Mohammedan Marriage Act (Cap 96) s 9(2) On 23 December 1954, t he deceased, a Muslim, died intestate owning land and was survived by her daughter. The Magistrate in settling the lists shall mark off the names of such persons as he shall deem suitable to serve as special jurors in each district. SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE, Supreme Court Civil Appeal 2 of 1972, Hon Mr Justice E Livesy Luke CJ, 3 July 19 73 . 234. 48. Resumption of trial or investigation. Conviction of assault with intent to rob on charge of robbery. When a person is accused of the commission of any offence by reason of anything which has been done or of anything which has been omitted to be done, and of any consequence which has ensued, such offence may be enquired into or tried in any district in which any such thing has been done or omitted to be done, or any such consequence has ensued. 247. 668dd-668ee; Administration Act), as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, requires the Service to develop a CCP for each national wildlife refuge. Immediately after the accuses shall so have had opportunity of making his answer to the charge, the Court shall ask him whether he desires to give evidence on his own behalf and whether he desires to call any witnesses, and the evidence of the accused together with the depositions of such witnesses as the accused shall call, and who shall appear on his behalf, shall then be taken in like manner as in the case of the witnesses for the prosecution. (2) The Remitting Court shall send to the Court to which the person charged is remitted for trial an authenticated copy of the information, summons, warrant and all other process or documents in its possession relative to such person. (2) for the purposes of this section the expression "Court" means any Court in Sierra Leone and includes the Supreme Court, a Magistrate's Court and any Local Court. CUSTOMARY JUSTICE As in many post-colonial countries, Sierra Leone has a dual legal system and this dualism is recognised in the 1965 Courts Act. (4)The Establishment Secretary shall before the end of August in each year submit to the Senior Police Magistrate, Freetown, a list of all office-holders who have been exempted under item (xvi) of subsection (2) of section 151. DATED thisday of.19.. *If the accused states that he does not wish his witnesses examined by the Magistrate but desires them to be bound over to appear before the Supreme Court, this must be stated, but on no account should a Magistrate suggest or encourage this, but should record the evidence unless the accused does not wish it. Copies of lists to be sent to Sheriff. While Spanish is the first official language of Puerto Rico, English is the second official language. (6)Where a corporation is charged with an offence triable on indictment or triable summarily, the corporation may, on arraignment before the Supreme Court or on being asked to plead by the Magistrate, as the case may be, enter in writing by its representative a plea of guilty or not guilty, and if either the corporation does not appear by a representative or, though it does so appear fails to enter any plea, the Court shall order a plea of not guilty to be entered and the trial shall proceed as though the corporation had duly entered a plea of not guilty. Evidence for arriving at proper sentence. It does not, though, regulate the use of force by the Sierra Leone Police Force beyond the provision in Section 16(2) cited above. The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 [1st October, 1965.] A certificate under the hand of the Registrar or other officer of the court, that such sentence has been passed and naming the person condemned, shall be sufficient . It turns out that an overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans oppose higher taxes, even though it is widely agreed that public service provision is very poor in the country. according to law may be dealt with in Sierra Leone, the offence may, subject to the provisions of section 53, be enquired into and tried at any place in Sierra Leone to which the accused person is first brought or to which he may taken thereafter. Note: Your non-appearance in Court will have no effect on the Sentence to be passed if you are convicted. is entered, and if he has been committed to prison shall be released or if on bail his recognisances shall be discharged; but such discharge of an accused person shall not operate as a bar to any subsequent proceedings against him on account of the same facts. 3. If any person stands mute or refuses, or by reason of infirmity is unable to answer directly to the indictment the Court shall, unless it has reason to believe that such person is of unsound mind and consequently incapable of making his defence, order the Registrar to enter a plea of not guilty on behalf of such person, and the plea so entered shall have the same force and effect as if such person had actually pleaded the same; but if the Court has reason to believe as aforesaid, it shall proceed in the manner prescribed in section 71. Santigie Borbor Kanu (also known as Five-Five) (born March 1965) was a Sierra Leonean military commander in the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC). (1) Where, before trial upon information or at any stage of such trial, it appears to the Court that the information is defective, the Court shall make such order for the amendment of the information as the Court thinks necessary to meet the circumstances of the case, unless having regard to the merits of the case, the required amendments cannot be made without injustice. 