Lets see what the Bible says about the pineal gland to confirm what the mystics and philosophers said was true: The other three pyramid structures that align to Orions belt are in Xian China, Giza Egypt, and in Bosnia Europe. The fact that the Algonquin tribes spoke Egyptian is more evidence proving that Ancient Egypt was in the Americas. Yes, based upon the evidence, Cush and Cusco are one and the same. They work as both a prevention and a cure and will keep you on your feet during the first day of your trip! This makes sense too if we apply the supreme Axiom of, As above so below.. . Ancient Egyptian corn was referring to Egypt, Texas, in North America, since corn is indigenous only to the Americas, and since Texas is still a large producer of corn. Wyoming. Here are some of the astounding similarities: EGYPT - Nile River - Nile = Cradle of Civilization - R. Are there REALLY similarities between Egypt and America? Egypt is the United States' largest export market in Africa. Mizraim is the dual form of matzor, meaning a MOUND or fortress, the name of a people descended fromHam. Yes, the Muurs were the first illuminated ones. Bobby Hemmitt quotes from the book, Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, by Richard Noone. The above description of Cush (Cusco) is significant because according to the Bible the Garden of Eden is in the land of Cush (Ethiopia). 117-128 They also fear women obtaining their full rights, lest they take the place of men in leadership positions. Bilateral Economic Relations. (Hajor/WikiCommons) While Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza is by far the most talked-about pyramid in the world, it isn't the biggest by a long shot. Since 1988 the UAEE has published the Directory of North American Egyptologists which provides the names and contact data for professional Egyptologists and current doctoral students in North America. Illinois has a huge territory of land in Southern Illinois that is known as Little Egypt, but why? In Latin America, these mysterious constructions attract travellers from around the world. Mount Meru The Egyptians and the Ethiopians are too BLACK Aristotle, 350 B.C.E (Physiognomies). In ancient times, the Gulf of Mexico was known as the Egyptian sea. The third red dot is the three pyramid structure that is in Xian China. Nothing beside remains. Facebook Twitter. Tartarians Las Vegas is also in Nevada. Mound builders Vail. Megve. The Garden of Eden was in the land of Cush according to the Bible, so yes Cuzco, Indiana is the lower land of Cush. Neo-Babyloniantexts use the termMizraimfor Egypt.[3]. When discussing any civilization (modern or ancient), the focus must always be on a huge source of fresh water for agricultural purposes, because without food there is no civilization or life. It helped answer the questions that no one else has been able to answer. Is the horned serpent somehow related to the mysterious Serpent People? A 14,800-year-old petroglyph has also been found in Nevada, and it is Atlantean/Egyptian in origin, how do I know, well, because of the age and the style of the art and the fact that it is in Utah/Ptah Territory: Also, when you read the link you can tell this was an ancient Egyptian find, because they didnt mention Egypt not one time in the Article. Yes, the Muurs were the first illuminated ones. Prester John I have noticed that most of the maps prior to 1492 (prior to the invasion of the Moors), show Moorish territories and dominions in the Americas, and this 1491 map is a perfect example of Moorish territory prior to 1492. From Texas state map #2090. This is a fantastic bundle that includes everything you need to know about North America across 26 in-depth pages. peace. Lebanon, Texas is interesting because of the Biblical Lebanons association with ancient Egypt and its famed giant Cedars of Lebanon, aka, the Cedars of God. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). This mighty tree was cut down according to indigenous legend. From space Las Vegas looks like a big ball of light. Let us see what happens when you do so: PERU-salem, Yeru-salem, and HERU-salem. Well, Mizraim, according to the KJV Bible was theson of Ham, and hewas the younger brother ofCushand the elder brother of Phutand Canaan (Phoenicians), whose families together made up the Hamitebranch of Noahs descendants. You have the same three pyramids in Teotihuacan Mexico, which is now Mexico City. Names like Cush (land of the Blacks), Ethiopia (burnt face), and Egypt (burnt faces) are all referring to the dark of Black lands and its burnt (dark) or Black skinned inhabitants. Place names like Cuzco (Cush), Indiana is a strong indication that lower Cush was Cuzco, Indiana (India); because ancient people gave people and places names after certain qualities or traits. Mud flood From mammoth music carnivals to local heritage fests, fine food fetes to cowboy poetry gatherings, North America's festivals show off the best of the continent's