03 Nov. 2012. Funding for the project was only possible with the generosity of private, philanthropic support. star plain and simple. New technology developed by Roger Angel and colleagues at the Steward Observatory offered significant promise for developing a more powerful telescope at considerable cost savings. In schools where every professors desk is adorned with a spinning Earth-globe, we are lectured on the heliocentric theory of the universe, shown images of ball-planets and videos of men suspended in space. So the Vatican has an observatory in Arizona, that is next to Lucifer which is NOT part of the Vatican Observatory as others have claimed. ..until the curtain is lifted, the mirror removed, and the smoke clears Exclusif: Lminent Virement vers lsotrisme | Le journal participatif et citoyen ! The Vatican, the Jesuits and the University of Arizona, unveiled a new telescope centered upon Apache sacred ground, on Mount Graham, in Arizona. Welcome to Mount Graham International Observatory. Interestingly, theres a documentary about Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy. Tucson. Notre Dame announced they will pay the University of Arizona $266,000 per night for six nights each year for telescope viewing on Mount Graham, notwithstanding repeated Apache protests of religious desecration. Web. Sacred Apache land 'on death row' in standoff with foreign mining titans Tribal members in Arizona are fighting to protect a piece of land they consider their "Mount Sinai." Apaches fight. Even in Freemasonry when you reach high degree they say that most been taught its to be bad, instead of good. (RNS) Congress approved the transfer of the land to Resolution Copper in 2014 in exchange for 6,000 acres elsewhere, but the Western Apache claim that the site has unique spiritual meaning. not. The coming of settlers from the East disrupted the Apache way of life forever. This has been fun. Why, when it took until 1992 for the Vatican to pardon Galileo? Another group installed a telescope it nicknamed Lucifer. OAK FLAT, AZ - Jan. 10, 2021: Former San Carlos Apache Chairman Dr. Wendsler Nosie addresses Apache Stronghold on January 10 . If you want to learn more about the Vatican's L.U.C.I.F.E.R. False prophets claiming 09-23-17 starts 7 year great tribulation Prophecy in the News. TOPICS: catholic church lucifer mt. The University of Arizona (UA) selected Mount Graham as their choice location for a seven-telescope observatory project in the 1980s. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that he needed to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-Americans anthropologists. Im taking deep breaths as I finished reading this statement. Hence, in 1987 the Vatican Observatory Foundation was established. One of those groups installed a telescope and briefly nicknamed one of its attachments "Lucifer" in. The Biden administration has put the brakes on a controversial land exchange that would have given a sacred Native American site to a multinational mining company by 11 March.. Parts of the . In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. OAK . Daniels referred to the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. BTW, I am still waiting for you to point me to that curved water. This was simple for us though because no one here claims to be infallible, where Biblical knowledge is concerned; and we are constantly adjusting and perfecting our knowledge. of the Morning! The spiritual value of Mount Graham to the Apache was not considered. Fifteen years later, after incursions by settlers on what the Apaches knew were their own lands by treaty, they fought back. In 1997 the University of Arizona requested that all Apache's must apply for permission to pray 48 hours in advance. Even Satan doesnt known when it will happen and so he [], [] Vatican L.U.C.I.F.E.R. On this mountain is a great life-giving force. And the story goes that Copernicus waited until on his death-bed before publishing the work that changed everything we knew about our relation to the universe, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres. First, we'll look at how the Mt. Below are links to the optical and instrument specifications to assist observers. This mountain is home to a large diversity of animals that have come up from the heat of Mexico and down from the northern mountains of the Pinaleo mountain range. One of Arizona's "Sky Islands," a sacred place to Apaches, has been damaged by development and a controversial observatory. Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry using everything from books, magazines, and television to computer-generated imaging, have succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! Birney, Mt. graham observatory observatory telescope vatican. January has another delight: a long total lunar eclipse on the night of January 20-21. <, Brandt, Elizabeth. It served not only home to their guardian spirits, but also is an ancient burial site. "When the white people, the non-Indians, invaded, they assumed the 'moral authority' versus the 'treacherous savage Apaches,'" Riley said. How many more weeks do you need?. The mission of VATT is displayed prominently outside the entrance in Latin and in English indoors. We serve this community, operating and maintaining facilities at the remote observing site . The Vatican Observatory is most likely part of the Manufactured Alien Threat. Four years later, and decades since the Vatican initiated its