. The positive relationship was in line with the a priori expectation. Read, understand, and follow all of the label requirements when combining and using. 0000010900 00000 n Purposive sampling technique was used to select Brong-Ahafo region due to its environmental advantage and relatively high density in maize production. The types of agrochemicals used are grouped into pesticides (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticide, etc.) Never transport pesticides in a closed passenger vehicle or in a . 0000002785 00000 n Alters the chemical properties of water. The University of Manchester's research has real-world impact beyond academia. Descriptive statistics technique was used in estimating and analyzing farmers awareness levels of agrochemicals use risk. Overdose and much exposure of maize plant to agrochemicals cause scorches, yellowing, necrosis of the foliage, and distortions of the leaves. The minimum and maximum household sizes were 1 person and 16 persons, respectively, with a mean of 6 persons per household. HlTO0~_q;gOMl*hQj [5], the use of pesticides by farmers to control weeds, increase agricultural productivity, and preserve agricultural produce has reached a crescendo thereby calling for urgent attention. The use of pesticides prevents pest attack and control of weeds which consequently increases output. endstream endobj 116 0 obj<> endobj 118 0 obj<> endobj 119 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 120 0 obj<> endobj 121 0 obj<> endobj 122 0 obj<> endobj 123 0 obj<> endobj 124 0 obj<> endobj 125 0 obj<> endobj 126 0 obj<> endobj 127 0 obj<>stream endstream endobj 128 0 obj<> endobj 129 0 obj[/ICCBased 139 0 R] endobj 130 0 obj<> endobj 131 0 obj<>stream It is therefore recommended that interventions aimed at increasing farmers awareness levels of health implications of agrochemicals use should focus on educating farmers through interactive radio discussion and training sessions on the field and incorporate safety use of agrochemical in our educational curriculum. Keep in mind that having more isnt necessarily a good thing. Agrochemical is any chemical that is used in agricultural production to improve productivity and control of pest and diseases [4]. It also posing a greater danger to human health and the environment. Water can nourish, but we use it to starve. Various types of samples, such as plants, water or soil, may be collected for analysis. Agrochemicals can assist enhance yields from dwindling agricultural farmlands, which will help meet the ever-increasing demand for food. Antimycotics are another name for fungicides. The study is expected to contribute significantly to information and knowledge on the factors that influence maize farmers awareness levels of health implications of agrochemical use. As a result, in many countries, the use of agrochemicals has become highly regulated and government-issued permits for purchase and use of approved agrichemicals may be required. Corporate Office Healthy, environmentally friendly lawn and landscape practices can reduce erosion, stream sedimentation, flooding, and runoff of pollutants into local waterways as well as risk of pesticide exposure to children, adults, pets, and wildlife. One hundred and fifty-four (154) maize farmers were randomly sampled from the municipality. Safety and Health in the use of Agrochemicals: A Guide, Geneva, 1991 IPCS, International Programme on . In most cases, the inspector will interview the complainant and inspect the site. The main source of information on agrochemicals use was media and manuals. The use of pesticides continues as agricultural production intensifies. Descriptive statistics such as percentages were used while ordered logit model was used to identify factors influencing farmers awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use. The use of pesticides in the cultivation of cash crops such as banana and plantain is increasing, in Costa Rica and worldwide. The general public, health care providers and hospitals all can help ensure correct use of the drugs. Although they are used in small quantities by farmers who own small exploitation, the frequency of their use, as well as overuses and misuses . Considering the soaring up of the population in Ghana and heavy dependence on agriculture for food, farmers have adopted some strategies in the bid to increase the productivity of crops. Copyright 2017 Franklin N. Mabe et al. 8, pp. 92.7% of the respondents had knowledge about perilous consequence and yet didn't garment recommended protective apparels during application. In the area of reuse of empty containers of agrochemicals, 53.2% said they dispose of them while 46.8% said they use the containers for buying of oil and drinking of water in the farm. 12, no. Other variables that were significant in output model include household size, years of education, the number of extension contacts, farm size, marital status, and quantity of pesticides applied. Pesticide accidents or fires can result in water, soil, and air contamination; damage to plants . Effects on soil: The data reveals that 50% of the sampled farmers had no formal education, 9.09% had primary education, 28.57% had middle school or junior high education, and 12.34% had secondary or senior high education. 