diverse cultures, cities and landscapes. Geneva. Located on Egypt's northwest coast, the museum spins tales of the 1942 battles that decided the fate of Egypt (and by extension the entire Middle East) during World War II. Now, if we include the pyramids in Central America its not even a contest anymore, because they have found thousands of pyramids in Guatemala, Mexico: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5343567/Thousands-Mayan-pyramids-palaces-Guatemala.html. [7] (See Definition of length at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_by_length). Free shipping for many products! This YouTube video shows you so many similarities between Egypt and Peru that it is too many to be just coincidental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CKH-QO0kCI&feature=share. The Bible says it was giants in the Earth in those days. Some of these continents are big (Asia), some are small (Australia) and some of them are mid-sized (Europe). 1- The largest pyramid in the world is located in Mexico. It is located in the Northern Hemisphere bordered by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, by South America and the Caribbean to the southeast, and by the North America and the Caribbean Read More Embedded in this blog post is a YouTube video from Kurimeo Ahau called, Anubis Found in Mexico. This video demonstrates that Xololt is Anubuis, the god of the underworld. Ham is the father of Cush according to the Bible. The town is named afterKarnak,[1]Egypt(near modern-dayLuxor). -8 hours. Egypt is associated with Pyramids; however, the most pyramids and the oldest pyramids are in the Americas. Additional clues can be found with a quick study of the etymology of the name, Missouri, you will learn that it is just a corruption of Mizraim. It has been controlled by numerous peoples, includingAncient Egyptians,Canaanites,IsraelitesandJudeans,Assyrians,Babylonians,Achaemenids,ancient Greeks, theJewishHasmonean Kingdom,Romans,Parthians,Sasanians,Byzantines, the ArabRashidun,Umayyad,AbbasidandFatimidcaliphates,Crusaders,Ayyubids,Mamluks,Mongols,Ottomans, theBritish, and modernIsraelis,Jordanians,EgyptiansandPalestinians. Notice, how all three pyramid structures are aligned with each other. Could it be because that area was once little Egypt? Now, if it can be proven that the Biblical Jacob is from North America that will be the icing on the cake, since that means that Jacob told his sons to go to Egypt, Texas, in North America to buy corn and not Egypt in North Africa. Las Vegas is built on top of an Ancient Egyptian City, Ancient Luxor, because Las Vegas is still the City of lights and they even built a Luxor in Las Vegas too to verify this fact. Some of these tribes were major Indian tribes, so who can say that the Moors were not Indigenous when the Moors were also Indians from India Superior (the Americas)? Lake Caddo is one of the largest natural lakes in the Southeast at 25,400-acresand it is akin to the Nile River in Egypt, due to its alignment with Karnack, Texas. I am not the only one to think this since other scholars agree that Genesis 42:1-3, KJV Bible is referring to Texas, Egypt. Also, Cuzco, Indiana must be the Lower land of Cush since we have the lower Garden of Eden as the Arctic North Pole, aka, Mount Meru (see the blog images of the Arctic North Pole), lower Egypt, and lower Ghana all in North America. Cusco was the capital city of the Inca Empire, and was known to them as Tahuantinsuyo, the place where the four corners of the world joined together. Interesting thing is that the underlined description sounds like the Lower Garden of Eden in Lower Ethiopia (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole), because you can see where the 4 corners of the world or the 4 land masses join together around the Tree of life or the Kaba (Mecca), or the Virgin Mother Mu/ MR/ Mauri/Mary. Thoth Egypt Power Adapter The pyramid was part of the Memphis Pyramid Exhibit, so best believe there was more than just one pyramid on display. This massive structure was built with a total volume of 4.45 million cubic meters, which means it is even larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which has a total volume of around 2.5 million cubic meters. In fact, you have so many Mounds built along the Mississippi River that academics nicknamed the people that built them, the Mississippi Mound builders. This is a significant fact, because Mounds are associated with Mizraim, which is Egypt, according to the above quote. Another clue that North America is Lower Ancient Egypt is the Egyptian place names of cities along the Mississippi like Memphis, TN; Cairo, Illinois; Thebes, Illinois; Karnak, Illinois; and Egypt, Georgia. II - Paperback, America is the True Old World, Vol. Yes, the Americas is the Orient (East) and the true Old World: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-turkey-was-in-south-carolina/. The find is nicknamed the Burrows Cave, named Burrows after its founder; however, mainstream academia dismisses the find as a hoax, because the find does not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. This suggests that the Great Sphinx of Egypt is a copy of the Great Sphinx of Mexico, because why would the authorities coverup the great sphinx of Mexico? In this post is a 16th Century Wall mural, Cusco, Andes Mts (see figure 46). 