Instead of raving and ranting in this blog it is high time you took real measures on the ground. i do not say malayalees are bad people. Sonny boy that previous post was not mine but of someone who happens to know you intimately. This mentions a pepper emporium called Male, which clearly gave its name to Malabar ('the country of Male'). Twitter was overrun by Malayalees on January 9 2012 with they Tweeting under the hashtag #BeingMallu telling the World what it was like being a Malayali. My dear americanized sonny boy.maturity seems to be the birth right of the malyalis it seems .Thats how they are quite dirty in there politics and manipulations .And who is here to prove me god send or a prophet .I am here stating my expereince with dirt bag malyalis like you and your king .You are sitting here to prove me that u malyalis are right in been dirty .you are not replying to me arshole you are convincing yourself that its right to be dirty .If you cant see it then one wonders writing nice english words doesnt make a dirt bag mallu a civilized one does it .As someone said above all are educated vermons .I have not written all the blogs here it was exisiting with a lot of versions of indians with there malyali experience .i just joined the site to inform the other chaps why all of it is true what is said abt malyalis and they should stay away from malyali females . The Aranmula Boat Race takes place at Aranmula, near a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna and Arjuna. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It actually means that subconciously or conciously you were not able to understand the root mechanism at work. But the funny thing is that they happen to marry their lovers to whom they have lost their virginity. Volume VI. this 3rd grade North indian B has tortured his wife and ganged up with his parents and tried all the tactics in the world to please their own ego. These mother fucking bastard scum of animals malayalees will oneday face their own holocaust. Oh, you are a mallu? my middle finger to you malayalees. We must not throw the baby out along with the bath water. But the problem is that you are not convincing sonny boy. !i have been married to a malyaleeand i know how 3rd rate these people are .Using black mail tactics to take out money and not to do any work is there characteristics . As I said before negative states of mind force you to invest your precious emotional and mental resources on people who are simply not worth it. After all the kid is only learning its mother tongue as millions of kids the world over are doing so. He was usually autocratic. The state is divided into thousands and thousands of castes SWAMI VIVKENANDA called kerala lunatic asylum of castes. [86] The setting of the building in the open garden plot was again necessitated by the requirement of wind for giving comfort in the humid climate. Disagree with a malayalee, then see what happens = emotional drama5. You want to know? Also among the younger generations with wide acclaim and promise is Child Prodigy Violinist L. Athira Krishna etc., who are looked upon as maestros of tomorrow.[96]. 458-56. Film music, which refers to playback singing in the context of Indian music, forms the most important canon of popular music in India. ", "Kerala's Favourite Breakfast: How to Make Soft Puttu at Home", "Flavours unlimited from the Malabar coast". So dear Friend, we do not apologise for our success, whether you like us or not, we are full of sympathies for you because your fishermen, labourers, artisans do not dare to come out of their villages, because they are illiterates, our men are not, they dare to come out and challenge themselves, become successful. Private member's bill on Uniform Civil Code introduced in Rajya Sabha; opposition protests, Japan, UK and Italy to jointly develop next-generation fighter jet. Because the cultural and linguistic gap is so much that it can cause misunderstandings and loss of trust on the slightest provocation unless one is very careful. Another one is that Malayalis shit about people behind their back and smiling in front of them. [22] The estimated population of Malayalees in Malaysia in year 2020 is approximately 348,000, which makes up 12.5% of the total number of Indian population in Malaysia that makes them the second biggest Indian ethnic group in Malaysia, after the Tamils. [26][27] The people of Malabar were known as Malabars. Do you belong to one such community. See your obsession with the word whore,can't blame you as you must have spent the better part of your childhood in the company of such people. We even crack jokes on ourselves. Malayalees may smile in the front, once your back is turned, they plot against you and plot to stab you from behind, belittle you and bring you down. 17 Things You Should Never Say To A Malayalee, People Think This Is Proof We Should Ban Podcasts & Honestly, We Agree, A Man Came Armed With A Dictionary To Listen To Shashi Tharoor And TBH Its Understandable. yes sonny boy i agree a gangerous arm shuold be cut off .No one is that indespensible that one should live with it for ever.There are many girls out there in the ocean .So guys dont marry a malyali woman leave them for the malyali males . Why should we Tamils bear the brunt of it", "Malayalees are cut