174. Certificate of superintendent of hospital to be evidence. he has given evidence against any other person charged with the same offence. 45. a. A Court may, before passing sentence, receive such evidence as it thinks fit, in order to inform itself as to the sentence proper to be passed. 79. 125. Act regulates relations between employers and employed, and safeguards heath of the employed. 36. This is to authorize and require all persons to whom the saidshall be delivered to receive the, said.into their custody together with this certificate, and him safely to keep. proof of any deposition or statement and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof, unless the court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. accused " means a person charged with a crime but does not include a defendant; " child " means a person under the age of fourteen years; " committed for trial " used in relation to any person, means committed to prison with a. view to his being tried before the Supreme Court and includes a person who is admitted to bail upon a recognisance to appear and take his trial before the said Court; " corporation " includes a statutory corporation as defined in subsection (9) of section 32 of the Constitution, a company formed and registered under the Companies Act or the Companies Act, 1924, and any Company to which Part IX of the Companies Act applies; " Court " means any Court of criminal jurisdiction established by law in Sierra Leone other than a Local Court in the Provinces administered under the Local Courts Act; " defendant " means a person charged with a summary offence and appearing before a Magistrate in answer to a summons; "indictment " means a document containing the charge against the accused signed by a Law Officer and every indictment purporting to have been signed as aforesaid shall be Presumed to be so signed until the contrary is shown; " information " means a document containing the charge or charges against the accused or the defendant and signed by the prosecutor and includes an indictment; " inquiry" includes preliminary investigation; " Judge " means a judge of the Supreme Court; " Law Officer " means the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General, the First Parliamentary Counsel and every other Crown Counsel or Parliamentary Counsel; "Minister" means the Minister charged, for the time being with responsibility for matters relating to Social Welfare; "prosecutor" includes complaint and means a person who gives information or causes information to be given on his behalf against the accused or the defendant and who intentionally associates himself with the prosecution of however, that the mere signing of an indictment orsheet by a law officer or other person authorised that behalf by. 91. If any person acting under a warrant of arrest, or any constable having authority to arrest, has reason to believe that the person to be arrested has entered into or is within any place, the person residing in or being in charge of such place, shall on demand of the person so acting or such constable, allow him free entry thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein. 152. 8. Proof of Statement of accused in lower court. 78. 50. H i l l University of Washington. WHEREAS..(name of criminal lunatic) being charged before the, Court with the offence ofwas this day by special finding found to be, Now these are to authorise you to received the said..into your custody and safely to keep, WHEREAS.(name of accused), being charged before, the..Court atwith the offence, of.was by special finding the said Court to be not guilty of the act or, Now, therefore, I.the Minister responsible for Social Welfare, do hereby order the, be confined in the mental. amounts to a breach of the peace in terms of the PUBLIC ORDER ACT 1965 as amended, . (1) The accused person shall be allowed to examine any witness, although not previously bound over to give evidence and shall, if he apprehends that the witness will not attend the trial voluntarily, be entitled to apply for the issue of process to compel the witness's attendance. In the.Court at. To..(name of prosecutor or witness) of.(address), Take notice that you are bound in the sum of..leones to appear at the, ..sessions of the Supreme Court to be holden atand unless you personally make. Statement of Offence Perjury, contrary to section 1 (1) of the perjury Act, 1911. 175. (2) After such period as the Judge considers reasonable the jury may deliver their verdict, or state that they are not unanimous. 182. Error or omission not to affect legality or execution of order or warrant. BINDING PROSECUTOR AND WITNESS BY RECOGNISANCE. 72. 