At the Indiana Memorial Union, suicide victims and a ghost dog roam, and apparitions have been Small Stepp Cemetery has about 25 graves and features in many local legends, from its founding by cult members to a grieving mother who committed suicide here after losing her baby. Some people have even claimed to see the elderly lady in the storeroom. The plant is a playground for urban explorers, with many levels and industrial elements left behind. While most cities battle to remove, Read More Explore Torontos LEGAL Graffiti AlleyContinue, If youre from southern Ohio than you probably have heard of an odd prison that sits empty and decaying just off of state route 93. The man that lived here was very angry and violet..causing people to call him the devil. When it comes to violent and property crimes, these cities This large and very actively haunted cemetery is known for the ghostly weeping Greenwood Bride, and it's also home to many Confederate soldiers' spirits. The friendly dog was named for his stiff gait and bright-green eyes. Numerous people have reported seeing apparitions, hearing footsteps, screams, and disembodied voices. Macoupin-Carlinville-Moore Cemetery-This cemetery dates back to the 1800's, it sits back about five miles from the main road. Following an unsuccessful attempt to sell the plant, Wyman-Gordon closed the Ingalls-Shepard Division in 1986 and 350 people lost their jobs. The elevator will run byit's self, it takes people to floors they did not press. Bartonville-State Hospital-There have been many paranormal events that have taken place here. People have heard footsteps and the voice of a man. If you walk down the hall, you can hear footsteps behind you. WebDanville, Illinois 5.9 miles from Westville, IL Fischer Theater was a 19th century opera house located in Danville, IL that has served many purposes over the years including housing, She became ill and was not able to teach any longer, but she loved the theater so much she would come a day or two before the day of the production to check on the children. In short: absolutely. Its definitely not haunted, but worth seeing, if only for the ambience. A short time after entering the home, heran out and died a short time later. A permit is required for entry. In its early years, the mill played a crucial role in expanding Americas railroad network. Once inside you must pass numerous buildings marked: A, B, C, etc. Located at 900 West Adams, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone 309-298-1891. Since then there has been a lot of paranormal activity in the area of the golf course and the surrounding homes. People have heard the spirit of Hester saying "Mommy, please don't kill me". The 1927 Rivoli Theatre is rumored to have been built atop Indian burial grounds. There are plenty of scenic and peaceful places to stretch your legs in our state, but nothing beats combining natural beauty with a side of ghost stories. Danville-Kerasotes Theaters-Theater number one is said to be haunted by a family who previously lived on the land where the theater now stands. It is said to be haunted by many patients who suffered abuse here in the hospital's dark past. Hunting for abandoned places in Illinois? Her name is unknown, but sheis referred to as the "Lady in White". WebDatabase of abandoned building, ghost towns, industrial, farm houses, mansions, creepy places, and more. There is talk that the building will be repurposed as some sort of haunted attraction but little has been said or done regarding that project. / Cash Loan Title Place. Photographing it via drone also offers a unique perspective. The building is now home to the Oprah Winfrey show. The woman's killers were never caught. Carpentersville-Instant Replay Sports Bar- (Formerly Big Boy's Restaurant) The building is haunted by several different spirits. There was also several occasions when chairs, umbrellas, and other items where moved by unseenhands. According to the story, Caroline Barnes was hanged by the townspeople for witchcraft. Johnston City-Arrowhead Cemetery-Hook's Tomb-Legend says that if you walk up to the tomb and walk slowly around it clockwise three times and then knock three times.. you will smell the fragrance of roses.Jonesboro-Dug Hill Road-In 1865, a provost marshal names Welch was killed by two Union Army deserters on this road. In the master bedroom there is a window overlooking the driveway that never needs to be cleaned, even when all the other windows are dusty, smudged and covered with grime. Lisle-Benedictine University-Jaeger Hall-People have reported seeing the spirits of young children in this building. ABANDONED Restaurant? 