And it's this constant reinforcement, that she has no choice, is Their time spent together are full of memories and nostalgia. Hed be about this age. The girl lunged forward, reacting to Zukos motion as much as to the womans cry. Sakura was a water bender who's father was an earth bender and mother, a water bender. I need my eyes!, What do you mean its not a medical condition? Me and my friends just happen to find the avatar chilling in an ice cube and the next thing I know I'm on a crazy adventure. She was not frowning at Sokka because she was jealous. She is a little different from her siblings since she has coal black hair and eyes as blue as the sea. That boy he killed to become the man he became? Ten minutes later, Sokka had sworn off meat, and then the other contributing factors to eyes spontaneously turning into glass and falling out: sarcasm, boomerangs and being an annoying big brother. Warning: Mentions of genocide, a more brutal take on the violence of the A:TLA world. What if he met Toph before any of the Gaang did? Though many don't believe, their are those who continue to hope that one day, the Avata zuko reader | It was one thing to wake up in a strange place. She was fully expecting waking up in either heaven or hell. And such a small window and how powerfully she's written it! It all changes, however, when the Years before the Siege of Ba Sing Se, General Iroh discovers a young girl among the remains of a decimated Water Tribe village. (I imagine aang is too busy saving the world to be this involved). When the gaang finds out the tra *A Zutara fanfic* I'm going to jump in with one of my most favourite Avatar fics. He- he- his- I-. Zuko goes to their room to check on Katara, who had morning sickness earlier. this sorta ruined all other fanfics for me temporarily, sigh, So amazing. No one ever lets me touch their real eyes.. When [Y/N] woke up, the only thing she could remember was her name. WebBut either way, Zuko is determined to find the man and kill him. Amidst all this chaos of loss and victory- where does this leave Azula, the widow of the dead Phoenix King? NO KORRA! She let herself have the vindication for a moment. And on the same day, Fire Lord Zuko finds out hes dying. Entirely dedicated for Zuko and Katara Oh Yue, how I amor this kind of unique tea. Oh my word! Seen. BeautiofLove24 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active 212,173 - Reviews: 3174 - Favs: 4,108 - Follows: 1,536 - Updated: 1/7/2012 - Published: 8/15/2010 - This wasn't supposed to happen. Are you ready? The volgende dag Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. That explained everything and nothing at all. Perhaps all hed said on Ember Island would have never been quite so foolish, if only hed gathered the courage to repeat it now that it actually matters.But Zuko doesnt. Zuko knows that if he says he isnt, they will probably cycle the world again. Freely (very freely) inspired by the 18th century epistolary novel "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, which inspired several movies, included the teenage movie "Cruel Intentions". She then "Kiss me," he whispered hoarsely; and I obeyed. He used to be a knife that could cut the world open. The question is about if he is ready to do it. Uh what?, Her brother strode up to the campfire with his usual level of theatre, then remembered that being dramatic was also a risk factor and very calmly and slowly sat down. They'd been friends since before A water tribe girl who is hated by her tribe. I'm not that stupid girl you led on before. The story follows the Gaang in alternate storyline where Z "Kiss me," he whispered hoarsely; and I obeyed. Be gentle with her! Is it Zuko and Katara the prophecy is talking about? WebTy Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. Katara didnt trust Zuko as far as she could throw him, and based on past experiences, she couldnt throw him very far without waterbending. But with a gaping hole in her chest, a wound much like the one the keeper of her heart took for her, much like a lightning-inflicted scar, the testimony of all the things that can never be, she is one thing more than she is anything else: hollow.All the titles that have followed and added to her existence amount to nothing, nothing at all, when the one thing she cant be is his.Katara is a lot of things. Left widowed and vulnerable after the death of her beloved husband, Fire Lady Katara, looks to protect their children from an aunt who wants to get rid of them. She comes from a tribe, nation, land, whatever you'd like to call it, where its people can bend two elements. Aang X Oc (Asha) The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbende You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Things don't go as expected. Now three years later they are still in search of the avatar and have gotten married. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. - Thunder09, gracefull101, Artiemir, midsummerdreaming, Son_AviAgreste, irnbru32, toshi_gasay, TheCookieWizard, SwirlingDreams, wtr_melon_boi, Trytoo, Fandom_Valkyrie, plum_muffin, ASingularKnitHat, lyx_themess, Usgsnajs, boysintears, inhalingdespair_lol, Caitie_Riddle, grahambaham, Iloveanime283, vegapunks, Browhal1, jemappellebaguette, CuzThatsWhatIAm, peeledstrawberry, ADudeSomewhere, MagykFey, Elvie_the_sprout, Imfadingfromtheworld, petrich0r_under_starlight, Animegeneral17, Bookworm230, Marvel_Obsessed616, Natural_Logarhythm, Kings28290, WANYINS, HappyTr33, ReyvenSurana, amorfic, Sopa_de_Aguacate, Magpiejones15, Altemisea, wayward_impala, tigertigertigger, justrandomness224, Jackskylark80, MaidOfDoom, Lonely_Raindrop, PandoraBlack, and 605 more users Master of all four elements. She started to shake her head, confusion not lifting. Like, I wasnt sold on it at first but it was such a beautiful story that didnt cut corners, it hit where it hurt and that made the conclusion that much more resonant. Perhaps she did not relish in destroying her marriage. You were freaking out because I took my eye out?, You you what? Katara was now matching Sokkas confused horror. WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. An enemies to friends to lovers arranged marriage AU. Im the Fire Lord, the nation needed this., Did you assume I would stay and be your.. Im your mistress. Its not so bad., What? His voice was strangled in fear. The seterusnya hari Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. Or.. Just like that, their roles were reversed. Completed toph azula Completed What the fuck- She wasnt sure if that was her or Sokka. WebKatara is captured at a young age by the Fire Nation. Three years after the war, Zuko visits his sister in the psychiatric institution where he has abandoned her. An anthology of Katara and Zuko finding their way to each other across months of seeking warmth in the most unexpected of places. The older she became the stronger she had to be earning her place as Prince Zuko' Oneshots for Avatar: The Last Airbender! That he wanted to join their Please consider turning it on! That is, if she can survive Azulas assassination attempts. The act of giving someone your heart is an open and selfless action but only water benders know that it can mean so much more.Katara is one of two water benders left in the South Pole, when her teacher Hama tells her about a ritual that will allow her to become one of the most powerful benders of all time how can she refuse? You Once a promising member of Ba Sing Se's secret police, Zhong Kai Ru is now the lifelong servant of the famous Dragon of the West. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Avatar, balance, fire nation attacking, blah, blah, blah. - Yeah, makes sense., Aang was slowly looking between the three of them like it would make any of this any more sensical. If you could go back?. Zuko was a fool for it.Later, he wonders if it isnt a thousand times more stupid swallowing back all the words he wants to say now. Not that shed hesitate to waterbend at him if he tried anything- and at this point, she was just waiting for him to slip up. The Avatar needs two eyes, and if one falls out, it could cause problems.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After her life being spared by the Queen, she was raised within the Fire Nation's Capital alongside the Royal Family. But Zuko spoke. Please consider turning it on! A fun, sweet 4 chapter fic where Zuko finds Katara passed out during the invasion and takes her on his airship as he goes to follow the Avatar. She just killed Azula, she looked in horror at her hands, blood splattered on them, Azula's blood. Rated for mature themes, violence, language, & sexual content in later chapters. After being declared an enemy of the Fire Nation, Zuko finds himself living a life of make-believe normalcy in Ba Sing Se, mourning Earth. Im so not sleeping tonight. Zuko helps clean her up, and things get spicy in the bathroom lots of smut. The Fire Sages therefore have no choice but to return the banished prince and princess to the palace in order to elect the new Fire Lord between the two of them. WebAn Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction (Zuko X OC) "And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons." She was brought across the sea to the Fire Nation capital. And soon, they stumble into a scheme to help Aang move on and to draw Mai back to Zuko: fake dating. What do you need?. Shizuki is adventurous, laid back, kind and calm around people once she trusts them but if Y/N. Work Search: Prince zuko. Following Iroh and Prince Zuko into exile, the former Dai Li obeys his master's every commandeven when the command is to abandon him. But now, she knew better. Their are those who continue to searh for the next Avatar. Please consider turning it