164. No. The Sheriff and Keeper and Chaplain of the Prison or other minister of religion and such other person present (if any) as the Sheriff requires or allows shall also sign a declaration in duplicate to the effect that judgment of death has been executed on the offender. courts, separate courts for juvenile cases should be constructed and separate detention structures should be provided. (2)The Court, may if it thinks fit, and on the application of the accused person shall, summon and examine such deponent as to the subject matter of his deposition. Copy of indictment and notice of trial to be delivered to Sheriff. same were a judgment debt in the above mentioned Court. (1) The Criminal Procedure Act, the Jurors and Assessors Act, subsection (3) of section 3 of the Treason and State Offences Act, 1963, section 27 of the Police Act, 1964 and section 23 of the House of Representatives Powers and Privileges Act are hereby repealed. do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge (or charges)? d.Nothing in this Act shall make a husband compellable to disclose any communication made to him by his wife during the marriage, or a wife compellable to disclose any communication made to her by her husband during the marriage. Thereafter counsel for the prosecution may address the Court and counsel for the defence may reply and shall then call his witness (if any) as to the character of the accused. When a warrant of arrest is executed outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court issuing the warrant, the person arrested shall, unless the Court which issued the warrant is within twenty miles of the place of arrest or is nearer than the Court within whose jurisdiction the arrest was made, be taken before such last-mentioned Court which shall deal with him in the same way as if brought before it under section 37. Upon the appearance of the accused before the Court on summons, warrant or otherwise, the Court shall cause the substance of the charge against the accused to be stated to him and the accused shall not be required to make any reply thereto; if any such reply is made it shall not be recorded by the Court. period of years, or in such other prison as the Governor-General shall from time to time direct, and subject to the prison rules for the time being in force. When a person is charged with murder he may, if the evidence so warrants, be acquitted of murder and convicted of manslaughter although he was not charged with that offence. 0000035343 00000 n 29 The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 [1st October, 1965.] 161. Any person committed for non-payment may pay the sum mentioned in the warrant, with the amount of expenses therein authorised (if any), to the person in whose custody he is, and that person shall thereupon discharge him if he is in custody for no other matter. (4)The search warrant shall be executed by the constable or other person who shall have charge thereof; but he may be accompanied by any other persons necessary to assist him. When in the case of a trial before a judge with assessors the accused has pleaded to the indictment or, in the case of trial by jury, the accused has been given in charge of the jury, counsel for the prosecution shall open the case. (2) A medical Practitioner, shall, on any juror producing his summons to serve, at any public hospital between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and complaining of ill-health and inability to attend the session, grant him gratuitously such certificate, should he be found unfit. I, (name of accused) of..(address), being brought before, the(Magistrate) atcharged with the, Offence ofand required to give security for my attendance in his Court, and at the Supreme Court, if required, do bind myself to attend at the Court of the said, (Magistrate) on everyday of the preliminary investigation into the said charge and, should. 2. If a person refuses to enter into such recognizance the Court may commit him to prison, or into the custody of any officer of the Court, there to remain until after the trial, unless in the meantime he enter into a recognizance. (4)) After the statement of the offence particulars of such offence shall be set out in ordinary language, in which the use of technical terms shall not be necessary. 47. When an accused person is arrested under a warrant endorsed for bail as provided by section 29. (4)If in any case in which the attendance of defendant is dispensed with under this section, previous convictions are alleged against him and are not admitted in writing, the court may adjourn the proceedings and direct the personal attendance of the defendant and, if necessary, enforce such attendance in manner hereinafter provided. A. Bail is the process by which a court releases a person pending appearance at a future court hearing. No judgment shall be stayed or reversed on the ground of any objection, which if stated after the indictment was read to the prisoner, or during the progress of the trial, might have been amended by the Court, nor because of any informality in swearing the witnesses or any of them. The Special Court shall, except as provided in subparagraph (2), have the power to prosecute persons who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law committed in the territory of Sierra Leone since 30 November 1996, including those leaders who, in committing such crimes, have . Clerks and other persons employed in the Judicial and Law Officers' Departments; xvi. 110. At the Supreme Court holder at..on (2) (2) After a plea of not guilty it shall not be open to an accused person except with the leave of the Court to object that he is not properly upon his trial by reason of some defect, omission or irregularity relating to the depositions or committal or any other matter arising out of the preliminary investigation. An offence shall be enquired into and tried in the Judicial District in which it was committed. (2) Upon the accused being so informed the Judge shall record the fact and shall then observe the appropriate procedure set out in section 193. Figures and abbreviations may be used in an information or indictment for expressing anything which is commonly expressed thereby. WHEREAS at a preliminary investigation held by me into a charge of.preferred against, ..