0000009429 00000 n Agrochemicals were introduced to protect crops from pests and enhance crop yields. Marginal effects of ordered logit model and the individual awareness levels. In this study, the maize output refers to the quantity and quality of maize output. Education years were hypothesized to be positively related to maize output. Agrochemicals are a broad term that refers to a variety of chemicals designed to protect plants and crops. The significant differences in the cutoff points indicate that the three categories statistically and significantly differ and hence all the three categories should be included in the model. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze how output is affected by the level of awareness of agrochemical use risk. 68, no. The exposure of farmers to agrochemicals has short term and long term effects [8, 9]. Juxtaposing these findings on the summary statistics of continuous variables shown in Table 4, it is clear that an average number of annual extension visits of 0.416 are too low to actually provide enough information on awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use. It is a confirmation of a research conducted by Gaber and Abdel-Latif [23] which opined that farmers who received school education had more knowledge about the negative effects of pesticides on health. 0000007878 00000 n a) Agrochemicals may alter the pH of the soil. 2, no. Weed controls are essential for maintaining good crop output. The estimated coefficients from an ordered logit model are difficult to interpret because they are in units of log-odds and for easy interpretation, marginal effects associated with each category were generated as shown in Table 6. Examples include Zineb and Sulphur. H. Kuranchie-Mensah, S. M. Atiemo, L. M. N.-D. Palm, S. Blankson-Arthur, A. O. Tutu, and P. Fosu, Determination of organochlorine pesticide residue in sediment and water from the Densu river basin, Ghana, Chemosphere, vol. Thus, the implementation of the act is not followed of late, hence the urgent need to review the safety precautions in pesticides use [11]. Use bait stations for rodent baits that are formulated with food (e.g., peanut butter or grain bait) or place the bait where non-target wildlife cannot get to it. The insignificant influence of income and FBO membership on farmers awareness of health implications of agrochemical use is supported by the work of [7]. Culturally appropriate farmer education and certification programs are needed as well as the development of safe-handling practices, regulatory infrastructure, and adequate agrochemical storage, transport, and waste disposal facilities. Exposure. 2018; 2018: 2874160. . Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality was curved out of the former Sekyere and Offinso District in 1988 with the legislative instrument PNDC LI 1400, 1988 [20]. Excessive utilization of these chemicals generate residues that cause nutrients imbalance and reduction of the yielding capacity of crops. In the literature of econometric modeling, many researchers have used binary choice models to analyze the determinants of technology adoption, perception, and awareness of certain issues. Required fields are marked *. H. Kuranchie-Mensah, P. O. Yeboah, E. Nyarko, and A. 2, pp. Effect on Water. Natural occurring substances (such as pyrethrum) and manufactured organic compounds are two types of contact insecticides. Commercial and public applicators must be licensed to use any pesticides. Topics covered include soil testing, watering, mowing, weed and pest control, fertilizer use, aerating soil, and controlling runoff. B. T. Tawiah, Concentration of organochlorine insecticide residues in tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) fruit: a case study at akumadan in the offinso North district of Ashanti region [Ph.D. thesis], Department of Theoretical and Applied Biology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2013. The excessive use and the misuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers kill organisms that assist in binding the soil together. D. Horna, M. Smale, M. Al-Hassan, R. J. Falck-Zepeda, and S. E. Timpo, Insecticides use on vegetables in ghana: would GM seed benefit farmers? IFPRI Discussion Paper 007855, 2008. 1983).Heavy pesticide use countries in Asia include Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines (Cagauan 1995) and China (Wood et al. Rise in population base, increase in . It has a positive effect on output and hence meets the a priori expectation. Farmers usually apply these hazardous agrochemicals like organochlorines and organophosphate more than the recommended rate or frequency per season. In a situation where the dependent variable is polychotomous and ordered, dichotomous regression models such as LPM, binary probit, or binary logit models are inappropriate. Responsibility extends to effects caused by drift, runoff, or residues. The mean score of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use in the study area was 58% indicating a moderate level of awareness. The IDOA cannot help complainants recover damages. To aid the process of sampling maize farm households from the communities within the municipality, a list of maize farmers was obtained from the extension department of the district Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) office. In general perspectives, agrochemical (pesticides and fertilizer) are used as both protective and productive inputs for maximum productivity. This variable was significant at 1% and positively related to the level of awareness. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Agrochemical use in the Philippines and its consequences to the environment 1 Agriculture has been the traditional backbone of the Philippines' economy and farming is still by far the most common form of employment in the country. The average awareness score of farmers interviewed was 58% indicating that maize farmers in the study area are moderately aware of agrochemical usage and its health implications. Hardcover. M. Parhi, Diffusion of New Technology in Indian Auto Component Industry: An Examination of the Determinants of Adoption, Discussion Paper Series No. There were some cases of harm from misuse of the chemicals. Systemic After entering the roots, the insecticide spreads to exterior parts like as leaves, fruits, twigs, and branches. Agrochemicals are generally recognized as a significant factor in enhancing the ability to meet Ghana's need for sufficient, safe and affordable food and fiber, however, increased usage have led to environmental deterioration. 0000010179 00000 n For example, 70% of herbicide used during the 1980s in Japan was applied to rice (Ishibashi et al. Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, soil conditioners, algaecides, and other agrochemicals are examples. 4, No. This can lessen the growth of antibiotic resistance. The socioeconomic variables included in the Cobb-Douglas production function are labor, farmers awareness levels of health implications of agrochemicals use, age, marital status, household size, years of education, extension contacts, credit, farm size, and quantity of pesticides. Likewise, if a farmer moves from moderate to high levels of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use, his or her maize output will increase by 309kg (3.09 bags) per acre. Ejura-Sekyedumase District Assembly, District Information, 0000002093 00000 n The proportion of herbicides in the overall pesticide load is especially high in arable crops. An agrochemical or agrichemical, a contraction of agricultural chemical, is a chemical product used in industrial agriculture. An ordered logit compliment with multivariate linear regression model was used to identify the drivers of farmers awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use. A 1 percent increase in farm size was found to be associated with a 0.3 percent and 0.5 percent decrease in fertilizer and pesticide use per hectare, respectively. Therefore, the theoretical concept for analyzing the determinants of safety usage of agrochemical is the theory of utility maximization. As the name suggests, the distribution of the logit model is logistic function whereas the probit model has a normal probability distribution. xref The founders, who established Beyond Pesticides (originally as National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides . For example, systemic toxins and Paris green (copper acetoarsenate). Toxicity- It is terms as follows.Extremely poisonous colour: crimson, symbol: skull and poison, Moderately hazardous blue tint, caution sign, oral method of delivery ,Highly toxicyellow colour, poison symbol and Less toxicgreen colour, caution symbol. Follow all requirements on pesticide product labels. agrochemicals safely.The major risk factors related to agrochemical exposure resulted from the misuse of pesticides, including erroneous beliefs of farmers regarding pesticide toxicity, the use of faulty spraying equipment, the lack of proper maintenance of spraying equipment, or the lack of protective gear and appropriate clothing. Pesticides can help to lessen the amount of manual labour required. The results proved to be positively significant at 1%. It was revealed from the ordered logit regression that five out of ten explanatory variables, years of education, the number of children in school, ownership of TV/radio, experience in agrochemicals application, and farm size, were significant variables that influence farmers levels of awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use in the study area. The current industrial agriculture system promotes the reliance on agrochemicals, both synthetic fertilizers and Some label directions specify the maximum wind speed for application. According to Okoffo et al. Extension visit exposes farmers to improve production technologies and proper utilization of farm inputs. HlTKs0WQ*`tLCsizPd+)p/kw{09Rh U]qC 7r2 Table 6 shows the results of the multiple linear regression model. Abstract. The result shows that an increase in the quantity of pesticides by one liter leads to an increase in maize output by 221kg (2.21 bags) holding other factors constant. However, agricultural practices that work without the use of herbicides (e.g., organic farming . They are also returned to the store after partial use at the farm. Pesticides are an important management tool in agricultural production. A reality many people know exists, but one that is not getting enough attention and awareness. Fungicides S. Gaber and S. Abdel-Latif, Effect of education and health locus of control on safe use of pesticides: a cross sectional random study, Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, vol. Contact the department at 217-785-2427 or 1-800-641-3934 (voice and TDD) for more information on licensing requirements. Insecticides are chemicals that are used to kill, damage, repel, or control insects. Dinham [10] reported that about 87% of vegetable farmers use chemical pesticides to control pests and diseases. They can be used to control rusts, mould, mildews, oomycetes, blights, and other fungi that harm plants. On average, the respondents have the moderate awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use (0.578). Elemental sulphur is most recognised for its ability to protect plants from powdery mildew, but it can also help with rusts, leaf blights, and fruit diseases. K. A. Asante and J. W. Ntow, Status of environmental contamination in Ghana, the perspective of a research scientist, in Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry-Environmental Research in Asia, Y. Obayashi, T. Isobe, A. Subramanian, S. Suzuki, and S. Tanabe, Eds., pp. Additionally, 52.6% of the respondents adhere to the recommended dosage while 47.4% do not. Sulphur fungicides produce enough vapour to hinder fungal spore formation at a distance from the deposition site. . In most of the cases, agrochemicals refer to pesticides.[3]. 0000001605 00000 n In Ghana agriculture and public health sectors remain the major contributors of pollutants into the environment. Fungicides are toxic compounds or insecticides that kill or prevent fungus and their spores from growing. Pesticides have contributed to several recent deaths and an untold number of illnesses in Upper East Region of Ghana [16]. Once acomplaintis filed with the Department, a field investigator is assigned the case. Nutrients come in a range of ratios, which may or may not be appropriate for a particular crop. Questionnaires were administered to farmers cultivating vegetables, food, and cash crops under Open-field and Greenhouse managements in respective Production Specification; Organic and Inorganic productions. The amino acid and protein synthesis of herbs and weeds are interrupted, and they are finally killed. Research Explorer. Maize cultivation is dominant compared with other crops with high use of agrochemicals. 0000001181 00000 n The study assessed farmers knowledge in the use of Agrochemicals given their environmental effects such as on water bodies, occupational hazard and safety, disposal, and storage regarding product use. Privacy Policy There is a direct correlation between farmers agrochemicals use practices, the attitude of farmers, and their awareness level of its health effect on them and the environment at large. Due to the irrational use of agrochemicals, the degree of pollution in soil, air, water, and ecosystem as a whole is a big concern for us. Indicative questions for measuring awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. 1, no. Farm size was shown to be significant at 1%. The results indicated that 35.6% had a low level of awareness, 51.4% were moderately aware, and only 13% of the respondents had a high level of awareness (Figure 1). Table 3 shows the summary statistics of some of the variables describing the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents. G. Owusu-Boateng and K. K. Amuzu, A survey of some critical issues in vegetable crops farming along river oyansia in opeibea and dzorwulu, Accra-Ghana, Global Advanced Research Journal of Physical and Applied Sciences, vol. Pesticide application practices, pest knowledge, and cost-benefits of plantain production in the Bribri-Cabcar Indigenous Territories, Costa Rica, A SUSTAINABLE FOOD & AGRICULTURE AGENDA FOR ONTARIO, A GREEN FOOD & AGRICULTURE AGENDA FOR ONTARIO, Perspectives for nano-biotechnology enabled protection and nutrition of plants, Plantation agriculture in the tropics Environmental issues, Sustainability Analysis of Ecological and Conventional Agricultural Systems in Bangladesh, NIGERIA'S SMALL SCALE FARMERS' AGROCHEMICAL USE THE HEALTH AND SAFETY IMPLICATIONS INTRODUCTION, Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa, Regional carbon footprint analysis of dairy feeds for milk production in the USA, Farmers perception towardes organic and chemichal fertilizer, A Study on Pesticide Effects to the Rice Farmers and to the Environment in Kolambugan and Maigo, Lanao del Norte, Perceptions of Farmers' and Farmworkers' Wives on the Use and Hazards of Agrochemicals in Rural Vellore, Science for agriculture and rural development in the South, Assessing the factors of adoption of agrochemicals by plantain farmers in Ghana, Assessment of farming practices and uses of agrochemicals in Lake Manyara basin, Tanzania, Agrochemicals and Chronic Kidney Disease of Multi-Factorial Origin (CKDmfo): An Environmentally Induced, Occupational Exposure Disease, Use of Agrochemicals in West Bengal: Perspectives from the Field, Conventional Food Plot Management in an Organic Coffee Cooperative: Explaining the Paradox, Assessing Benefits and Costs of Commercial Banana Production in the Philippines, Impact of Chemical Fertilizer on Agriculture of Hijli Mouza of North 24 Parganas in West Bengal, Journal of Agricultural Studies, Vol. Variety of chemicals designed to protect crops from pests and diseases, and distortions the... 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