occupation, the Pope has yet to reach out to the San Carlos Apache Tribe. L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research, is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. The Forest Service has acknowledged that the mountain is a Traditional Cultural Property to Western Apache people and has taken steps to consult with traditional Apache about the sacred nature of the mountain and how to protect it. What one may notice is that many groups who, associate divinity/infallibility with their leaders, and/or the KJV (and any other Text which falsely translates haylel as Lucifer), will be extremely reluctant to accept this simple error, and will become immediately defensive of their congregation and this tradition. splendors intolerable blinds feeble, Magic nice answer/ Now, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! In this same article the coalition leader concludes his thoughts by stating that there is not much more to do to protect the mountain, but to pray that it will be protected. It's the home of the ga'an, or Apache mountain spirits, and the source of life-giving water for at least seven streams in the area. Graham in Tucson. )), According to an online article by Lee Alen earlier this year, prior to the building the Vatican Observatory group claimed that Mount Graham could not be a sacred site due to its lack of religious shrines. So what is this elusive LUCIFER Telescope? The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona) reports that the Jesuit Father Charles W. Polzer calls opposition to the construction of the telescope complex on top of Mount Graham part of a Jewish conspiracy and comes from the Jewish lawyers of the American Civil Liberties Union who are out to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church. The House bill, introduced by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), would overturn approval of a land exchange to trade away Oak Flat, known to the Apache as Chi'Chil'Ba'Goteel, to a . With the environmental and cultural concerns circumvented, UA proceeded to ignore and discredit the San Carlos Apaches claim to the mountain as a sacred place. Many people have not paid much attention to the ancient laws. Strange WASHINGTON More than 100 conservation, Indigenous and religious groups urged Congress today to pass the Save Oak Flat Act to protect the sacred site in central Arizona from being destroyed by a massive copper mine.. In fact, most of the early book publishing companies were in and around Rome for the first hundred years books became available to the masses. Prior to the construction of the Vatican Observatory, Mount Graham was one of the last untouched monuments that embodied sacred energy for the San Carlos Apache. National Optical Astronomy Observatory. In southern Arizona, the proposed site of a new mine is pitting the mining company, Resolution Cooper, against the San Carlos Apache people. Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. Why would they set up the earliest observatories right at the end of the Dark Ages, that continues to this day some 500 years later, if they were so dead set on maintaining that the Earth was the center of the universe? Its just fits perfectly whole Lucifer propaganda. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. UA lawyers also argue that they are exempt from the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and any other cultural or environmental law that would apply to them. Isa 14:12 is the ONLY place the word Lucifer is EVER used in the Tanakh. These narratives have include controlled opposition stories of scientific breakthroughs by Copernicus, Newton, Kepler and Galileo who all had their findings vetted through the Royal Society of England, who validated scientific theory through the 19th century, as well as the Vatican. graham observatory observatory telescope vatican. And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. Then somebody remarked that Mt Graham also hosts the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, and that it is somewhat amusing that Mt Graham has both Vatican and Lucifer. The Vatican, which has invested in the project, challenged the sacredness of the mountain based on the lack of structures or objects. Graham: Apaches and Astrophysical Development in Arizona | Cultural Survival. * what causes them to move at all? Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. Father Coyne further declared that Apache beliefs were a kind of religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force we can muster.. DziNchaaSi An, or Big Seated Mountain in Apache, is shown on most maps as Mount Graham. Does the Lakota sweat ceremony provide a sense of place? Cultural Survivor, 24 Mar. They didnt become a one of the richest groups in the world on just donations. How can they shift is your question. The Book of proverbs emphatically shows that ones wisdom is dictated by their ability to learn from mistakes, make corrections, and be corrected, not the inability to make mistakes and/or be corrected. (Source), Keepers of the Knowledge of Heliocentric Astronomy, The Vatican. The Vatican wanted that specific site for whatever they were into. The University president claimed that he was unaware that Mount Graham was sacred to the Apache and that the Apache opposed the desecration of this sacred place. The officially sanctioned removal of the Apaches holy mountain from Apache control was complete. That's right $87 million. The telescope project would also play havoc with the red squirrels prime habitat, which brought environmentalists together with tribal leaders in opposition. 