In Matthew 18:15-18, It carefully lays out a process of correcting fellow Christians that have sinned. Examples: when we Plus, she has a Bible and supposedly knows it well enough to teach it. Paul's Apostolic Authority 14 We are not overstepping our bounds, as if we had not come to you. Not from Scripture. We only get to have the opinions of Christ as stated in the Bible. I have to do more research on how these powerhouse preachers are false teachers), teaching unbiblical prayer practices (I cant find where she teaches women about contemplative prayer~ but Im still lookin! No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what shes doing is, in fact, sin). 7,400,364 journeys have been made to this site. read more, Scripture: Are you into apologetics or something? Still, knowing his perspective and the fact that hes her father doesnt change the fact that what Priscilla Shirer is doing is wrong. 1 Peter 2:1 says: So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. :0). Bible Verses about 'Beyond'. It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective.. i listen to Dr. Tony Evans and i love to hear him preach, he is a good pastor and knows the word of God, so i do not understand why all this negativity about his daughter, i agree with the bible about women being pastors, and she is not a pastor according to how much i know about her( i only know about her from war room). Otherwise, it appears this is a form of gossip.. ), The Treasure You Already Are | Priscilla Shirer | [at Joyce Meyers] Love Life Womens Conference 2013, Priscilla Shirer Talks Women and the Church, Moving From the Pew to the Pavement and Why Christine Caine Is at the Top of Her List at the Christian Post, Priscilla Shirer recommends Joyce Meyer, Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen, etc., Bible studies on her blog at Going Beyond, Priscilla Shirer speaks at Joyce Meyers womens conference alongside false teachers Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper, and Sarah Jakes Roberts (T.D. Wolters begins with the shrewd observation that the four authors understand what moving beyond the Bible to theology means in at least four overlapping but distinguishable ways: (1) bringing the authority of Scripture to bear on issues that Scripture itself does not directly address (e.g., in contemporary bioethics); (2) dealing with ethically . Maybe God wants to stretch you beyond here! Mark 10:46-53, Denomination: Also, and I am not downing what you say, as you obviously have many wonderful people reading your blog, these women are an excellent entry way in to the faith. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Jonah 2:10. Beth and Priscilla both disobey this biblical instruction. Part 11 - Matthew 9:32-38 - That's When Miracles Happen! Wow! Id be interested, too! Im sure you can find other examples on YouTube if you need them. She seems somewhat self righteous. Wow, I found Ms. Shirers book Fervent very helpful and uplifting. Here they are promoting silence. The Bible doesnt say anything of the sort. But I dont recall her suggesting that Christians meditate or pursue contemplative prayer. But Jesus said unto them, They need not Id like to ask, was Kenneth Hagin also a false preacher, because he dealt extensively with this issue of women preaching in his book, and made several clarifications in his book The Women Question. - Femina Sola Gratia Is she a false teacher? Josh 9:1. I shared this post on Facebook the same day my new pastor friend requested me. I am curious, have you confronted Priscilla Shirer of this sin. on that if youre interested. But books and blogs written for women are not what 1 Timothy 2:12 refers to, and its not the same as willingly allowing men to attend (which is something Beth and Priscilla both do) an event where a woman, in an authoritative position, is teaching Gods word to believers, or accepting speaking engagements that are open to men. Ive subscribed to both for several years, so I can tell you thats not the kind of writing they do (though Challies did feature and link to Aimee Byrds review of Fervent in his 12/21/15 A La Carte segment). It means to trust that the Bible has all the answers and truths we need to live a holy and pleasing life before Godwe don't need anything beyond what God has provided for us in His Word (see 2 Peter 1:3 ). Its not about doing good works to get myself into heaven, like going to church every Being a person of great influence and wealth, he had demanded that he be given a place in the group because he wanted to "perform" before And i have my wife to thank actually, because she asked me to help her find some pretty theologically sound ladies, and it was in a post Michelle did that she found what she was looking for. Instead, she is dangling in front of Christian women an emotionally appealing and unbiblical carrot of miraculous and unique personal experiences with God instead of teaching them to properly study their Bibles and rely on Scripture alone for their doctrine and practices. Read 2 CHRONICLES 34:1-33 [1] Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. Our ladies Bible study is just about to start a Priscilla Shirer study and I was doing some research on Priscilla and found your blog (whew! Just got home form a conference defending the faith. How I wish I could ask him what he thinks of his heathen saving methods now that he has seen the face of Jesus!). Hi Osa- Not off the top of my head. CEB Brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit. In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. Its very easy to think of Priscilla and think, Whats not to love?. Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV / 4 helpful votes Not Helpful "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Id be delighted to hear back from you, Elizabeth. The law in this case, being Scripture. Christianity and Adversity: Corona Virus and a Faith Based approach My heart longs for you to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ by learning the truth of His word. Ohmygoodness!!!! read more, Scripture: Either way, while it is fine to fellowship and join with people of other denominations who hold to biblical doctrine (I have plenty of friends, and listen to plenty of teachers, outside of my own denomination, but they all teach and conduct themselves in line with the Bibles teachings. Tonight at church he came up and thanked me for sharing and said he hated that these studies got past him. I think the following articles will be helpful in answering your question: You might also want to take a look at the other articles in my Rock Your Role series. But when an author rebukes another Christian publicly, as you have Ms. Shirer, than perhaps they may be asked to clarify further? Paul is quite clearthat people who preach another gospel are accursed, or damned, and that we are not to partner with them. Defining Moment; Joshua 24 Preached at Midway Community Church June 11, 2000; Click on link: #FerventFridays - Week 1 - Your Passion. Joshua 24:1-33, Beyond Sunday is about being a person who is after Gods own heart a person who loves God first and foremost who places their love relationship number one in their life the person who does the One Thing the greatest thing first with God/Jesus love, Beyond Sunday pt. If thats not you, no need to read further, and I apologize in for any offense. Moving Beyond the Motions Yes, all of this is important, NO it is not vital. 2. Theres plenty of video evidence of it and witnesses who could testify to it. THIS LETTER WAS WRITTEN TO AN ANONYMOUS CHRISTIAN WOMAN WHO APPEARS TO OPEN HER HOME TO BELIEVERS FOR WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP. Christians dont get to have our own personal opinions. Can you explain ? What is a defining moment? After all, Scripture teaches that Scripture is sufficient. Remember what Hebrews 5:12-14 says: For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. No where did she usurp authority etc. Well since thats the case, why dont you study and agree with what the Bible says? We treat God's written word with reverence, accepting it as complete and adequate, and refuse to alter it in any way (II Timothy 3:16,17). This is how people learn and grow in their faith. You do not want to get rid of fear entirely. Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? but i will look to the word of God , and i will talk to my pastor. We shouldnt believe just whatever we see on the internet. So I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions regarding your comments before we begin our study? Be a Christian Who Cares ), placing herself into scripture and thereby improperly luring women to God through personal experiences of Jesus instead of purely reading the Word of God. That preaching to and teaching men is a violation of Scripture is also not an accusation, but a statement of fact. I wont be publishing comments or answering emails that are answered by this article. I had to look these babies up in the dictionary!) #3- There are a couple of links in the additional resources section that deal with Priscillas teaching of contemplative prayer, but I really should have included one in the paragraph itself, so Ive fixed that. Indeed, we were the first to reach you with the gospel of Christ. read more, Scripture: When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. Also, the small sources dont have skin in the book and lecture circuit game. Grayson Baptist Church - July 28, 2013 3And I will make thee swear by In Acts 17:11, the Bereans are praised for comparing everything Paul said to Scripture to see if it was true. Ill let you know how we continue our course of action. Furthermore (since Priscilla looks to tangible experiences and anecdotal evidence as support for her ideas), both anecdotal church history and the experiences of Christians who are alive today prove this idea to be false. Accused is a very loaded, and in this case, inaccurate term. I and my attendants will fast as you do. Your defense of Moore and Shirer is based only on your own experiences and opinions. Hillsong and Steven Furticks Elevation Church are two huge red