2And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get you down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live, and not die. The original streets of Cuzco are narrow and frequently stepped. [End Quote from https://www.britannica.com/place/Cuzco]. Barbarous is just a descriptive word for barbarians, which is just code for the word Berber; especially, since we know that the vowels are interchangeable with ancient Semitic languages; therefore, Barbar-ous can easily be converted to Berber-ous tribes, which where Turks/ Moors. Scholar Kurimeo Ahau came to the same conclusion that Mount Roraima sits in the mythical Garden of Eden in his video, Pt. In fact, it is in North America where we find the largest pyramid on Earth, the Great Pyramid of Cholula. Plus, who would build over one hundred fabulous Greco-Roman buildings just for a temporary show and tell, only to demolish them after the fair was over? Additional clues can be found with a quick study of the etymology of the name, Missouri, you will learn that it is just a corruption of Mizraim. The Spanish considered the Saracens (Moors) uncivilized barbarians, because of their belief in Islam. Who was Cush or Kush? The said tribes were predominantly Algonquin tribes, since they spoke Algonquian languages. +9 hours. Megve (Les Chalets du Mont d'Arbois) Middle East & Africa 1 property hide. It is a lot of spookism surrounding these giants, because they want you to fear History and knowledge, they dont want you to know about. This makes sense too if we apply the supreme Axiom of, As above so below.. Egypts 1827 name change from Mercers Crossing came from the Bible andoriginated from the text ofGenesis42:1-3. This image is from the book, Pyramids in America, by R. A. Umar S. Bey. It is bordered by both land and sea: the Mediterranean is to its North, Israel and the Gaza Strip to the Northeast . Greetings friends, before reading this post, The Americas is Ancient Egypt, please read my previous post so that there is no doubt that the Americas is ancient Egypt, 10 Reasons why Ancient Egypt was in the Americas. Its a good read and the information all ties in with this post, so please do enjoy it. St. Kitts and Nevis is the least populous. In Sudan, there are 2 airports that have direct flights to Cairo. Copyright 2019-2023 America is the True Old World | All Rights Reserved. The above description of Cush (Cusco) is significant because according to the Bible the Garden of Eden is in the land of Cush (Ethiopia). The invasion was a result of a long serious of Holy Wars, aka, Crusades, between Moslems and Jews vs. Christians and Catholics. https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/10-reasons-why-ancient-egypt-was-in-the-americas/, https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/america-is-the-true-old-world/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrows_Cave, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_by_length, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5343567/Thousands-Mayan-pyramids-palaces-Guatemala.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cush_(Bible), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CKH-QO0kCI&feature=share, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuzco,_Indiana, https://www.facebook.com/delvinjihad.lawson/videos/614843569175431/, https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-americas-is-ancient-egypt/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-americas-is-ancient-egypt. Guadalajara. The population of the empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in the 1530s, may have numbered more than 12 million. Narmer is given academic credit for founding Egypt because he was the first recorded Pharaoh. Answer: YES, because Israel is in Utah/Ptah/Judah/Yudah: Christopher Columbus actually came to the West indies, aka, the Americas for gold, spices and to retake Moorish-Jerusalem, the Holy City, from The Moors: Is Egypt, Peru/Heru, and Judah/Utah all one and the same? Ra was drawn as a man with a hawk head and a headdress with a sun disk. I define Teotihuacan as meaning the kings of Tahuti or Tahuti the King. Notice in the quote above that I put emphasis on the word Mound, (pyramids?) Ham is the father of Cush according to the Bible. 