3. Remember When A Typo Was Printed On Thousands Of Illinois State Fair Ads. WebSearch through abandoned places in Danville. Alton-Mineral Springs Hotel-Currently Mineral Springs Mall. As German residents moved out of the community, the church was left abandoned and eventually closed its doors for good in 1956. By 1954, the patient population peaked at 8,195 spanning over 200 acres. It is located at the corner of Halsted Street and Polk Street. Ottawa- "Spook Road"-Along this road people have reported hearing loud screams, and seeing apparitions of people that do not look too friendlythey always disappearing within a few seconds. On the light of a full moon people say that ifyou place your hands on the headstone you can feel his heartbeat and hear him cry. It is believed that there are another 150 people buried here. The church was constructed in 1917, and designed after The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. Turns out, Illinois is way more than just the Chicago Cubs, deep-dish pizza, and cornfields. When you enter the upstairs master bedroom, no matter the time of year, it is always warm. Peoria-Zeller Mental Hospital-A ton of paranormal activity has been reported to have taken place here. During opening night at a production of West Side Story, he suffered a massive heart attack and die before seeing the play. People have heard muffled voices,whispers, laughterand footsteps, and thewhat sounds like marching feet. At night you can hear strange noises and see something moving around the house. Just before reaching the stop sign at the intersection, the image seems tofade away. Another theory relates to the O'Hare expansion idea. Barnes & Noble, along with a few other stores now occupy the property. Laura Schweppe died in 1937 leaving the bulk of her estate to her children. While some buildings have been demolished, there is plenty of evidence of the Manteno State Hospital. During the 20s the plant would supply steel for Americas demand for the automobile. There have been numerous apparitions seen here. Lockport-Lockport Central High School- In the auditorium of the high school cold spots have been felt numberous times. The 1848 Indiana Hospital for the Insane turned into the Central State Hospital in 1926. If you stand in one spot for too long you can hear him running back and forth in the woods. The soldiers were prisoners in the Civil War, and died of yellow fever only to be cast into unmarked graves. Groups claim to see orbs, hear voices, can capture disembodied voices through electric voice phenomenon. The ghost of this young girl has been seen and heard around this building. Built in the 1920s, the Indianapolis Athletic Club is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a fireman who attempts to wake up guests in the middle of the night. Lincoln-Lincoln College-Olin Sang-This is one of the oldest dorms on campus and is haunted by at least one ghost. She reportedly died in the house and still wanders the halls. She has been seen at the gates and Des Plaines Avenue, between the Melody Mill and the cemetery. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'urbexunderground_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-urbexunderground_com-leader-1-0');Abandoned collapsing mines below the surface were to blame, but others suspect that the first building too closely resembled a grim medieval castle, and was scrapped for a more modern cottage design. This is where Mr. Crenshaw bred slaves for sale. By the end of the experiments in 1941, 462 patients would die, and close to 200 would have escaped. Eyewitnesses report apparitions, footsteps, diesmbodied voices, showers and toilets that work by themselves, and many other strange phenomena at this historic inn. People have reported seeing red and white orbs, black shadows, and the smell of lavender and violets have been smelled at times. People have also heard footsteps when no one is around. The soldiers were prisoners in the Civil War, and died of yellow fever only to be cast into unmarked graves. The Indian burial site ison a hill on the south side the oldest section. The building looks like a giant armchair. The area is open to the public for exploration, hiking, and biking. One inmate who tried to reason with the gangs was murdered. Alton-Lovejoy School-The school is believed was built partially on an Indian burial ground and has been the host of numerous paranormal events. When she is approached, she simply vanishes. There are a few published articles related to deserted neighborhoods in this area dating back to the early 2000s. In these buildings people are overcome by a strong feeling of depression. The home no longer stands, but people have heard the elderly lady screaming and have seen the ghost of the man hanging from the tree. Gravestones are said to move around here as well. La Salle-Kaskaskia Hotel-This hotel has been the host of many paranormal events. In 1909 William Froggie James was suspected of rape and murder, but an investigation was never completed due to the mob that ensued. While previewing movies or when the theater is closed employees have reported seeing the apparition of a woman in a long white dress, and a man in the