throats, They will slit our throats and drink our blood. Temples were built to honour these deities. Nehru Trophy Boat Race is one of the famous Vallam Kali held in Punnamada Lake in Alappuzha district of Kerala. Knowledge of human mechanism or human behaviour liberates you and gives you a feeling of tremendous power and mastery. She is bitch in the guise of a sheep that also for her own family .Every relative of another community who has associated with her dislikes her immediately.She is such a bitch that her Tamil sis in law didnt even attended her wedding to put her in place coz she went to her house and created fights between her brother and sis in law .3rd rate malyalis will remain 3rd rate .gutter water will remain gutter by puttin in marble glass it doesnt become clean.all you guys are right and my full support to saying fuck you bloody malyalis. In fact when it comes to fighting amongst themselves they have developed the art of verbal warfare to a state of perfection. This left me perplexed because it was the first time somebody had made a comment like that with a mean undertone about my skin colour. Don't let emotions distort your perspective. Ok it doesnt matter by what name I call you because a pig will always be a pig by whatever name you call it. A large number of Hindus and Christians are Malayalees. no boss thats the malyali tradition .or is it naaa Coz the malyali female is not a virgin is a guarantee hahahahaha. Unlike people like you who show off their leprous sores to the whole world to garner sympathy malayali males vent their frustration over a bottle of wine. Official Page Of Group Muscat Malayalees. Since a majority of human beings are still a product of both nature and nurture it is difficult for them to rise above their own conditioned nature. keep on the good work friends.I got a couple of mallus in my office who whole day keep talking in there local language .I should show them these posts .All of us feel like throwing them in the indian ocean for there lack of manners. But she was not his daughter. It was nice talking with you in the sense that it helped me to clarify my own position and made me see where I stand on all such issues which have a universal relevance. You are like one of those filthy lepers you find on the indian streets who show off their dirty leprous hands to garner sympathy and some coins in the process. They are the product of a certain evolution in a certain geographical and historical context. [106] The oldest western reference to Kalaripayattu is a 16th-century travelogue of Duarte Barbosa, a Portuguese explorer. Everyone hates them. "Menon Pyar Kiya". Quick to anger and jeleousy, hidden and supressed anger and sadness it manifests itself in other ways10. they will forget which is their own state ..malayalees future plan? ""fucking blood sucking paracites females is what malyalis are. He is under the impression that his community is milk white pure. The public interest in the state of the natural world stimulated by the winter floods receded almost as quickly as the waters did. They are our Gods. Besides, the Malayalee citizens in Malaysia are estimated to be 229,800 in the year 2020 whereas the population of the Malayalee expatriates is approximately 2,000. I am a Malayalee, I keep my self to myself, and do my best for me not show off as others do. And by the way who are the so called above posts. Why did Malayali buy an air-ticket?A: To go to Thuubai (Dubai), zimbly to meet his ungle in the Gelff (Gulf) Q. Actress Malavika Mohanan recently recalled her experience with 'casual racism' and 'colourism' she faced because of her skin tone. The Karanavar took all major decisions. We can never control the external stimului coming from the outer world but we can always control our responses to them. And though we are a non-violent bunch and dont take all the shit said about us to heart, there are always exceptions. And as for me simmering with anger that is the biggest joke. They are predominantly native speakers of the Malayalam language, one of the six Classical languages in India. ?So why you hate us? [89] Kathakali is actually a dance-drama. Many Malayalis have also emigrated to the Middle East, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Film music of Kerala in particular is the most popular form of music in the state.[97]. Did you ever think about them when posting your ojectionable comments. infact thats y they feel all after their money. The Tharavadu was administered by the Karanavar, the oldest male member of the family. Everything you say is right ! To the above bastard who said that malayalis don't know their fathers it is better that he himself carry out a paternity test to see whether the man who he calls as father is in reality his own father or not. Have you ever cared to bother what others say on seeing your back. Obsession to Gold and White dress- Generally, White clothes are worn during mourning or funeral, but in Kerala the thing is totally different. Music formed a major part of early Malayalam literature, which is believed to have started developing by 9th century CE. Kannadiga females are ugly black whores. When I said fighting with a smile on your lips I meant by that to concentrate your energy like a laser beam on a given task in a cool composed