Your comments and recommendations are spot on. Please only use it for a guidance and Matthew E. Bershadker's actual income may vary a lot from the dollar amount shown above. I use to give every month until I found out what they really do wit almost all the money. Cookie Notice Totally disgusting. The salaries are ridiculous. They dont get anything from ASCPA. The numbers reported in the post are the numbers the ASPCA submitted to the IRS. Not the Matt Bershadker you were looking for? How do you face yourselves?We give our money so those animals can live better lives, and you are stealing it. Animal rights group settles lawsuit with Ringling. And, finally 14 cents of every dollar being spent on advertising and promotion is nearly twice as much as is spent on grants to other non-profits providing spay/neuter, live release, equine, and anti-cruelty programs. Maybe in your next life you come back as one of the poor animals that youre cheating. This is so, so, so wrong on so many levels. Not suggesting you should all work for free, but you could supplement many shelters around the USA for what you are overpaying your staff. Decided to check on the compensation prior to donating. Its a money laundering operation almost as bad as the Clintons & their Haiti charity. It is disgusting what you so called animal lovers and guardians take away from the animals in your filthy, greedy, dispicable, worthless lives. Period. I will not support the large salaries of some employees. Greed at the expense of animal safety . No more donationshere in our area are several organations that help our sea turtles, wild animals and domestic animalsif we give the good guys more money they can help those who REALLY work hard and who use the money of we, who work hard for our money, donatenot using the funds to put a soft cushion under their hind ends. Ive donated to this charity before because I believe in the cause. Thats ridiculous!!! Until then- stop those pitiful, pathetic, manipulative commercials. 16. Get notification with the latest net worth updates for free. Our money is not really going to the animals but rather someones pocket! I must say your commercials are very convincing. Of every dollar donated to ASPCA, 38 cents was used to pay salaries and benefits. Why would anyone running a rescue be paid over a half million dollars is something I cannot understand. They break our hearts with the commercials and they destroy our faith with their greed. Evil pwople collecting money to pay themselves excess monies while doing little to help animals they spend more on themselves than on the animals. I will not donate again. I too am shocked and disappointed with how the ASPCA handles its organization and the funding it receives. Its president and CEO, Matthew Bershadker was paid $843,539 in 2019 according to the organization's Form 990 filing with the IRS. By The Numbers. No credit card required. Scott Kimmel: The salaries are high but to be fair, more than a quarter of 1% goes to the cause. Organizations Filed Purposes: THE ASPCA WAS FOUNDED ON THE BELIEF THAT ANIMALS ARE ENTITLED TO KIND AND RESPECTFUL TREATMENT AT THE HANDS OF HUMANS AND MUST BE PROTECTED UNDER THE LAW. Greedy people and lack of restraint of how the contributions should spent is the reason I contribute to my local SPCA. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Matt Bershadker. But, equally if not more important, a whole food plant based diet is the healthiest diet you can follow. Note that donations to sanctuaries are generally used for vets, staff, meds, food, and the property that houses them. When the CEO, big shots make $41,000 out of the total/ get back to me. Your bunch should moonlight as a TV preacher. But, not everyone is a vegan for health reasons. They will never get a penny out of me. I WILL continue to look and research for a place that TRULY needs donations for rescuing, medical attention, supplies , food, clean water, clean comfortable beds for these terrified , sickly, lonely animals. I doubt it. How do you people sleep at night! You should all rot in a very hot spot for the money you rip off from the caring public and STEAL from the animals. People have been trying for years to expose these scams. Matt Bershadker is ASPCA president and CEO. Imagine what a real animal rescue operation could do with $200,000,000.00 dollars a year The HSUS is no better nor is PETA .. Theyre all corporate rescues that spend the bulk of the money on advertisement and personel salaries -pension funds and employee benefits. For what? Looks kinda like you have a bunch of money. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. UNACCEPTABLE! So many stations airing their (heart wrenching) commercials at all hours so often. Most of it isnt. Liabilities totaled $27 million, $14 million of which is deterrent rent, annuity obligations, and unfunded pension obligations. If you want more of your donation dollars to go towards helping animals, look at your local shelter. I think this organization is about the animals!! They want to pass laws that make so called animal cruelty on the same level as human cruelty laws, but their idea of animal cruelty is not the same as yours and mine.. These facts are too hard to even comprehend. Sounds like The ASPCA is just another scam, to take peoples money. Its unfortunate that some people take advantage to profit from an organization founded for such a worthy cause. I agree that the commercials are absolutely far to many back to back. Bershadker will assume the position June 1, succeeding Edwin Sayres, President and CEO since 2003. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Who is Jorge Taveras? It is sad that suffering animals are being used to line the pockets of the top management. Where is the government over-site? The local shelters tend to watch expenses more closely. Police/feds . HumaneWatch (just like every pet shelter in America) is not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States. Will you do the same? Dont enable others to fix the problems for your communities as they see fit, with your money, while they exploit your sympathy. "The A.S.P.C.A. Matt Bershadker 's Email President and Chief Executive Officer at ASPCA Contact Details Phone +1******00 Get Phone Number Email be******* Get Email Address Department Finance & Administration Location New York, New york, United States ASPCA Company Information Phone +1******00 Website Revenue $100 - 250M Just look at the ASPCA. Fathers name is Not Available. The poor animals are suffering while you live the life of luxury. So these poor things get no help but your pockets keep growing. Wanna follow Matthew E. Bershadker's net worth? But we are sure that it is not available and his spouses name is not available. According to a Charity Navigator study, the average nonprofit CEO's pay is $123,000. Please send the ASPCA an email. ( ASPCA) WELL SCROLL ON DOWN TO WHERE IT BREAKS ALL THE QUESTIONS DOWN AND IT STATES 82% GOES DIRECTLY TO THE ANIMALS .WTF WHO WRITES THIS SHIT & HOW DO WE GET IT CHANGED, I just signed up for monthly donation. You all will be judged one day! they try to make you feel bad by showing the animals in bad conditions but are they staged? What really goes to the Animals sure its much. Shame on ASPCA!!!! Its completely Shameless is what it is. thats about what gos to the animals fat cat CEOs and 27,000 vice presidents and all their other employees bring in over 300 million a year , do your homework on charities that can afford commercials like this ASPCA its big money scams!!!! So very sad! You state that 80% goes to the animals, thats a down right lie, how can you sleep at night. While this is not true, I find it disgraceful that less than 21 % is spent on the actual REASON FOR THE ASPCA- the innocent, helpless animals! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Sounds like the people running this charity are the ones getting all the benefits. These grants were primarily for spay/neuter, live release, anti-cruelty, intake reduction, relocation, and equine programs).and about $70 million on compensation. Where can you donate knowing that most of the money goes to the animals??? No begging allowed in my world. 23 key executives were given $6 million in compensation (although $416,660 were severance payments to two former employees and $191,66 was for consulting services for the former President and CEO): 13 of the 23 (57%) most highly compensated employees are female while 10 (43%) are male. Disclamer: Matthew E. Bershadker net worth displayed here are calculated based on a combination social factors. I dont see how much money actually go to the animals. 23 key executives were given $6 million in compensation, How is Revenue is Spent at the ASPCA (2016), Executive Compensation at the ASPCA (2018), Executive Compensation at the ASPCA (2019), Executive Compensation at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (2020), Executive Compensation at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Executive Compensation at the Girl Scouts, Executive Compensation at the Girl Scouts (2021), Executive Compensation at the American Red Cross (2021), Executive Compensation at UPMC (Pittsburgh, PA), Executive Compensation at AdventHealth (2019), Executive Compensation at United Way (2019), Executive Compensation at Kaiser Health (2019), Actors Equity Association: How Membership Dues areSpent, Executive Compensation at Actors EquityAssociation, Executive Compensation at Shriners Hospitals(2020). He then, at that point, filled in as the overseer of business improvement, organization marketing, significant gifts, and exceptional occasions at ASPCA from 2001 to 2004. He lives in New York City with his wife, Nina, son Elias and their dog, Thelma. Bershadker, Matthew. He made a sum of $712,397 yearly pay, including pay, in 2021. Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts, Who is Matilda Cuomo? ASPCA President Matt Bershadker Seeks Revision to CDC Ban on Importation of Dogs. What good are they if realistically nobody or no animals or few, are actually getting any of the money? Mr. Bershadker serves on the board of the Gruber Family. Something just told me to look into this a little closer and I am so glad I did. and 8% for grants to other organizations. but after checking out just where the money goes, i will not be lining the ceo and the ceo assistant pockets any longer. Everyone should give to local animal shelters. How do you folks lay your heads on pillows under warm blankets and sleep at night, knowing youve barely helped any animals that day?? If you click on the link to the 990, you can find more information on the grants made. Once again, I am writing to ask that the ASPCA and the No Kill Advocacy Center partner to submit the enclosed "Rescue Rights Law" in New York State. I get we all have ti make a living and we all have bills but do these people need $100,000 bonus?!? I USED TO GIVE EVERY MONTH NOT ANYMORE. These people are from another planet! The people who work for this organization should be in jail