projection booth. He is believed to be the ghost of a man who lived nearby and committed suicide by hanging himself in a nearby barn. Pontiac-Humiston Woods-There is an Indian Burial ground that remains on this land and is the site of numerous paranormal events. Social network for urban explorers. The nuns would use the building as an infirmary. The largest earthwork is called Monk's Mound, and is also the largest in the Western Hemisphere. People have reportedly seen the ghost of Mr. Peabody several times. There have been numerous reports of strange noises and people seeing unusual things. Minooka/Morris-Aux Sable Cemetery-There have been several ghosts that have been reported ly seen here. People have reported hearing unexplained footsteps and voices. This store was a former Ames department store which closed in 2002. People have reported that midnight you can hear a piano being played in this corner. One story says that a young woman hung herself from the balcony, and that Al Capone has tunnels dug underneath the theater leading towards the Fox River. The Haunted Bridge of Avon is half mile south of U.S. Highway 36 on CR 625. Chicago-Lourdes High School-Students and staff at this Catholic school have reported hearing disembodied footsteps and untraceable music that echoes through the halls. Some people have even seen orbs moving through the darkness of the club. Ever since the flood entry to the tunnels has been sealed. Frankfort The Old Bowen Property Several individuals have reported strange activity in the home over the course of several decades. This white flight along with rising crime rates caused a decline in the towns population. Another ghost has been seen on the second floor near the endoscopes department. In 1996 Oprah herself, acknowledged the history of the building and the fact that it is haunted. Batavia-The Batavia Inn-One of the Inn's female guests reported that she could feel fingers running through her hair and felt several cold spots even though it was in the middle of summer. Over the years the population would rise and other buildings would be constructed on the property. Accessing the site is fairly easy, making this of the easier abandoned places in Illinois to access. The other two ghosts reside mainly in the pool, which can only be seen on guided tours. The spooky sort love Zion Church Cemetery, say locals. Some buildings were repurposed as a Veterans Administration home, while a gold course now resides where campus buildings once did. Many ghosts are said to haunt the historic Millikin University, including Rail Girl, who haunts the Albert Taylor Theater. People have reported hearing the elevator squealing and the young man screaming. Some of the hauntings that have been reported include those of slaves, children, and numerous others. As of recent, one of the buildings was purchased by a private owner who offers ghost tours. A few have been touched by something unseen or have had things thrown at them by invisible hands. (Submitted by Callum Swift). WebZillow has 83 homes for sale in Danville IL. Later during the Cold War, the plant would lead the way in titanium technologies and create parts for the F-14 Tomcat, SR-71, and F-15 Eagle fighter jet. In 1977 an explosion ripped through the facility damaging many of the silos and supporting structures. The trash was buried and capped off with clay and covered with concrete. The other than the stone, not much was left of the chruch. The sounds of police and ambulance sirens have been heard pulling up to the front doors. This company would go on to produce a wide range of parts for automobiles and railroad companies. Crsytal Lake-Stickney Mansion-This mansion was built in 1849 by George Stickney, and is now haunted by his ghost. In the basement, there is a strong sensation that you are being watched. McClure-Grapevine Trail (Dead Mans Curve)-The road is filled with treacherous curves, and therefor has had quite a few car accidents. Find museums in Vermilion, IL, Pemberton Hall - Eastern Illinois University. There has been numerous apparition seen here as well. Attempts to repurpose the building into a juvenile home in the 1990s were ultimately denied. Students have a tradition of leaving her three pieces of candy before a show To avoid cold and rainy weather, a former artistic director used to jog indoors, around the upstairs mezzanine. The casket is believed to contain the body of a prominent man who was murdered at the fort and buried with full honors. Legend has it that around this spot, a KKK lynching took place, and hauntings way stem from it. She seems to be almost trying to play hide and seek, because she darts from behind gravestone to gravestone. There is an old elevator that is no longer in service and has been sealed up. If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know! Ebenezer Floppen Sloppers Wonderful Water Slides first opened in 1980 with only two simple concrete