manner. the 45 yrs old was training her daughter as well, the daughter was nice i got with her but never like book this was just pocket money to her me i could see myself do it forever. North indian females are downright cheap sluts who sleep with anybody. no one in the world would ever respect such a husband or anyone who has made life hell for her. Mobiles are the way of communication and there is not that deep connection. Now listen you black monkey if you think that your abuses are like some kind of sharp arrows that travel straight and fast to hit malayalees who then lay writhing in pain then you are mistaken. What more to tell about this man. i will care a fuck abt a guys parents who will torture a wife and break of the marriage with her husband and poison him and talk lies and make him believe that she is a liar when they r the money minded poeple who will go to any extent to break of their sons marriage bcoz of their insecurities. Love is two way.2. [47][48], Designated a "Classical Language in India" in 2013,[18] it developed into the current form mainly by the influence of the poets Cherusseri Namboothiri (Born near Kannur),[49][50] Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan (Born near Tirur),[50] and Poonthanam Nambudiri (Born near Perinthalmanna),[50][51] in the 15th and the 16th centuries of Common Era. Malyalee females are taught a simple thing go out use your body sleep with all the guys you can get the moment you get a soft guy who is well off trap him with your emtional black mail .Malyalee females are worst when it comes to marrige even there own men treat them as prostitutes in gulf for there own benefit . ?Are you all bastards of the same kind? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [25][31] people at that plcae were nice. And last but not the least, you know Malabar is only a part of Kerala and you are wrong to call keralites as Malabaries, this shows your ignorance of the Geo-political facts. In fact what they got in return was too much for them to digest, much more than they ever bargained for. Malayalam is a language spoken by the native people of southwestern India (from Mangalore to Kanyakumari) and the islands of Lakshadweep in Arabian Sea. anyhow I did the job because I love books, did not have many friends I did not trust them particularly north Indians I had so many who stabbed in the back, I thought we were friends, I had one in primary school called sukhvir all she did was make use of people to get what she wants. [50] The prose literature, criticism, and Malayalam journalism, began following the latter half of 18th century CE. The arrival of the Cochin Jews, the rise of Saint Thomas Christians, and the growth of Mappila Muslim community, in particular, were very significant in shaping modern-day Malayali culture. ?.reason is simple, professional jealousy!!! Malayalees are the rudest people I have ever known. What makes you beautiful is being a good and kind person, and not the colour of your skin. while you sit on your fat black ars and blackmail for your demands .My bitch wife use ""mutual effort"" word only for her personal pleasures.The bitch has never done anything for the home .My wife was a educated bitch she has not done any work no contribution mind u nothing to making any materialistic demand needed by her .I have worked day in day out to fund her career home my kid and myself .this rascal bitch has only sat and made faces or sniggered around shouting abusing my parents and me and asking all the time"" all husbands do it what do you do for your wife extra""Blackmailing me for money and demands .i think its the fucking malyali slogan ""what do others do for them "" thats why the fuckers cant do anything in there own state waiting for goverment to do everything .You bitches go and learn something from history read kennedys stmt""ask not what country(family) do for you ask what do you for your country(family)?? In 2017, a detailed study of the evolution of the Singapore Malayalee community over a period of more than 100 years was published as a book: From Kerala to Singapore: Voices of the Singapore Malayalee Community. Traditional dishes include sambar, aviyal, kaalan, theeyal, thoran, injipully, pulisherry, appam, kappa (tapioca), puttu (steamed rice powder), and puzhukku. What does a Malayali do when he goes to America?A: He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren.Q. High suicide rate, where people take things too extreme "love of family and expectations" vs "personal desires", well, many countries are family oriented, but not this extreme. So if you got decieved by a whore that says a lot about your character. A subreddit for anything related to Kerala (), a state in the south-west of India. Malyalee are pits .such females should crucified on the cross for insulting elderly parents regularly for money . well sonny boy one thing is for sure .You sound more like the zen master now then the avg malyali on the street .I would agree hatred and anger saps up so much energy that one can devote to work and focus on growth .So i prefer not been around people who are negative and demanding .but in my case i cant walk out so easily coz my wife lives in my house .I guess once she is not in my house i can walk out at least and live peacefully thinking of growth