on! She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. shes absolutely tragic and deserves compassion and theres only one person who can do it outside of her family: katara. Water. Also at 20 they have the great idea to buy an RV and get married in Vegas. Katara doesn't find Aang in the iceberg. One eye and one not-eye, because Zuko only had one eye, and an empty eye socket, because what in Tuis name was-. WebKatara kills her mother's killer, Yon Rha, and Zuko stands by her decision every step of the way. Are you high again?, Wait- Zuko cut in, looking a little less confused (Katara would be angry with him for interrupting later, when she was less desperately perplexed). Katara can't sleep under the full moon, apparently neither can Zuko. Give me a second.. She is a villain who is ready to fight against everyone. She felt like home He knows what he has to do. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. It was another to do so with no memory of how you got there. Book one of a two-book series. But either way, Zuko is determined to find the man and kill him. Do Zuko has changed and he decided to join Gang. Teamwork, bonding, piracy, and friendship ensue. What happens when she becomes the servant of Prince Zuko? What if Yue started dreaming of a strange prince that was touched by the spirits like she was? The firebender glared, then winced a little, still not uncovering his face. Oh this fic! After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. We had our tongues in each others mouths not too long ago. well i did a. Shizuki is Katara's fraternal twin sister. Look, she hated Zukos guts, but he didnt look like he was actively hurting anyone right now, staring at Sokka in shock and clutching his face (the scarred side, she noted). Katara isn't really happy about this is she? Having done this three times already, not much has changed regarding Katara's fourth and final pregnancy - except her age. The tropical island has forced them to evolve and change to survive their environment. A look into the life of Toph Beifong, Kanto Nakamura, and their brood of kids. Lust and desire are two painfully vulnerable things; two sinister things, when he thinks about how his kingdom and crown hang in the delicate hands of this southern water bender between his legs. WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I amor hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. WARNING: Curse words and cannon compliant Violence Zuko comes across the Avatar's Waterbender bathing one nightan encounter that will, for better or worse, turn the tide of the Hundred Year War. She wasn't supposed to start empathizing with him. ' . So this is basically the gaang,the gaangs parents(the ones who aren't dead) and a bunch of other characters in atla reacting to ships,fan art,memes etc Will Aang find his way back to his universe? Shes regarded as Lady and Master, she has helped rebuild the world and turn the tides in traditions and views all around. A Princess. While he doesn't forget the feeling of loving her - it isn't as strong as it once was. Youre not actually going to let him shave his hair, are you? Zuko asked, looking mildly concerned. Setting Explained in the story. *This is not in alignment with the Korra series* Zuko isnt fond of tea, hes just too anxious to acknowledge it to me. The war ended 6 years ago. When Aang was shot down and claimed to be dead Another had fallen and was also claimed dead, accept he was really dead. Katara did not slam her head into the wall, showing incredible self restraint. WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I love hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. (OR: When "Avatar" meets Greek mythology, Ba Sing Se becomes Troy and the Fire royal family becomes the Atrides clan with Azula in Electra's role.). What about your hair? Zuko asked, completely blank faced. | : Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flame As the eldest son of the chieftain he was tasked with protecting the village when his father left t Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become e Lei, granddaughter of the late Azula, has been trained as a firebender since she was a little girl "What made you think you can go out there and tease me with some other man" said Leonardo. One day, he picks a target that will change his life, and give him the opportunity to change the whole world. Oh Yue, how I lamour this kind of unique tea. One of the few things they have in common is water bending. its super duper light but I thought i'd tag anyway. If you want to do this the easy way, then tell me what you know.. A Person who can control all foul elements. It's been two years since Zuko and Katara have seen each other. Who will mourn that bitter, spiteful boy if he doesn't? Instead a prince is stripped down to a soldier, an easy disposable to be set in the middle of a war. They have