Even a stranger couldnt mix up with those directions, let alone a local who knows the area. No clues. I just wanted to include this theory here as its just as likely as the other theory and they are both similar in nature. If you have any information related to the disappearance of Kenneth Edward. The basics are this: Brandon was in a fight with his long term girlfriend, Ladessa, and . Some people do have very strong ideas about what happened, but I suppose until any more evidence comes to light, these are just ideas and theories. 9 Brandon Swanson. Its a good question, as potentially that wouldve ruled out a lot of scenarios. Could it be possible that a police officer pulled up to him ,and turned on his lights, and perhaps Brandon had been drinking a little or possibly had some illegal substance on him, so he comments oh shit and hangs up on his father, becouse he doesnt want the father to hear witness to the exchange between himself and the police, and i know the odds are one in a million but history shows us it has happened before, what if Brandon encountered a bad cop, with bad and deadly intentions. Im a writer, author, wife, and animal lover. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Brandon Swanson accidentally fell into the river. Brookelyn had made arrangements to stay at a friends house after the party, but the friend ended up going off to a boys house. If you look at google maps, you see that al the rivers have an ending, so if he was drowned in the river they had find him already. Would love to see what the police unofficially thought happened. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. I couldnt imagine the pain of that. The Beatles. I shed light on unsolved mysteries and shocking crimes. IntoxicationIts not believed that Brandon Swanson was drunk at the time of his disappearance. I was even lucky to find Haases report and read somethings that are not in the handful of net reports. Thanks for your comment. Brandon Swanson would never be seen again. Brandon Swanson, 19, was last seen on 5/14/08 in Canby, Minnesota. To summarise the video, Annette confirms that after the oh shit! from her son the phone line didnt cut off. It has been named Brandons Law. Words can cut u too the bone, and are hard to forgive. If something dangerous was imminent, it seems unlikely that Brandon would actually hang up the phone. An approximate distance of 4 km. The vehicle was stuck in a shallow ditch as Brandon had claimed. At 11 AM things got even odder, when Melissa received a series of very strange text messages from Matthew. The son couldnt have been sober if he didnt know the area he was in if he lived there his life. The well idea could be possible, although I would imagine that it would have been found during one of the searches. Brandon left the party around . Now once again came across it in more detail and it was the study. He told them that he was near the town of Lynd, Minnesota. I would love to see the cell phone records, if any cellphone tracking happened and the results, and any lie detector or witness testimony of the parents whereabouts that night. I think he could have suffered a head injury in the crash and became very confused about what was happening. He planned to eventually enroll in a four-year university and have a career in the sciences. An equally spooky case also comes from 2013, and concerns 26-year-old oil worker Brandon Lawson, of San Angelo, Texas. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. GPS/Location trackers on cellphones at the time also could have been used, a simple google search would have gave him an option to locate his location. At time of writing six years later there is still no evidence or even a trace indicating what happened. These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone call, surely they would have time to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? It doesnt sound like it. Can anyone shed some light on this paragraph? On the theory that Brandon might have drowned, boats from the state's Department of Natural Resources were deployed along the river, and gates were installed. He seems to have just vanished into thin air. Swanson has never been heard from again. I have a very hard time believing this due to the very little FACTS we do know! His car was found abandoned in a ditch with the car doors open and keys missing. Was he walking on the road or through fields? My first thought when I heard the initial story was that he was walking toward lights and then said, Oh Shit, I thought it was aliens/extra-terrestrials. How close was he to his family? Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. Dail is a white female with brown hair and brown eyes. after reading all the facts n stuff, my conclusion is this, i think hes being watched/followed at the time he recked his car. I dont live in the area (or in the states) but after looking on google maps, about where his car was found (Lyon Lincoln road, Porter/Taunton highw 68). He was the one who took his wife home, while he dealt with Brandon. just leaves me feeling weird but fascinated at the same time. Pingback: Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day Geeks Facts, Pingback: The Smalls Lighthouse Tragedy | angelomarcos. Brandon Swanson accidentally fell into the riverBased on the information we have, this has to be the most logical theory that explains Swansons disappearance. The operator asks Brandon if he needs any medical assistance, to which he responds No, I need the cops. The unidentified background noise gets louder and the call cuts off as the operators further questions get no response. I believe like most 19 year old college students he was drinking. His car was found 1 1/2 miles from Rt. One of the letters draws a connection to the Brandon Swanson Disappearance which led to . Then, at approximately 12:54 Brandon Lawson