and positive energy as u call it .Well abt the kid speaking malyali i think you are not understanding the funda of groupism and isolation .If seems your funda of fight with a smile is smile and stab in the back thats not my trait and you can see maybe thats my malyali wifes trait.i guess thats not the way i like to fight i prefer to take it head on like stupid bull and destroy everyting in front like a bull in china shop .the typical immature chap as u would say now .this approach of 3 to 4 people in a team working on a project or a research and 2 characters continue in there own language its more abt isolation politics and lack of civic sense to co exist in a group .If the 3rd person is protesting its not coz of been a bigot or disliking a culture its abt been treated in isolation .if i marry a female from another caste is it written on my forehead that i hate my culture or my caste and i have decided to convert to become a malyali .If i was so crazy abt lingo i would prefer to marry a female from my caste and speak the lingo of my culture .its abt living in cities cultures are best practiced with people in your domain respecting others cultures but if you are going to thrust your culture on others shouting its the best its gods own country and we are great highest literate etc etc .its all bull approach of pushing oneself on others thought bitch wife has not participated in a single cultural event or has been forced to do so by me or my parents or even asked to speak or learn my lingo by me or my parents .while in order to be the decent SIL i have attended your onams and eaten in you banana leaves etc .But till i realized that i was been assumed to be the weak guy coz i was decent this bitch was walking over me with her stupid dominance and black mailing attitude .Now i wouldnt even share a plate with her fuck abt celebrations .So applying your funda of fight with a smile what does the bitch do start cornering the kid to isolate him .net result can be a which maybe i or the kid may not like in the near future .but the bitch never had brains in the first place beyond her personal gains so obviously she cannot see it .Language and culture are fine tobe enjoyed or shared provided everyone can enjoy it or share it but using it to isolate people which is simply a dirty tactic and has to be abhored not relised . who the F will care for him or anyone who have spoilt this wives life??? You need to respect your culture first. that part is a drunken illusion that a malyali markets to his husband or wife .Did your wife tell you that ? Especially the Christian malayalees, should face the gates of hell. Now I will relate my own experience of marrying one north indian whore. How can someone be convincing to a tefloan coated pimp in a blog and who is convincing you .You are a vermon of the same kind.You want logic what am i writing you fucker a algorithm for showing how malyalees behave .Maybe you can convert into a logical algorithm ''how to prove that behaving dirty is right ''by the malyali scum bag .I am naratting experinces to you of your dirty kind after seein what truth othes have written about dirty fuckers like you .In 12 years when i have seen your kind live in denial of there dirty actions out here there is no question of me attempting to convince a dirty malayli.My inputs from my experience are for every non malyali who visits this site to find out abt malyalees is that not to trust or marry a malyalee female .Any caste female is good kannadiga , tamil , gujarati , punjabi , sindhi , marathi all are fine but stay away from the disease called malyalee .More trichur stories to come dont worry you arshole , people dont want malyalees around the for no reason .People dont ban malyalees from there countries for no reason . If you had got an iota of it you would have proved it and silenced your critics. There are quite a significant number of malayalees who have faced the same problems with other malayalees. But how do you explain the meaning of some random words put together? IBM IS FILLED WITH MALLUES AND THEY PROMOTE THEMSELVES. You pathetic moron you seem to lack originality in your posts. Malayali cuisine is not homogeneous and regional variations are visible throughout. Go ahead, after all ejecting those foul smelling substance from your system will give you some relief maybe help you sleep better at night. My parents were humiliated in front of all relatives . Am I not right. [81][82] Certain Hindu communities such as the Nairs, and Muslims around Kannur, and Ponnani in Malappuram, and Varkala and Edava in Thiruvananthapuram used to follow a traditional matrilineal system known as marumakkathayam which has in the recent years (post-Indian independence) ceased to exist. At least four more Malayalis are turning out for the matches in the UAE.. Big deal that you are educating other indians about malayalis. YOU MADE LIES YOU NORTH INDIANS LOVE STIR UP HATE ITS WHAT YOU DO YOU TAKE PLAESURE IN OTHER PEOPLES MISERY. In my eyes these are the five worst actresses of the malayalam industry you can agree or disagree with me.particularly I dont care 5) Gopika gotta agree with me on this one.gopika might be pretty, have nice long hair but her acting abilities are not that good. Sandeep lied so much she even said she had a tiger as a pet in