2012. In this "prayer proposal" the indigenous people needed to disclose the specific time and place they planned on praying. The first two telescopes are small, inexpensive ($3-8 million each) and easily removable. Jesus is the Morning Star, not Lucifer. LOL. FREIstaatliche Religionsgemeinschaft LichtlanD, LichtlanD. <, DiCosola, Maria. Pray for Arizonas Mount Graham During National Sacred Places Prayer Days. Indian Country Today Media Network.com. The Apache name for Mount Graham is Dzil Nchaa Si An. This group consisted of members from local Audubon chapters, the Sierra club, and students residing at the University of Arizona. The third is an empty building with the movable metal parts waiting in Italy and the mirrors incomplete in a UA production facility in Tucson. Again, the creator. But the U.S. did not quickly follow up and settle Apache lands, he said. The how is best answered by the one that designed the whole mechanism and set them on a path. Vatican astronomers used some of the facilities of Steward Observatory, but in 1993 the 1.8-meter Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) opened on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona. http://abell.as.arizona.edu/%7Elbtsci/Instruments/LUCIFER/Documents/LUCIFER_UM_1.1.pdf"]http://abell.as.arizona.edu/~lbtsci/Instruments/LUCIFER/Documents/LUCIFER_UM_1.1.pdf, http://abell.as.arizona.edu/%7Elbtsci/Instruments/LUCIFER/lucifer.html"]http://abell.as.arizona.edu/~lbtsci/Instruments/LUCIFER/lucifer.html, http://thirdsecret.org/content.php?153-Benedict-XVI-build-the-throne-of-Satan. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres . Your fourth question seems redundant. In 1988, they succeeded in getting Congress to attach a rider to the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act which exempted the first 3 telescopes from any restrictions in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Mount Graham is one of the four sacred mountains of the Apache people. The Annual Report is distributed to more than 400 institutes around the world. Freistaatliche Religionsgemeinschaft LichtlanD - Leben in Liebe und Licht Wir sind alles SEELEN und haben einen Menschen.. The central sacred importance of Mount Graham has been known to the Mount Graham astronomers since 1968, long before the opening of the Vatican's telescope in 1993. Apache elders filed suit in 1991 to halt the project, seven months later it was thrown out and construction began. The Vatican has collaborations with all major astronomy institutions, so coordinating how information is released is well coordinated; The Observatory carries out these programs in collaboration with many astronomical research institutes in countries including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, South Africa, the United States, and as members of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (ICRA). Device and its purpose, read my original article below, originally posted on June 20, 2016. For website issues email: webmaster@as.arizona.edu, University Land Acknowledgement Statement, Information for Faculty, Postdocs, & Grads, Promoting a Healthy and Welcoming Environment for our students, staff, and faculty, (Obsolete) Kitt Peak Summit Dorm Room Assignments, Kitt Peak Summit Dormitory Room Assignments, Steward Observatory Committee Assignments, UA Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy, UA College of Science Community Connections, Remembering William John Cocke 1937 - 2022, Catalina Sky Survey Telescopes on Mts. The same year, Steward Observatory's Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) also opened on Mount Graham. Graham in Arizona to mount a telescope there? The Apache regard the Mt. In 1986 in Castel Gandolfo, the Vatican Observatory organized a month-long Summer School in Astronomy and Astrophysics for 25 students from around the world taught by eminent scholars invited for the occasion. Since the power line was not included in the first phase of the project, opponents of the project challenged UA in court on the grounds that the power line and all future construction should be subject to the NEPA, ESA, and NHPA. Is it he who Yes, Peter, Jesus IS the Morningstar and the Light of the world. Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated that he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. Graham International Observatory. Northern Arizona News. Papal interest in astronomy can be traced to Pope Gregory XIII who had the Tower of the Winds built in the Vatican in 1578 and later called on Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians to study the scientific data and implications involved in the reform of the calendar which occurred in 1582. <, McLeod, Christoper, and Amy Corbin. The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) operates the 1.8m Alice P. Lennon Telescope with its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. Lucifer was the light bearer not the morning star, unless youre reading a Bible version from corrupt manuscripts. They were put there to mark the times and seasons and have been successful used as such for millennia. This requirement rankles many, including former San Carlos Apache Chairman and Native rights advocate Wendsler Nosie. Youve mixed the two up, rather slanderously I might add. So please dont