would make a very odd call to 911. The next morning, the police were notified, and a delayed search for Brandon Swanson began, assisted by helicopters, volunteers, and dogs. I know what you mean, I tend to think that the expletive would imply that there was some kind of foul play involved, and there definitely could be a lot of twists and turns concerning just what actually happened. How far was it from where they found his car to his home? Although in saying that, if anybody is going to be skilled at removing evidence, then a police officer would obviously know what they were doing. I therefore do not rule out other motives which might be at play here. This mysterious disappearance hinges on the fact that Mr. Parfitt, who went missing in the 1760s, was unable to walk or get around on his own. He's described as being six feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. Brandon died of hypothermia after falling into the Yellow Medicine River. It has been named Brandons Law. Subsequent searches over the years have also failed to find any clue as to what happened to Brandon Swanson, with all tips that have come forward likewise leading nowhere, and he has seemingly vanished into thin air. Everything I say is a guess, of course, but in May in Minnesota, that river was probably freezing. There are people on this earth that hang out near highway backroads hiding, with nothing more to do but ruin someone elses day etc. Im pretty sure his Oh sh comment was made when he came to the realization that he was not where he thought he was, he probably didnt pick up the phone when his father called for the very same reason, justifying that his father would be mad if he found out hed been driving for almost three hours now looking for him in a spot where he wasnt, he tried to make his way home on his own, but being intoxicated with impaired judgement one of two things could have happened: A.) Marisa loves conspiracy theories, Ethan knows nothing about them. After getting to the location which he had described, they started flashing the cars headlights so that Brandon could start walking towards them. But it still interesting, he hasnt shown up at all. [24] La Contemplation du mystre. Dont worry, what youve written doesnt come across as rude or offensive. If aliens took him away, there would be no trace of him or his phone. And if he was picked up by someone, surely he would tell his dad, who he was on the phone with at the time? As he was unable to get his car ack on the road, he called him parents for a ride. (And if he was drunk for instance, then its likely that his parents would have picked up on this over the phone). He ended up instead heading over to stay with his brother Kyle after getting a call from Ladessa and arguing some more. Brandon Lawson, 26, vanished along a desolate stretch of State Highway 277 outside of San Angelo, Texas which is about 250 mile southwest of Dallas on Aug. 9, 2013, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.On Friday, those closest to Lawson announced that a private team of . As a crime writer I find this case fascinating and disturbing, and I have looked at countless theories around what happened that night. And the names of the villages are all different (Canby, Lynd, Taunton, Porter), so no one can mix up those names no matter how drunk or high one is! Pingback: Brandon Swanson Sleuth Be Told. Hi my name is Chris, and I was looking for feedback on Brandon Swanson case. Could the dad call Brandons phone and then answer it himself to make it appear as if Brandon answered the call? Imo the mystery starts here.Why would Brandon tell he is in Lynd? Not only was Brandon in contact with his brother, Kyle, moments before he disappeared, but they were also in the same area, possibly yards apart. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Lincoln County Sheriff's Department The oh, shit makes you belive he was taken by surprise or a sudden realization struck him. In addition, some comments I have seen from the mother include that she felt very early on before the first 24 hours were up that something terribly wrong had happened and You know, Im not sure Brandon is going to be found in my lifetime. These are just not the normal kind of things mothers say about their missing children. His frantic parents continued the search but were unable to find him. My dad had said some mean things to me, and I left four 5 years before speaking to them. Usually in a situation like this close relatives would be the first to be questioned/ruled out, so I assume that his father was, although as you say there isnt much information on this at all so its not actually that clear. We know that the phone call kept going until eventually Annette and Brian hung up to try to call Brandon back, would the sound of running water not have been picked up on the call, or the sound of something falling into the water? 19-year-old Brandon Swanson disappeared in the early hours of the 14th of May 2008 whilst driving home in Minnesota, USA. Book Author Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. Authorities were also a bit perplexed, as the route Brandon had been traveling was very familiar to him and that he had always taken a very specific route to and from school each day, so it was a mystery as to how he could have gotten so hopelessly lost and how his car had ended up so far off of that path. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. Given his location, it could have been slightly more likely than my other explanations. Forty-seven minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed, Oh shit! and the line went dead. That wouldve at least told what cell tower the phone last hit. I dont know where you read what you typed but it is all wrong, he stayed with his car at first and then at 2:23am his dad called him back and spoke to him for 47 minutes, that is when he said he would walk to what he thought was the town of Lynd. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. The March 15, 2015 report was for a different Swanson in Florida. In all of these cases we have been left with cryptic messages from people who have seemingly just evaporated into thin air. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved completely within one year. Maybe Brandon is in an entirely different location than we know. Required fields are marked *. Either they killed the kid for some reason and made up this story.or the kid thought the whole thing out made his parents believe he was looking for them and said oh shit hung up the phone and just took of on his own . Loads of missing people that disappeared without a trace are found later, sometimes much later, in a body of water or bed,even. kidnappers knew this. When Brookelyn did not show up for an appointment the next day and did not answer any calls or texts they contacted authorities. Matthew then left at around 4:30 AM, and this is where things get weird. I would love to get more police report related information about this case. If he hung up, that says a lot. Even his schoolfriends of the party where he went before missing, do they even search in his local network to find more evidence?? The 47 min. This requires police in Minnesota to begin immediate searches for missing adults under the age of 21, as well as any older adults who have been reported missing where there are suspicious circumstances. His frantic parents continued the search but were unable to find him. It was determined that there was no evidence at all that he had met with foul play or that he had had any desire to want to suddenly run away. There have been what might be called supernatural explanations put forward about what happened, and without any evidence to the contrary its difficult to really argue against any of them. From what Ive read there hasnt been any link made between the smiley face murders and Brandon Swanson, although its possible that this is something that is being investigated. Also, is there access to the SARS report? The parents went out to go get him like he had requested, but soon found that his car was not where he had said it was, near a small town called Lynd. It was posted 12 days ago The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Lab-Grown Human Mini Brains Are Being Developed for Biocomputers, Strange Accounts of Dwarf Aliens and their Apocalyptic Messages from Mexico, Heres How You Can Study One of the Largest Collections of Sasquatch Footprint Castings Online. the father said he heard a slipping sound near the oh shit, which isn my opinion is his body getting tossed/manhandled around by the kidnappers. . http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/local/2015/03/15/jso-body-found-inside-submerged-vehicle-in-southside/2481619/. His case remains unsolved. I wonder if he didnt plan to runaway and start life new somewhere. Why/How could the mom just go home? He walked according to the average walking speed/hour. The lights he saw were probably car headlights in the far distance of drug dealers conducting business and he walked up on them not realizing it until it was too late. Among the many mysterious vanishings out there, a few of them have left behind very chilling clues that only serve to make them even more ominous and frightening. As a crime writer, I do a lot of research into real life crimes and unsolved cases. Yes, that is another mystery. How was it that he could be so wrong on his whereabouts? 68 west of Taunton, MN..Knowing Rt. Note: As a result of these events, a new law has been introduced. It would be even worse out in the middle of nowhere where there are no lights, it is literally black all around when you are out in the area where he was. . near the end of his call with his dad, someone comes up behind him and and grabs his phone, at the same time brandon says oh shit, then the kidnapper ends the call on the phone. Whether or not it was his intention. Im actually planning a blog post about them too. Instead, it sounds like something added to give the impression of something happening, rather than something actually happening. The sheriffs' office obtains Brandon's cell phone records and it revealed that he had been calling from the vicinity of Taunton, 25 miles from Lynde. I just to talk while i have the chance. After this there is no response to further panicked messages from Melissa asking if he is alright and where he is. He called his Dad at 1230 and said he was walking towards a lit town (Which he thought was lynd). Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. [] so often I come across a case (such as the disappearance of Brandon Swanson) that I absolutely cannot get out of my head sometimes because of the how, sometimes []. I know the city like the back of my hand. What happened to Brandon when he mysteriously disappeared while on the . This boy is missed in an area of approximately 20/30 miles, that to me feels realy realy weird, and never i find such an odd missing case like that of Brandon. But it still interesting, he called him parents for a different Swanson in Florida further panicked from... 1 1/2 miles from Rt about their missing children spooky case also from... Matthew then left at around 4:30 AM, and i have the chance that River was probably freezing know city. To the Brandon Swanson disappeared in the sciences six years later there is no response author. While he dealt with Brandon Taunton, MN.. Knowing Rt panicked messages from Melissa asking if he needs medical... In Marshall, Minnesota the one who took his wife home, while dealt. No trace of him or his phone that are not in the early hours of the draws... No, i need the cops be that Brandon dropped the phone last hit texts... 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