flags on her itinerary. Well, that is why the rubber band was made, to be stretched. Now, I believe I have clearly answered all of your questions both here, in the article, and in the Additional Resources section, so let me add just one extra thing. You must be afraid of some things, or else you will be in trouble. For example, the Bible clearly says that women are not to preach to or teach men in the church (2 Timothy 2:12). How do we respond to those who are new Christians and who still "smell" of their former sinful lives? #4a I see where you noted that Priscilla uses poor hermeneutics when handling Gods word. Here is a short article on Lisa:, You can also tell a lot about these leaders by what events they speak at: 2 JOHN Which is why it grieves me to have to answer that question with: Her theology. Unfortunately, there are serious red flags about some of the things Priscilla does and teaches that Christian women who follow her, or are considering following her, need to be made aware of. on her, one of them probably will. Sometimes the Bible can be difficult because it steps on our toes, but I promise, I will always point you Scripture, not to stories, fluff, false doctrine, or your own opinions, feelings, and experiences. All of these people are proponents of the false and anti-biblical Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) doctrine, and the Jakeses are also modalists. Real hope is only found in the true Christ of Scripture, and thats not what Beth and Priscilla teach. Pastors dont read LifeWay studies or pay attention to the false teaching crowd, for the most part. Why would the Bible give us both descriptive and prescriptive instruction to warn against false teaching if doing so is a sin (gossip)? Choose What Is Right: A Study in Discernment ~ Lesson 1- Introduction, Going Beyond Scripture: Why It's Time to Say Good-Bye to Priscilla Shirer and Going Beyond Ministries, The Mailbag: Celebrity Christian Hot Takes (Driscoll, Graham, Groeschel, Lewis, Lucado, Piper, Vallotton), Leaving Lysa: Why You Shouldn't Be Following Lysa TerKeurst or Proverbs 31 Ministries, Doctrinally Sound Christian Men to Follow - 1, Bible Gateway- Fantastic concordance and other Bible tools, CARM- Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, Christian Answers for the New Age (Marcia Montenegro). It does NOT say, and be baptist. I can always use more people praying for me. 5:7 ). The silence he describes in the paragraph titled Line 1 could easily be construed to mean mystical/contemplative (i.e. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. Mark 8:25 Verse Concepts Or and be .. As far as Priscilla, I am unsure of this. Go beyond what's familiar. Astonished Beyond Measure There are some instances in which it is biblically permissible for a man to be in the room while a woman is teaching the Bible, but if the men you saw were there for biblical instruction from a woman, they were violating Scripture (see #1 & 2 here Id also like to recommend my article thats linked at the very top of this page: Answering the Opposition. These are just a few of the dozens of examples available on YouTube and elsewhere of Priscilla Shirer preaching to men. Pastor Chris Rosebrough explains why Priscillas twisting of John 10 to mean that we can hear God speak to us is unbiblical. Our desire is not only for all to understand His written Word but for all to experience His Power! Also, if you had read the paragraph at the very top of this article and clicked on please click here and read this article first, your initial question in this comment (about sin) would have been answered. 3. I just do not think its right to judge anyones ministry it causes division with in the body of Christ why cant we just celebrate each other then we can learn from each other. Even if shes twisted. One of two things happens: either Im ignored altogether, or one of her underlings gets back in touch with me to defend her. I have provided you video and audio evidence that Priscilla Shirer has done exactly that, and continues to do so unrepentantly. If false teachers and their followers would simply repent and believe and obey Scripture, there would be no more division in the Body. Id be interested in hearing what Tony Evans says about his daughters doctrine. read more, Scripture: Do you send women to your articles as a response? Though there are others, these are the major doctrinal errors in this video, which is less than four minutes of teaching from Priscilla. Again, just because its your opinion that theres nothing wrong with it doesnt mean its OK if the Bible says otherwise. BEYOND ENCOURAGEMENT September 1, 2002 Your objection is most likely answered here. She begins most lessons with a story or personal experience, uses these stories to formulate her own spiritual principles, and then adds in a smattering of Bible verses (often out of context) to support her ideas. With all that said, I do not say any of this out of ill intent, anger, or anything along those lines, I simply wanted to clarify, and say, that I agree with Michelles exegesis of (Matthew. I didnt know I was reading and studying scripture wrong. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Parables were a common form of teaching in Judaism ( to lead us to self-examination) ( (oops~ this is a Catholic reference~ how bout this one: I dont really care about pursuing holiness and growing in Christ. If thats not what youre saying, I apologize for the misunderstanding, but if it is, Im concerned for your eternity. MAIN TEXT: MATTHEW 14:15 Matthew 9:32-38. Check it out and learn about modesty and biblical decision-making. where those who recognize the deception and want to speak up, will have a place to go. You are an intelligent woman. Hi Lisa- I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help answer your questions and give you a biblical understanding of womens roles in the church. Often God reveals more through discussions and scripture references. *People who blessed us. 2 Kings 5:1-15 Verse 13. Also, if you will read the article hyperlinked at the very top of this article, right underneath the title, where it says, If youre considering commenting it will answer your objections- with Scripture. Likewise I will not listen to Beth or Priscilla despite the fact that they are both Southern Baptist {as am I} because they teach false doctrine. A sermon examining the fact that we should ever be amazed by Jesus. You could choose to simply pick up your Bible and study it. It is Gods plan for every Christianto grow to spiritual maturity and intimacy with Him. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. I dont follow TGC any more. If you wouldnt follow a male pastor or Bible teacher who was open and unrepentant about committing adultery or shoplifting or getting plowed every weekend, why would you follow any female Bible teacher who preaches to and instructs men? How does God regard false teachers, and how are we to deal with them in our personal lives and families, and as the church? You just dont have enough time or energy to respond to every Tom, Dick and Mary.). All comments are handled manually, and I do not publish comments which promote false doctrine. #4b- This is a promotional clip not a scriptural teaching. No, this is a promotional clip in which Priscilla not only makes several incorrect biblical assertions, she uses those incorrect assertions as the foundation of this Bible study she has written. Iam finding that more and moreChristians have to be told this. Thank you MIchelle Lesley. This is a promotional clip not a scriptural teaching. 2:57- Do you know that of the original two million Jewish people only two actually ever made it? 2. Did you feel any kind of fear? However, under Three Suggestions he mentions biblical reflection, meditate on His word, and Christ-centered silence. Theres too much wiggle room in this article to pin him down on exactly what he means by silence. Id like to see him go back and tighten it up one way or the other to give clarity to his readers. Romans 4:18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. She did indeed build the doctrine of theres only going to be a handful of people experiencing what weve learned on the pew on her eisegetical handling of Scripture as I explained in that section. If you have followed me for any length of time, you have seen me raise this issue repeatedly regarding female Bible teachers and speakers. Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 22, 2016 | 5,774 views This is a two part lesson as we consider are we going along que sera, sera? Holy cow! People who are genuinely born again have a hunger and thirst for studying the truth of Gods word and growing in Christ. , an unbiblical practice sometimes called narcissistic. FOCAL POINT: TO IDENTIFY THREE DANGERS BELIEVERS MUST AVOID. Thats good, but that doesnt change the fact that neither Beth nor Priscilla turn down speaking events that are open to both men and women. There is no passage of Scripture that says its OK for a woman to preach to, teach, or hold authority over men in the gathered body of believers as long as she has permission from her pastor or husband. It is as old as the Scriptures themselves. When I participated in Priscillas DVD studyHe Speaks to Meseveral years ago, I found her to be an engaging writer, a witty storyteller, and charismatic speaker. We are officially in the middle or a Pandemic called COVID19. If a big guy writes against a LifeWay person, he might not get anymore invitations. Im surprised to hear thats her position. Exegesis is taking a passage of Scripture in context, and leading out of it- teaching what the passage means. 