changed COMPLETELY. This is a work of fanfiction that was inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender, specifically the Season 2 Finale. The group maintained their general atmosphere of fear, while the boy with the club was still staring daggers at him. Viewer discretion. Atla oneshots for |taang| |zutara| |sukka| mostly taang. The other is not. Just finished this. Her wat Kai is a disgraced outcast from the Earth Kingdom. Zuko wants revenge on Azula and an embarrassing situation will make his twisted desires come true. It is the material that fills up the cosmos and conne Ceres is Aang's older sister and his Protector. For example, she turned to Zuko with a huge grin, can I touch it?, Its been in his head! Sokka screeched. Suddenly she is in the Avatar th Ayaka mysteriously wakes up on the ship of the banished prince. Katara didnt trust Zuko as far as she could throw him, and based on past experiences, she couldnt throw him very far without waterbending. He listens to what they tell him about himself: he's the Fire Lord now, he's allied himself with the Avatar, he's cast off his father and dueled with his sister and there's nothing left of the person he thought he was. I kinda have to take it out sometimes.. A rewrite of the scene from the film "Bram Stoker's Dracula" when they confront Lucy Westenra as a Vampire. Continuation of Finding DestinySozins Comet has arrived. Zuko isnt fond of tea, hes just too anxious to acknowledge it to me. Ugh, fine, Zuko sighed. 3 sentence prompt fills, drabbles, and unfinished works. Considering himself too old, Iroh has refused the throne. Katara, what? But slowly, her lies begin to unravel as the urge to bloodbend Years after the war Katara now has her sights set on a certain Fire Lord who happens to be staying in the Southern Water Tribe for a while. But how did your eye turn into glass? He bristled. Some years later, the dishonored prince comes back to the palace with the Avatar and his bending masters as allies and an army at his back to slay his tyrant of a father and usurp the crown, effectively ending a hundred year war. Zuko isnt fond of tea, hes just too anxious to acknowledge it to me. This story has slow burn Zutara, which is SUPER sweet. What if katara liked zuko? She grew up playing and sparring in the palace with Prince Zuko. Just a moment. The thief, Zuko. Another absolutely amazing fic I've read recently is: Post-Southern Raiders, Katara and Zuko slowly bond and get closer as the comet draws nearer. When Aang invokes the wrath of a mischievous Spirit, the Fox-Raven chooses to curse Katara to tell him - and everyone - only the truth. Zuko helps clean her up, and things get spicy in the bathroom lots of smut. It doesn't really go as planned when they find themselves in a fight with fire benders and Katara is thrown off of Appaand she falls through the clouds, never to be seen again. He will never be able to go home because he will never find the dead man Avatar and he will always be a villain to the other side of the war. This is a collection of short stories detailing what happened to the Gaang after the war. WebBurnt Out - Zuko x OC by Calico Jack 397K 13.5K 52 Kai is a disgraced outcast from the Earth Kingdom. Slow burn, heavy character development and exploration. Im sorry, Sokka, she managed to sigh. Glass eye, Zuko said, then waved something small and eye-shaped in their general direction. Welcome to the Zutara subreddit! You took your what out?, Zuko lowered his hands, and yep, one eye. The Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. Is she okay? Zuko asks, swallowing the lump in his throat. The Sibling Instinct overpowers everything, including your dislike of your sort-of-enemy-turned-co-teacher, (See the end of the work for more notes.). What could go wrong? What if Mai never came back? In which a girl who stands out in her Earth Kingdom hometown gets to go on the adventure she didn't know she needed. Lot's Zhong Fei Fei lost everything to the Fire Nation at a young age, leaving her nothing but ash. please tell me this isnt why you had the bald ponytail., You think I did that willingly? He had originally went out with Katara and Sokka's father to fight in the war, but was se Kyoshi Warriors are graceful, strong and proud, trained to protect their home. She gave him a cheeky smile and rocked back on Ivana was the granddaughter of a highly respected fire nation general. It occurred to everyone a moment too late that, oh yeah, if anyone was going to spontaneously invent glassbending, it would be Toph. Its late and I think its about time for you and me to get closer by Magnetichearts! That Fire Lord Azula sends her trusted adviser Sokka along with Zuko is an annoyance, but it won't stop him from achieving his goal. Irohs gold eyes host a silent question. Found myself wishing this and "My Heart Burns for You" had swapped lengths, could have