slides. The statues is that of a menacing hooded figure, and those who dare look into it's face are given a taste of what is to come. This mist stays for long periods of time and people who have felt it say that it has a cool feeling to iteven in the middle of the summer. Phantom crowds and horses also have been seen and heard around the area. Elgin-Beef Villa-Back in the 1980's a young teenage boy was reportedly killed in the parking lot in front of the restaurant. These fascinating silos conjure memories of a long-gone era in Chicago and its surrounding areas. Chicago-S-M-C Cartage Company-Located at2122 North Clark Street. Even though a new library was eventually built in her name, and the old one was turned into Williams Hall, the ghost Atkin-Colby Hall at Illinois State University is rumored to be haunted on its 11th floor. When the building was erected it suffered from numerous structural integrity issues. The site is not in the town of Cahokia, but is located thirty miles southeast of St. Louis. A ghostly farmhouse that appears with a fence and light swinging from the front porch, anyone trying to approach it, finds that it vanishes from sight. People have reported seeing a little girl run out in the road in front of cars, they slam on the brakesand they hit heractually feeling the impact of the crashbut, when they get out to check on herno one is found. Palatine-Browns Chicken-Located at Smith and Route 14 (Shopping Center) -At the front of this shopping center once stood a Browns Chicken & Pasta, this was the site where seven souls where brutally massacred. Of the 63 buildings across campus, only 12 remain standing today. Located at 4034 West 56th Street, Chicago,IL 60629 Phone:(312)581-2555. The FBI explained the discrepancies in the appearance by saying that Dillinger had undergone extensive plastic surgery. The area is a hot spot for unexplained lights and sounds, ghostly whispers, eerie sensations, and the feeling of being watched. It has also been reported that people have seen children in the windows of the basement. Aurora-Leland Tower Hotel-Standing at 21 stories tall, this is the tallest building in Aurora. Located at 1610 North Wells, Chicago, IL 60614. The park would abruptly close in 1989 for reasons unknown. While this isnt 100% abandoned, Id still recommend anyone to He refused to do it. The cemetery is now in the middle of the Rubio Woods Forest Preserve, owned by Cook County. Below are 10 different ghost towns you can explore across Louisiana along with their status and exact GPS coordinates. The room is commonly referred to as the "warm room". The statue was based on a painting that was done of her in the family home. A presence can been felt throughout this massive 4 story building. Some buildings have been repurposed, while a few have been demolished. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends. A few hours later, they ran from the home too. Lincoln-Lincoln College-University Hall-This is the oldest building on campus and has the most activity as well. One of the men was badly hurt and died before paramedics could help him. People have seen her, and heard her screaming. Bloomington-Illinois Weslyan University The International House-This huge mansion size on the Illinois Weslyan Campus in Bloomington,Illinois is the host to several ghosts. One witness claims to have been pushed down the stairs by the ghost. Belleville-The Old Meyer House-This is an old brick house that dates back to the mid 1800's. Chicago-The Congress Hotel-This is a pretty old hotel and has been the site of several paranormal events. He then cursed the land. This old, abandoned, former mill site was once one of the first shopping centers to locate in the Mohawk Valley. / Cash Loan Title Place. There has been cold spots felt throughout the building, footsteps, screamsand crying have been heard as well. The ghost girl who has been seen here is believed to Highland Lawn Cemetery has a couple ghostly legends. She was seen leaving the parking lot at a high rate of speed. In 1902 the new facility was finished, featuring 33 buildings, a power station, and a general store. A main hallway can be reached through a room called the 'pool office'. Most of them were reportedly children ranging in ages from 10 to 17 years old. In ages from 10 to 17 years old James was suspected of rape and murder, sheis! Orbs moving through the facility damaging many of the basement, there is pretty! Are overcome by a family who previously lived on the property era in Chicago abandoned places in danville, il its surrounding areas corner Halsted... You 've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please us... Oprah Winfrey show of being watched numerous buildings marked: a, B, C, etc of young in... They ran from the main road 83 homes for sale in Danville.... The statue was based on a painting that was done of her the! 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