Learn how to be armed and . 10. Things from your body thrown into the water. I release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft powers. Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest. The terms incubus and succubus are used in Medieval Christianity to refer to spirits or demons that had sexual intercourse with sleeping men and women. What is your whatsApp number. FACTS ABOUT WATER & MARINE SPIRITS 1. Didnt Satan tempt Jesus to take the kingdoms? Terrible dreams attacks including sex in the dream. This group includes adopted parents as well as biological parents. They are extremely stubborn, aggressive, and dangerous. "Father" is the covenant name God gave his choice minister, Apostle Henry A. Okwuosa, on April 17th, 1999, saying to him that "After the order of Abraham, you are going to be a father of many nations. Women with Jezebel spirit are manipulative and love to conquer. 3. Marine spirits operates when people consciously and unconsciously commit sexual sin. You have to break all evil dedication They empower lust and decay in society. Jesus answered and said to them, You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 2. Finally feel free and ready to serve Jesus. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 KJV 6. THEN SAYING THIS A FALSE SPIRIT PROPHE6S? 5. They use marine chains and padlocks to chain and padlock different areas of a persons life and destiny. 8. Some Characteristics of the Python Spirit. These are Spirits who know you personally from the physical world, including pets and relatives from before you were born. All rights reserved. You have to be careful and rightfully divide the word of God. Constant disappearance one's personal effects. Marine agents possess very strong monitoring powers and know when their victims have opened the doors for attacks through such door openers as discouragement, evil confessions, and lies. I have been plagued by many recurring nightmares in my life but never sought interpretation because I was raised to believe that to do so would be a form of witchcraft. Their primary tool is sex. 19. Octopus- Greek word meaning "eight feet". Oppressive spirit weights you down like you have no energy and have negative thoughts that you cannot complete a task. Prayers They can destroy, delay your physical marriage or block you from ever getting married. 22. Thank you so very much for sharing this article. 11. The marine kingdom is the most significant kingdom of all evil demonic realms. Its not meant to be a 101 of demonology because freedom and deliverance comes from focusing on Jesus Christ. 4 People die and are buried. Spiritual fornication is defined in Ezekiel 23. Read the contents of this book and in complete honesty with yourself and God, start the journey to deliverance and Gods intended end for your life. that is my personal thinking as well as my discernment after reading it many times. Many landed in the sea. They are the enemy with killer motives; they kill your joy, peace, health, calling in life, virtue, marriages, etc. Leviathan's main objective is to stop the ministry of deliverance. 23. Constant disappearance one's personal effects. Through satanically inspired music Hence, the name of the spirit. Surrender your life to and rededicate your life to God. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. 2. WHERE DID THEY SAY THIS WAS A RELIGION,IF GOD SAYS HONOR IT,NO ITS NOT ON A SATURDAY,BUT GOD DODRead more . Isnt he GOD? Marine Spirits because are associated with Water bodies, it has in its kingdom count less workings and signs. Hi Sir Lloyd, could you please explain why women teachers are on the lists? i believe it can be a devil if we have asked God for help and our lives arent changing and we need deliverance but I am not sure. Water Spirits. 250 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST INHERITED FAMILY BATTLES. Characteristic #11: The Demonic Spirit of Leviathan Brings Depression. John 16:8-10 Easy-to-Read Version 8 When the Helper comes, he will show the people of the world how wrong they are about sin, about being right with God, and about judgment. Prostitutes are heavily used as strong bait to entangle their target. They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. We should exercise dominion in all three realms because God has given us dominion over the works of His hands. The Holy Spirit is sent to help us all by convicting us of sin. Prayer: Any gift that will make marine agents and powers to dominate me, I reject you, catch fire. Love, Generosity, Judgement, Justice to name a few.. its time. 16. 3. And that scripture he quoted references the man and the woman in the home. Derek prince said that tinitis or the hands distorting is the spirit of masturbation and must be breathe out deeply. She says she sees a big dark spirit and a lightning person. The Underwater Kingdom of Satan We are going to look at the Demons who reside beneath the waters. They inhabit and live in these Areas. Identifying Questionnaire Directions Read through each of these statements and rate yourself using a score between . You wont let me down. Marine agents specialize in using evil pots to harass peoples lives. Rev 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; 19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. One way can be in the form of bribery. Matthew 10:16. what spirit is for lack of energy or unintentional laziness ? This spirit's ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralize the prophet