London. Seems your mother tongue consists of four letter words and expletives. good riddance is what they say when they see a malyalis back .Just look back and see the smile on peoples faces when a malyali leaves a room . [57] The writers like Kavalam Narayana Panicker have contributred much to Malayalam drama. From my personal expereince i will say never ever marry a malyalee female , sleep with her take her around coz all of this type but dont marry them and spoil your and your family and kids lives . Gopalakrishnan, L. Subramaniam T.N. well all of those guys who hate mallus or any other caste. Thousands of years from now people will be seeing the likes of you and your community in zoos if not in forests. you dont like the word whore ! Sorry man both you and me are on earth as you know moon is uninhabitable. It is a part and parcel of human nature. Well, they are very proud calling Kerala as God's Own Country. They wear White dresses on their weddings. I hope you are not a bigoted north indian chauvinist who hates kerala culture and language. Most Malayalis are descendants of the early inhabitants of India, the so-called Dravidians (speakers of Dravidian languages), who were driven Try to conquer or dominate negative people from a state of power where you are cool, calm and composed. In the name of democracy Paarpans, Malayalis and North Indians brazenly conspire against Tamils", "For 1000s of years we have been dancing to their (brahmin) tunes, now they want us to join Dakshin Pradesh. And according to them this is directly related to the profession or work the said community or race specializes in. Hindus should have thrown them into the sea the moment they landed on the beaches of kerala in 300 AD. Thanks for linking me on your blog. Prior to that, since the 1800s existed the Kingdom of Cochin, the Kingdom of Travancore, Malabar District, and South Canara of the British India. try to make peace with urself first. And seriously if we malayalis wanted white skin we could as well go and marry some europeans. hey malyali female who said malyalee females give equal rights to there males .They use there males as fucking servants whose job is to just nod and cook in the kitchen and do odd errands.The malyali female doesnt know the meaning of equal rights her meaning of equal rights is earn money and give me dance when i say cook and do errands at home tell your parents to fuck off coz i am the she bull of this house and you gotta do what i say ..And if you dont do i am gonna scream torture , cry for commiting suicide do all possible emotional black mail till the poor male succumbs .So the malyali male has evolved by either succumbing or running away . This type of martial arts was used as a defensive mechanism against intruders. Malabar Manual (1887), William Logan, Calicut. [38] Lord Dalhousie, instructed Lord Harris, Governor of the Madras Presidency, warn the then King of Thiruvithamkoor Martanda Varma (Uttram Tirunal 184760) that if he did not put a stop to this practice, the Madras Presidency would take over his Kingdom's administration. I always found that hate or any negative emotion is a sign of helplessness, vulnerablity or impotence. And that is the reason why I asked you in an earlier post that if the rest of India finds that malaylees are indeed a boorish and obnoxious race then they must be dispensed off. i don't think the clique behaviour nice. "Malayalees are bastard sons of Brahmins .Tamil Brahmins & Malayaless look out for each other, they conspire against Tamils and divide the spoils between them" "Malayaless and brahmins are basically the same, they are both cunning and manipulative.The worst parasitic class who live off Tamils.We Tamils suffer under Brahmin-Malayali parasitism" Even if they fuck around with males from other community one thing is for sure definitely it is not your community. No one is berating you on that account. throw the fuckers in the sea. When a particular person here used abusive words linked to the oldest profession in the world like pimp whore bastard etc it became pretty clear to me that he belonged to that community which earns its bread and butter by availing their services in that profession. The state is divided into thousands and thousands of castes SWAMI VIVKENANDA called kerala lunatic asylum of castes. J.V. Sopanam is traditionally sung by men of the Maarar and Pothuval community, who are Ambalavasi (semi-Brahmin) castes engaged to do it as their hereditary profession. All his works are written between 1829 and 1870. Of human nature recalled her experience with 'casual racism ' and 'colourism ' she faced because of her skin.! The rudest people I have ever known state is divided into thousands and thousands malayalees are the worst years now. No boss thats the malyali tradition.or is it naaa Coz the malyali female is not homogeneous regional... 106 ] the writers like Kavalam Narayana Panicker have contributred much to Malayalam drama sadness it manifests itself in PEOPLES! Specializes in see what happens = emotional drama5 s own country were nice as the waters.! Your skin jealousy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many Malayalis have also emigrated to the profession or work the said community or specializes... 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