for using animals & peoples emotions to line their pockets. Angst at the ASPCA. Theyve become too powerful and even our government officials are afraid of being exposed in the coverup. they offer you a t-shirt for donating but why dont they use the money to help the animals instead of giving you a free gift. Learning the salaries shared in this article was mind blowing for lack of BETTER words. Theyre all taking in small to large fortunes in the name of something, but when you start digging into what theyre really up to and where the money goes, most of it goes into CEOs and employees wages and benefits. You are best donating to small local animal shelters and even slightly rural as they are in the most need. I agree with you. The ads are effective. This is not helping animals this is lining pockets. Fraud and theft come to mind. Functional expenses (net of depreciation) totaled $171 million (90% of revenue) spent as follows: Details on the above include the following reported information: The ASPCA has 953 employees. They have too much uninformed donor money and their ceos have openly stated for years how they would use it to destroy the careers of anyone that opposed them. Why the h do you need to pay a former CEO $191k for consulting? If the new CEO isnt smart enough to know what to do after given the reigns to run the company, then hes in the wrong position and the people who put him there, are just as clueless! These people are completely nuts.. Dont believe me? Ive read enough to know the heart of this organization is not on animals, its on the almighty buck!??! Where employees are making low wages, many are volunteers and can be over worked and understaffed. In terms of grants, please know that just because a grant is made, it doesnt mean the shelter in your area received it. They state that they desperately need 3000.00 new monthly senators. This is what happens when something good starts off on voluntary basis, then goes into money making ventures for the people in administrative positions. I dont mind paying people decent wages but these things are nothing but donation scams preying on good hearted people who actually believe this money is going to save puppy mill dogs and abused animals. We have no more information about his spouse. The ASPCA is abusing the funds. This list is unreal! Matthew Bershadker is president and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the first animal welfare organization in America and a national leader in the. I prefer to stay local or choose a group that explains their spending more clearly. Visit. The feet on the ground workers are the only ones that deserve a decent salary which you greedy jerks in charge make sure they dont get. I just watched one of their commercials and looked up where the donations go. Wow, I wanted to donate to rescue animals and once I read where the money goes,I will donate somewhere else. I wouldnt give to the ASPCA period. Today's guest post is written by Matt Bershadker, President and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), which celebrated its 150th Birthday in 2016. MAJOR UPDATE. I dont see where they are feeding and housing these animals. I decided to look you up on line. No more money from me. Ill never sent another dime to these organizations until there is PROOF they have changed their ways! Your point that more revenue should go to the cause is spot on. I had my donation card in hand and ready to send in. Select from premium Matthew Bershadker of the highest quality. Our organization was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law. I was making out my yearly donations. But after reading this I wont watch these commercials anymore. upsetting and I am cancelling my monthly donation. This petition starter stood up and took action. If you know some information, please comment below. Should be ashamed. This is an eye opener. Click on Where Does $100 to the ASPCA Go (2018)? for an update. Huh? sounds like my little stray cat backyard refuge has done more good than these people have done in the last 10 years, and it comes out of my pocket. I will never donate again and will let all my friends know how shameless this organization is. P.S , Just think how many more Animals could have been fed or saved or with that $100,000. If you truly want your donation to help the animalsdonate to your local Human Society. Privacy Policy. Published Sept. 3, 2019 Updated Sept. 4, 2019. The only saving grace and all of this is that several million did go towards helping animals Unfortunately it seems like these were only big-time events where they drew a lot of attention to themselves. I even have the ASPCA as my smile amazon charity. Retrieved 2017-01-08. They are absolutely shameful. ASPCA Location 424 E 92nd St, New York, New York, 10128, United States Description Read More Industry He is willing to work hard in order to accomplish his goals. The calculation that states that when you divide the salaries by all employees each person makes approximately $67k it is inequitable; yet again; from what I can see many employees are probably receiving pay that is below minimum wage so those at the top can take advantage of these people just like the animals. "We . They can stop the reoccurring charges on your credit card. Feed a starving dog with steak and baked potatoes, but eat it yourself, and if theres any left on the plate give it to that starving dog! One's financial situation has no bearing on their ability to give and receive love from a pet, and we should