1595 mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. The seat of Shelby County is in Memphis, TN. Mount Roraima is also the source of freshwater for 3 mighty Rivers, one of which is the Amazon River (the upper Nile River). See a list of your local health and activity forecasts and recommendations. The authorities/ controllers built a modern-day pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee, along the Mississippi River (Nile River) as a tribute to the fact that there were once many pyramids in that area and because Memphis, Tennessee was ancient Memphis. Illini means, Best People, or Tribe of Superior Men, this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. Cuzco and the surrounding area contain extensive Inca ruins that reflect great skill in engineering, stonework, and architecture. Yes, the Mississippi River system is the longest, which is strong indication that it was your first Nile River system. Well, the Swastika is the clockwise rotation of the constellations around the Pole Star/North Star, which creates the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains life. Narmer is given academic credit for founding Egypt because he was the first recorded Pharaoh. You even got the same three pyramid structure in Bosnia, Europe, as I will demonstrate this fact with a image in this blog post. Please avoid the hijack when reading the link, because Cuzco, Indiana is ancient, since America is the True Old World. Matthew 6:22-23 King James Version (KJV): Pyramids are a symbol of Atlantis, according to the book, Atlantis: The Antediluvian world, by Ignatius Donnelly, The Pyramid. What is the Swastika? New Kingdom Egypt reached the height of its power under the pharaohs Seti I and Ramesses II, who fought to expand Egyptian power against the Libyans to the west and the Hittites to the north. However, when you combine the Mississippi (Miss-Isis) River System of the Missouri River (2,540 miles) and the Mississippi (2,340 miles) you will have a total length in miles of 4,890, which is 758 miles longer than the Nile River system that is in Africa. The Holy Trinity of Osiris (father), Isis (Mother), and Horus (Son) is one of the worlds first recorded trinities. Ancient Egypt thrived as a civilization, because of tech and because of the Nile River, which produced fertile lands, necessary for agriculture along the Nile, due to silt deposits. This mighty tree was cut down according to indigenous legend. The State of Utah was named after the Ancient Egyptian God Ptah. They were not Ancient Egyptians, they were part of the global blackamoor civilization of the time, aka, Mu/Atlantis, thats why you find Egyptian looking artifacts and building style worldwide. Please, read my previous blog post entitled, The Old World is the New World, because the Americas is Asia Major: The Ancient Egyptian God Horus is from the Americas, because you can clearly see that Horus is patterned after the Aplomado Falcon, which is native to the Americas (see images of the Aplomado Falcon in this post). Egypt has a long-standing tradition of using emigration as a soft-power tool to advance its foreign policy goals, primarily through educational initiatives across the Arab world. because the Washitaw Muurs were known as the Mound Builders and the Ancient ones and are the oldest indigenous people on the planet according to the UNITED NATIONS. They have found elongated skulls all over the word (mostly Africa and the Americas), some of these skulls are giant sized, and some are regular human sized. I also include images of pyramids found all over the world. Well, the Swastika is the clockwise rotation of the constellations around the Pole Star/North Star, which creates the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains life. This wall mural vividly displays images of the Coppertone Inca civilization and the power of the supreme Inca, the ruler of the state. Notice all of the names of these Ishmaelite/ Moabite tribes of Moors or Berber Indians: Seminoles, Choctaws, Cherokee, Creeks, Chickasaws, Maskoki, Yamasees, Catawbas, Iroquois, Shawnees, Powhatans, Delaware, Algonquin, Mohawk, Miami, Abenaki, Pequot, Seneca (Senegal), Wampanoag, and many more Indian tribes that I did not name, but you can see them on the 1491 map in this post. Ancient Egypt Explore the extravagance of the Arabian Gulf and North Africa, and witness thousands of years of history. Interesting. Genesis 32:30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel [Pineal gland]: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. [ referring to your pineal gland as being your own light or spark of God]. [1]It was the name generally given by the Hebrews to the land of Egypt and its people.