(name of accused) I committed the, said..(name of accused) for trial by the Supreme Court Upon the said charge and. But its judicial arm of governance was under imperial rein until at least in 1965 when the Court of Appeal of Sierra Leone was birthed pursuant to the Court Act of 1965 (Act No. There shall be no challenge to the array, and no accused person shall be admitted to any peremptory challenge above the number of three. Statements as to wages to be evidence. Section 29 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows. PART I - GENERAL PROVISIONS PROCEDURE 3. 24. 35. It was ratified by Parliament on 15 December 2011 and signed into law on 1 February 2012. In the..Court at. To.(he bailiff or other person concerned), Whereas in the matter of a charge of.preferred at the instance, of..(prosecutor) against..(accused) (defendant) it was. THE GLOBALIZATION OF WORLD POLITICS AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. B., on theday of.19at Freetown in the Western Area of Sierra, Leone, being a witness upon the trial of an action in the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone in which one.was, plaintiff, and one..was defendant, knowingly falsely swore that he was one M. N. in the street called. 233. 9781315162461_webpdf_115322 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. 162. The respondent claimed that the deceased had sold the land to him some time in . Repealing the Act was a commendable thing by Parliament, as the Act had been seen as draconian by many because it had stood in The Court shall, at the time of committing him for trial, inform the accused of his right under this section. (2) If two or more of the assessors are prevented from attending or absent themselves, the proceedings shall be stayed and a new trial shall be held with the aid of fresh assessors. Any constable or other person authorised to make an arrest may break out of any house or place in order to liberate himself or any other person who, having lawfully entered for the purpose of making an arrest, is detained therein. h.Nothing in this Act shall effect the provisions of section 18 of the Indictable offences Act, 1848, or other right of the person charged to make a statement without being sworn. Abstract/Citation: Comprehensive legislation on criminal procedure. Penalty for signing false certificate. Declaration of execution by Sheriff. C h a r l e s W. L . A. (2) Where a fine imposed under sub-section (1) is not paid forthwith the prosecutor may, by filing the conviction, enter as a judgment the amount of the fine and costs (if any) in the Supreme Court, and that judgment shall be enforceable against the corporation in the same manner as if it were a judgment entered against the corporation in the Supreme Court in civil proceedings. 20. (1) The deposition of a medical practitioner or other medical witness, taken and attested by a Magistrate in the presence of the accused person, may be read as evidence, although the deponent is not called as a witness. 203. The said Section states, amongst others, that the laws of Sierra Leone shall comprise "rules . 2. the offence of.and I consider it advisable to adjourn the examination into the said charge: Now these are to command you to receive the saidinto your custody and safely to keep him and, produce him before me, or theday of, .19and hereafter from time to time as may be notified to you by. The Governor-General may at any time exempt and exclude by public notice any Judicial Districts from returning jurors. (2) In every such case any sum of money due may be levied on the goods and chattels of the person ordered to pay the same by distress and sale under warrant; and in all cases in which a warrant of distress is issued by the Court under this section the Court may either suffer such person, to go at large or verbally, or by warrant in that behalf, order him to be kept in custody until return shall be made to the warrant of distress. must be proved at the trial either by a certificate purporting to be signed by the Magistrate before whom the deposition purports to have been taken or by the clerk to such Magistrate, that the deposition was taken in the presence of the accused and that the accused or his advocate had full opportunity of cross-examining the witness; c.the deposition must purport to be signed by the Magistrate before whom it purports to have been taken: Provided that the provisions of this section shall not have effect in any case in which it is proved, i.that the deposition, or, where the proof required by paragraph (b) is given by means of a certificate, that the certificate was not in fact signed by the Magistrate by whom it purports to have been signed; or. 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