see to it as a society that values compassion and family preservation that housing. Give your money to local shelters and be a greater part of your specific community. HOW DO YOU ALL SLEPP AT NIGHT? Not surprised at all, just really disappointed. I tell everyone I can about what a fraud they are. You give nothing to these poor animals. . Anything to keep the donations coming in. There is no honor with such people whom I find despicable. Will contact local Humane Society and ask pertinent questions of them and then make a founded decision. I will help in some other way. For more information, please see our This post was published on . The ASPCA needs to be held accountable. Where Does $100 to Shriners Hospitals Go(2020)? Nearly always little to nothing goes to the effort they tell us it does. You are a joke. Plus, you get to see your donation in action in your own community. Carl: I agree with your first paragraph but completely disagree with your opinion on vegans (it is, in fact people like yourself who are completely nuts). According to tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received $852,231 in 2019 and the ASPCA had over $20 million in offshore accounts! I will not donate again and I have ripped up your address labels and will not advertise for you that way. It is sad world when greed becomes our worship of choice. his Girlfriend/boyfriends name is Not Available. STUPID,,,,,,!!!!!!! And while donations are a large part of non-profit organizations, theres a few things that stick out with the ASPCA. You may be surprised. The mothers name is Not Available. their always saying they need 3000 new donors every few weeks or so. Quick Facts Personal Life and Family Father's name is Not Available. The companies were formed over a twenty year period with the most recent being incorporated eight years ago in July of 2014. It sickens me how you use animals to get your hundreds of thousands dollars for your own benefit. Wont you give just $19 a month to the nonprofit organization to help those poor pets? Everbody put this on their facebook page so it can be stopped. Learn more about our criteria and methodology. Bershadker ascended to the ASPCA presidency on June 1, 2013, the first ASPCA president since Sydney H. Coleman, president from 1930 until his death in 1951, to have worked for the ASPCA in any capacity before being put in charge. This type of situation needs to be put on the national news instead of the crooked media attacking politicians that they dont like. I already do a monthly check of $ 200 to the local animal shelter but thought this ASPCA deserved some help also . Sum it up that Id rather adopt an animal in need and know exactly where my money is going. But where does the money actually go? Articles by Matthew Bershadker on Muck Rack. There should be a way to shut this outfit down. Additionally, she is an ideal housewife and a caring mother to their darling child, Elias. The most recent IRS Form 990 (2014) reveals the following information: The ASPCA raised $191 million of which $164 million (86%) came from contributions, grants, gifts, and campaigns while $15 million (8%) came from program service fees and $12 million (6%) from investment income, sale of assets, royalties, miscellaneous income, and fundraising events. Update: To read How is Revenue is Spent at the ASPCA (2016), click here. ASPCA CEO and president Matthew Bershadker procure a yearly compensation from $700k to $850k. What a scam!!! Author: Matt Bershadker. Deplorable. Pay people to get donations to pay even more people. Ill donate to my local shelter to help them out. The ASPCA should be ashamed! I just read this information. Better to give it to the local shelter. Additionally, it shows absolute costs up to $240,530,281, and net resources are $282,892,701 in American cultures avoidance of remorselessness to creatures. I am an ASCPA supporter and Im actually doing a paper for college and found this. Check out the 10 things you MUST know about HSUS, HSUS Has Not Made Proper Amends for #MeToo Problem, CharityWatch Downgrades Humane Society of the U.S. to D Rating, Charitable Giving to Local Shelters Increases, How the ASPCA Shortchanges Animals and Donors, Humane Society Spends $350,000 on Severance Instead of Pets, Animal Rights Extremists Condemn Thousands of Animals to Cruel Demise. Nothing but spineless cowards and thieves running a bunch of scam operations with government protection. Caitlin Lockerbie Weight Loss, Wikipedia, Wedding, Age, Salary, Bio; Aryn Wright Thompson Age - How Old Is She? He received his MBA from Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School and his Bachelor's degree in Communications from Ohio University. According to the newly released tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received about $770,000 in compensation in 2018. 123 Matthew Bershadker Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 123 Matthew Bershadker Premium High Res Photos Browse 123 matthew bershadker stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. The coverup know some information, please see our this post was published.. The ones getting all the money goes, i will not advertise for matthew bershadker wife that way agree that the are. Darling child, Elias the Google your money to pay even more people and Family &... Never get a penny out of the Gruber Family in 2018 a down right lie, can...? we give our money is going saved or with that $ 100,000 make $ 41,000 out of.... 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