easily enjoyed 78 chapters here (and the other one was often a little extra). In an AU where Aang never succeeded to defeat Ozai: Fire Lord Ozai has just died. WebKatara opened her eyes and saw Zuko hugging her tightly, he was visibly shaking as Azula gritted her teeth. His arm dropped to his side, and his eyebrow raised. This story revolves around the sun and the and water Zuko, son of the uprising and powerful mafia his grandfather had cultivated for him, finds himself entangled with the daughter of the very detective hellbent on taking t A prophecy states that fire and water must be destined together Tr ~Book 2 of Jade's story~ Princess Azula, the ambitious and ruthless younger sister of Fire Lord Zuko, hears from a mysterious peasant woman that she will one day be Fire Lord. WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I Cinta hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. Will they give into the pain or help each Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Might he cause or prevent big things from Kya, Sokka's twin, and Kataras's older sister. Unbelievable! Immediately she becomes a heartthrob for her magnetic personality and independence. When Aang was shot down and claimed to be dead Another had fallen and was also claimed dead, accept he was really dead. Her father is dead, shes been imprisoned, and her brother is securely on the throne. What if Zuko was saved by the spirit Agni when he was born? No, I needed at least one eye working.. Prince Zuko grows tired of searching for a dead man and decides that he will go home, one way or another. Crystal is the twin sister of Sokka, and older sister of Katara. She's been with him throughout his banishment and she'll continue to be there for him. When Water Tribe representatives visit the Fire Nation, Zuko keeps reminding Katara she can always go home. When Appa falls sick and crash la Kaiyo always lived his life peacefully hidden away in the Southern Water Tribe. She has no other choice than to be a monster or elsewell, you saw what happened to Zuko. You. All are gender neutral :) Request at will :), The Promise / Avatar AU Fanfic (Azula x Sokka, Zuko x Katara, Aang x Toph), Percy Jackson and that kid in the iceberg, Warrior Princess (Zuko X Reader) [ATLA] *slow updates*. All it takes is one night and one too many of Sokka's signature Cactus Juice Cocktails to change everything. If you come across a fic you really adore and want to share it about, link it here so we can all enjoy. Mai dumped Zuko, and hed do anything to get her back. The world keeps spinning. Were going to have address the elephant mandrill in the room at some point. He sighed, running his hands through his scalp once, relieved from his top knot. Katara traps herself inside of her mind when she gets captured by the Fire Prince. When Zuko finally captures the avatar his honor is restored, but he makes a new friend doing so.. And is basically an AU of majority of the series where Zuko begrudgingly ends up 'joining' the Gaang mid-Book 1 and reluctantly ends up becoming friends with them, along with getting some much-needed perspective and love. I only came because I wanted to protect the people of my tribe and my family. A lovely one shot with so many gorgeous Zutara moments. The birth of Euna introduces the first bender on the island since Kyoshi, and places an i Y/n, adopted into the Northern Water Tribe, had an accident when she was younger that resulted in her not being able to talk. Zuko lowered his hand a little and Sokka let out another half yelp. Air. I adored this one. She Hai is home to a tribe of unique water-benders. Written for Zutara Week 2022 Day 3: Hands. That happens? Shes content to be left alone to rot in her cell, wallowing in her misery. AU where Aang was never the avatar, and the airbending avatar had died in the Fire Nation attack. Or, an early-canon divergence where Iroh is a more active mentor, Zuko goes through his shit earlier, Katara leans in to her impulses and it usually works out, and Zuko briefly thinks that Katara is the Avatar. Only this can achieve Zuko's lifelong goal of Fire Nation world supremacy before Zuko dies. I got a bunch of asks on Tumblr about non-con Zucest with Zuko as the Dom, and got inspired to write this insanity. The healer, Katara. Zuko and Katara spend most of the day looking for it. -A Zu Zutara happens!!! Yes, I'm well aware the stuff that goes on in this fic is sickening and wrong, now go yell at someone else. Ozai: Fire Lord Ozai has just died too many of Sokka 's signature Cactus Juice Cocktails to change.., I Cinta hugs drabbles, and unfinished works hair, are you unique. Avatar th Ayaka mysteriously wakes up on the ship of the keyboard shortcuts she looked in horror at hands! Mother 's killer, Yon Rha, and hed do anything to get closer by Magnetichearts one and... 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