believe these flat earth people. Grasslands & Sabino Canyon Observatory. The National Optical Astronomy Observatories rejected Mount Graham years ago. Debra Utacia Krol Arizona Republic Published 7:23 AM PDT Aug. 20,. And that the Vatican's telescope is named the VATT. They view the mountain as the embodiment of spiritual energy rather than as a specific place. The mountain has ancient, undisturbed burials, as well as being a source for medicinal plants and a location for ceremonies. The fact is, though hasatan did fall from Heaven, we dont know what sin caused this fall; and we have subconsciously accepted philosophies about hasatan, which dont actually reflect the Biblical account, rather, the tradition of man! At the end of the following century, 151 locations in Italy had seen at one time printing activities, with a total of nearly three thousand printers known to be active. | The GoldFish Report Blog, https://aplanetruth.info/2015/03/31/20-why-is-the-vatican-the-largest-and-longest-owners-of-telescop…, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2016 The Coming Shift to the Esoteric A Major Update by Preston James | saintandrewstwinflame, One World/One America ~ The Tartarians and Moors New Free Book Release#13, Sneak Peak Ch #2 When One America WasAmoor-ica, Sneak Peak Ch 3 ~ ONE World Turtle Island from One World/ One America the Tartarians andMoors, Free Book #12 ~ Slow Kill and the Deadly Polio Shot That Afflicts Millions StillToday, New Free .pdf Book ~ Bye Bye Blue SkyIllustrated, The Untold History of Mendocino County FreeBook. It's located in an isolated part of southeastern Arizona several miles outside of Tucson, the nearest large city. It is apart of the Vatican Observatory, which is one of the oldest astronomical establishments. Apaches and other Native peoples must now obtain a permit to conduct ceremonies in the forest, according to a forest spokesperson. So God created man ( not aliens) man created the telescope and the Vatican created the laws to enslave man. Collaborating with the Steward Observatory, the Vatican Observatory built the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mt. as holy land & it is believed there's a portal or star gate there 01 Mar 2023 11:50:59 The church held most knowledge in books which had laboriously been handwritten by priests until then. L.U.C.I.F.E.R., qui veut dire Large Tlescope Binoculaire avec un Utilitaire Proche-Infrarouge, et une Camra, et une Unit Intgre de Gestion, pour la Recherche Extragalactique, est un instrument rfrigr attach un tlescope en Arizona. This was in spite of the fact that the building of telescopes on this sacred mountain by the University of Arizona and the Vatican was a controversial issue and had been the subject of . Measuring 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in) wide, the telescope achieved its first light in 1993. First, somebody reported that an instrument called Lucifer was installed on Mt Graham. Original: Mar 12, 2013. He mathematically proved it. The Vatican Telescope - formally known as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope - is located not within the Vatican, but in Arizona! To Participate in the Mount Graham Sacred Run, contact. It is also a landscape of enormous biological diversity, home to the endangered Mount Graham red squirrel. ), (Protesters in the lobby of Ardrey Auditorium hand out fliers with information about their opinions concerning the observatory on top of Mt. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lets pretend these are serious questions and you really are just curious. "Since time immemorial Apache people and Puebloan people have respected that mountain," Riley said. The Vatican Observatory Research Group operates a telescope in Arizona called the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. Despite this proliferation, printing centres soon emerged; thus, one third of the Italian printers published in. The mountain is one of several which mark the boundaries of their sacred space. Teachers to the New Up and Coming Astronomers, The Vatican. Construction of an astronomical observatory threatens the integrity of Mount Graham, Ariz., sacred to the San Carlos and White Mountain Apache. Then the information somehow degraded and the slur was born: Vatican astronomers are supposedly friends with Lucifer Coverage of Indigenous issues at the intersection of climate, culture and commerce is supported by the Catena Foundation and the Water Funder Initiative. However, Ohio State and Notre Dame have joined the project (selling viewing time at $30,000/night) and now the University of Minnesota and the University of Virginia are considering investing in the project. Students residing at the remote observing site Vatican telescope - formally known as the Vatican Advanced telescope! First two telescopes are small, inexpensive ( $ 3-8 million each ) and easily removable telescopes are,... Az - Jan. 10, 2021: Former San Carlos and White mountain Apache in 1991 to halt project. Nice answer/ Now, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat next time I comment up, slanderously., printing centres soon emerged ; thus, one third of the Vatican telescope - formally known the... First two telescopes are small, inexpensive ( $ 3-8 million each ) and easily removable the optical... Vatican Observatory Research group operates a telescope and briefly nicknamed one of the Alien! 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