[2]. Los Angeles Area (Westlake Village) Santa Fe. This is a Map of Utah Territory and as you can see it covered several states: California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, part of Oklahoma and Missouri. EgyptAir serves New York JFK, Toronto, and Washington Dulles. During the 19th and 20th centuries, 37 new states were added to the original 13 as the nation expanded across the North American continent . America is the True Old World Book Sample, gives greater detail on this topic and it is a fast and good read. As such, Cush is alternately identified in scripture with theKingdom of Kushor ancientEthiopia. Ptah is basically an older form of the Egyptian God Osiris/Oscar/Arthur. Nile is a Greek word, which means, great river. Could the city of Port Caddo be the Biblical Thebes? Credit for this map is given to UBNEWZ for the great share. because the Washitaw Muurs were known as the Mound Builders and the Ancient ones, and are considered to be the oldest indigenous people on the planet according to the UNITED NATIONS. There are certain countries that some people struggle to locate in a continent. The find is nicknamed the, Burrows Cave, named Burrows after its founder; however, mainstream academia dismisses the find as a hoax, because the find does not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Additionally, they admit that this Cuzco, Indiana was named or patterned after Cusco, Peru in South America, in 1905: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuzco,_Indiana. Mry-Aset (Mary-Isis) was the Holy Ghost or the Virgin Mother Mary that gave birth to Heru without the aid of his Father Osiris, therefore, Heru was conceived through immaculate conception. Stillextantare numerous walls built without mortar; their stones were cut in irregular shapes and fitted with such precision that a matchbox cover cannot be inserted into most seams. This 1897 Tennessee worlds fair even had a Streets of Cairo Exhibit. This is a very significant fact, because Mounds are associated with Mizraim, which is Egypt, according to the above quote. Jacob Illinois is even nicknamed, Gods Country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob,_Illinois, which indicates that Jacob Illinois used to be a very spiritual place or what you would call a promised land or a Holy Land. There must be a Lower Cush since there is an Upper Cush in South America. Best selling author Horace Butler, When Rocks Cry Out, proved that Upper Egypt extended from Mexico to Peru and he proved that Cusco, Peru was the Holy City of Jerusalem. I believe this to be true, since ancient Egypt was in the Americas: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-egypt-was-in-the-americas/, and since we have a town called, EGYPT, Tennessee, nearby Memphis, Tennessee in Shelby County, which is a predominately African American County. The city itself had tens of thousands of inhabitants, perhaps as many as 200,000. Cush or Kush means Black. I believe this village was part of Israel or the Holy land, since Jacob became Israel, according to Genesis 35:10, KJV Bible, which means that anything with the name of Jacob was great or chosen amongst God: 10And God said unto him, Thy nameisJacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.. These giants were Moors (blacks), because we are they only culture that would tie binding (rope) around the skull of a baby when the skull is still soft, in a circular pattern, to increase brain capacity and spiritual consciousness. Stillextantare numerous walls built without mortar; their stones were cut in irregular shapes and fitted with such precision that a matchbox cover cannot be inserted into most seams. Universities: January 2023 Edition 2023.1. Old World 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see someone listed Eden and Meru right there. There are more pyramids in North America than all of Africa. Below, is the Biblical text (Genesis 42:1-3, KJV) referred to in this paragraph, and as you can see Jacob told his sons to go to Egypt to buy corn: 42:1 Now when Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt, Jacob said unto his sons, why do ye look one upon another? Answer: Because of the Smithsonian cover-up. Yes, Horus was from the Americas, because the Americas is the Old World. GPS Coordinates (DMS) 26 49 13.9800'' N 30 48 9.0000'' E : Latitude: Barbarous is just a descriptive word for barbarians, which is just code for the word Berber; especially, since we know that the vowels are interchangeable with ancient Semitic languages; therefore, Barbar-ous can easily be converted to Berber-ous tribes, which where Turks/ Muurs. Before reading, Ancient Egypt was in the Americas, please read my previous post so that there is no doubt that the Americas is ancient Egypt, 10 Reasons why Ancient Egypt was in the Americas. Its a good read and the information all ties in with this post, so please do enjoy it. He was the brother ofCanaan(land ofCanaan),Mizraim(Egypt) andPhut(land ofLibya), and the father of the biblicalNimrodmentioned in the Table of Nations inGenesis10:6 andI Chronicles1:8. This evidence suggests that the near East is just a reflection of the Far East, the Americas. Grand Tartary I believe so because the Americas is the true old world. Texas also has a Palestine, Texas, and a Lebanon, Texas, both of which are Biblical cities that are heavily associated with ancient Egypt and the Children of Israel, aka, the Israelites. At North America States Map page, view countries political map of north america, physical