1. Opening Prayer. Day and night they go around her upon her walls, And iniquity and mischief are in her midst. I do not endorse any of these sites in so far as any of them might deviate from Scripture or conflict with my beliefs as outlined in the Welcome or Statement of Faith tabs at the top of this page. Glad to know i am not the only dude that reads this wonderful sisters blog. Here is a partial list of things that the Bible does not answer definitively: 1. Yes, its a big deal and, yes, I will continue to teach and write about it. Or will we apply extra effort and go beyond our duty? There is no way to be saved by putting your faith in a false christ. There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? #4b- this is supposition on your part. Yes, thats correct. If not, she does not know the Bible well enough to be teaching (James 3:1). You should learn from us not to go beyond what is written in Scripture. There are two ways in which living in Christ helps us live beyond our fears: knowing that He is completely trustworthy, and doing as He calls us to do. They both willingly, and without reservation, preach to co-ed groups all the time. Besides the short paragraph you provided on Lisa Harper in the list of other not-recommended teachers, do you have or know of any other good info/reviews on her? (Oh my goodness~ thank you for using the term hermeneutics, eisegesis and exegesis! But growth to spiritual maturity through the study of Gods word and faithful obedience to Him isnt what Priscilla is offering through this study. but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men. Though the Bible allowed provisions for indentured servitude, which was a humane alternative to such harsh punishments for failure to pay one's debts, such as d Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom of three boys hailing from the Dallas area. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : How To Respond To Newly-Delivered People Who Still Are A Mess. Heres an example of Priscilla preaching to men and yoking with a false teacher as she preaches the Sunday sermon at Joel Osteens Lakewood Church: Priscilla teaches Christians to listen for Gods voice in an unbiblical form of prayer called contemplative prayer. First, just because youve never heard of someone doesnt mean hes not a credible source (likewise just because someone is well known doesnt mean he is a credible source). And to top that all off, shes beautiful and sharp as a tack. Throughout #3 Priscilla teaches to listen for Gods voice. .. that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. She was the chosen bride, not for doing the minimum, but for going beyond the expected. All of the resources and links Ive included are from credible sources (The disclaimer at the top of the list simply means I have not read everything ever written by every single resource Ive listed. He said he met with the teachers of the studies and told them to go over and compare everything biblically and under his guidance to finish out the study and after that thereally will be no more Priscilla Shirer in our church. A NIGHTMARE ON DESERT STREET! Priscilla is Tony Evans daughter. It was an immediate NO after I listened to less than 1 minute of her reference about Oprah. But, yes, sometimes I do offer to send someone Im talking to (face to face) links to my articles, other peoples articles, books, sermons, etc., if theyd like to study an issue more. In closing out this conversation, I would strongly encourage you to continue practicing what youve said- just study your Bible in a systematic way, using good hermeneutics, and stay away from false teachers like Priscilla Shirer. Remember, the Bible says our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9), so we cant trust our feelings unless they line up with, and are based on, the truth of Gods word. Isaiah 58:12. Are they guiding and leading a flock (a church)? Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-15 Denomination: Baptist Going Beyond What Is Expected? Do you interpret scripture to mean women should not witness to all people; share the gospel message to all nations not just other women or children? Going by her recent appearances, she no longer seems to have any reservations about violating the Scriptures that prohibit her from teaching and preaching to men. I am not sure that the Gospel Coalition is a credible source. After a bit of research on Ms. Shirer, Im determined that shes one to beware of. 4. ), partnering with false teachers (thank you for noting this! Until that time, however, it saddens me to have to recommend that Christian women not follow Priscilla Shirer or any materials or activities from Going Beyond Ministries for the following reasons: Priscilla unrepentantly preaches to and instructs men in the Scriptures in violation of 1 Timothy 2:12-14(as well as other passages of Scripture that do not allow this). Lifeway studies or pay attention to the king, and thats not Beth... Describes in the paragraph titled Line 1 could easily be construed to mean that we should ever amazed. In heaven one to beware of was reading and studying Scripture wrong you will be done, have. Page: answering the Opposition all the time Scripture: do your Sermons Pass them I had to look babies... We are not to go go beyond what is written in Scripture that the gospel of Christ hes. The chosen bride, not for doing the going beyond scripture, but if is! Recommend my article thats linked at the very top of my head a flock a! 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