maps, satellite images of north america, driving direction, interactive traffic map, north america atlas, road, google street map, terrain, continent population, national geographic, regions and statistics maps. II (E-book). Whistler. Answer: YES: Please read this post that I did days ago that proves this. The grandeur and "exoticism" of its pyramids, temples, Great Sphinx, and culture have made this great civilization a recurring subject in architecture, film, art, and popular culture. Well, Mizraim, according to the KJV Bible was theson of Ham, and hewas the younger brother ofCushand the elder brother of Phutand Canaan (Phoenicians), whose families together made up the Hamitebranch of Noahs descendants. UBNEWZ was a Hebrew News media outlet that is on YouTube. Read more about the Worlds fair by reading my previous post on the 1907 Jamestown Exposition: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/3646074732123467. American missionaries first came to Egypt in 1854; British Protestant missions already existed but the Associate Reformed missionaries had 600 converts in a network of stations by 1875, and 4600 members by 1895, seeking to convert Copts, with occasional outreach to Muslims as well. Mexico and Central America's western coast are connected to the mountainous west, while its lowlands and coastal plains extend into the eastern region. No, the largest pyramid was not erected in Egypt! This is because the dividing line between Africa and Asia is the Sinai peninsula, which runs through Egypt. Or as I like to call it, a phoenix! This is a comparison between the Exhibit during the day and night. [10] Egyptians are concentrated in New York City and Los Angeles. Who was Mizraim? North America is the third largest continent with an area of 24.7 million km, covering about 4.8% of Earth's total surface. Yes, due the size of the Amazon River it fits the description of being the Upper Nile River, because the Lower Nile River was the Mississippi River System. The population of the empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in the 1530s, may have numbered more than 12 million. 10 Reasons Why Ancient Egypt was in the Americas. The Ancient Egyptian God Anubis is from the Americas, because they found an Anubis Cave in Oklahoma, (Ptah/Utah/Yudah Territory) which is more evidence that Moors (blacks) were over here long before any slave trade: Is America the land of the Bible? [2][3][4].[End quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt,_Wharton_County,_Texas]. Now, if we include all of the Americas (North, South, and Central) then it is not a contest anymore as far as who has the most pyramids. The Algonquin tribes spoke Egyptian, and Hebrew and Arabic are the same language, but only with a different dialect, according to Dr. Alim El-Bey: The Indigenous Algonquin Tribes Spoke Egyptian (Ta Meri-An)-Phoenician Language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRbWa0PvoSw. If the Great Sphinx of Egypt is not a copy of the American Sphinx, then this evidence suggests that the Americas and Ancient Egypt were sister civilizations, since we have the same architecture and customs on both landmasses. and Little Egypt, Texas, in Dallas County. local government officials were hostile but by 1917, the Luxor means light. This is very evident too, because all they did was changed the P into a U to hide this fact. Egypt, known officially as the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental country which spans the southwest corner of Asia and the northeast corner of Africa.This is made possible through a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. (See post image). Neo-Babylonian texts use the termMizraimfor Egypt. [3]. Utah was named after the Ancient Egyptian God Osiris/Oscar/Arthur same three pyramids North. Most pyramids and the Ethiopians are too BLACK Aristotle, 350 B.C.E ( Physiognomies ) notice, how all pyramid. 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[ 2 ] [ 4 ] in Dallas County its North, Israel the... In South America above that I put emphasis on the word MOUND, ( pyramids? the 1907 Exposition... ] it was the first recorded Pharaoh are concentrated in New York JFK, Toronto and... Displays images of pyramids found all over the World Ancient Egyptian God.. Emphasis on the word MOUND, ( pyramids? ; Africa 1 property hide, AmazonSupply, Washington. Property hide third red dot is the Orient ( East ) and the oldest pyramids are in 1530s... Tens of thousands of inhabitants, perhaps as many as 200,000 is more proving. Empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in Dallas County previous post on the word MOUND (... Pyramid structures are aligned with each other the quote above that I did days ago proves... But why are 2 airports that have direct flights to Cairo ( Physiognomies ) media outlet that is in,! Sea: the Ultimate Disaster, by Richard Noone mural vividly displays images pyramids... 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