because a discerning leader is its greatest enemy. This marine Kingdom has recently grown strong and is recruiting a lot of innocent folks without their notice. How can we discern? These include their robes, candles, creams, soap, sponge, mirrors, and incense. The key to unlocking the power of God is byforgiving others. These spirits seduce men and women and steal their power and blessings. A rich array of arts surrounds her, as well as a host of other aquatic spirits--all honoring the essential, sacred nature of water. What does it mean if during deliverance, a person feels need to keep spitting, and their hands begin to tingle and burn, and fingers become very stiff, tense, and closed/bent/distorted? They target all your weaknesses and use them against you. Fear of Water, i.e. Supervise evil covenants between marine powers and their victims including evil dedication to marine powers Marine kingdom are also responsible for the following problems affecting mankind: Deliverance from Mermaid or Marine Demon Spirits. please get the word of god and rout out these demons seek for deliverance. B)Seas. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Deliverance from Marine Spirits: Powerful Prayers to . YES SOME FALSE ONES OUT THERE,BUT PROPHECY IS REAL,And where did GOD FORBID US TO NOT RESPECT THE SABBATH OR JESUS? They program and project evil things into people including animals, moving objects, heat, and sicknesses into people. I cant fully speak on it now but in another Topic I will. They are part of the water kingdom and are beautiful yet very dangerous creatures. 7. Visiting white garment churches I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 2:20 KJV I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith ofRead more , I am a woman. God does chasten his people. We have been expelling demons everyday for over two years now. Marine spirits can also control a whole Town, City or Village from a simple Marine Kingdom department within the region. They use it to suck peoples goodness and to introduce and keep problems and sicknesses in place. A Simple Spring in a City costed the entire City loss of men, Life, continuity and even caused Barren to itself land. Then you can start to hate the old you and leave it totally behind. Your mother worshipped them while pregnant with you. Leviathan is more than a sea monster, he is a principality. Its like the river flowing into the ocean. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. 15. His ministry is LoveIsrael..org.His understanding of scripture comes from knowing the language of Hebrew and Greek.He also works with Derek Prince ministries. This is done and completed by a true Christian in fasting. The water frontier as the biggest hiding of Forces and Kingdoms of the Devil is a big band of Evil Spirits, witches, warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, mediums, spiritists and devil agents of other classes. We see a spiritthe Spirit of Godmoving over the surface of the waters. If it werent for the women in the Bible Moses would not have lived. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Playfulness. Understand that it is Gods will that you be in covenant with the one He has ordained so that together, you both bring Him glory. They will make you hate the person you are to marry. 20. It is the inner strength that enables us to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure. 14. A mermaid's home is the ocean, an endless underwater world. You need to take a humble pill and admit that a lot of what is on this list is just things you assume not things you know and more likely than not a lot of it is wrong. Help. Following are some possible indicators that one is being squeezed by the python spirit: kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". 33 Prayer Points for Powerful Men + Scriptures, Prayer Against Satanic Control of Spiritual Gates. Could there have been civilization on earth before Adam and Eve? There is also a king in the waters that is worshipped. 2. I dont believe she represented all women here. 13. 29. Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims. There are marine priests, marine snakes and other marine animals such as crocodile (also known as the leviathan) that operate from marine altars to manipulate, bewitch, and afflict. Thank you for watching & sharing, THE AGAPEKIND MINISTRY, Equiping. The work to have 100 percent control. Evil association through careless friendship 13. This is why its best to deal and destroy these marine spirits without compromise. Marine agents are adept at carrying out evil transfers. 21. See 1 John 2:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. Dont depend on people, because they cannot save you. A marine strongman may be a serpent. Marine spirits like water operating on 70 percent of any ground or Territory. Prayers Against Marine Spirits. 3. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Every marine witchcraft chain binding my hands and feet from prospering, be broken and shattered to pieces. If you dont leave the old you behind then the new you in Christ cant live and the issues, curses and spirits will keep coming back. Why cant we live our lives the way we want? It is why God said it was for marriage only and the Spirit World knows this, using mans ignorance to this for demonic possession and affliction through spirit spouses. Send your testimonies to: testimony@evangelistjoshua.com, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. They deceive, create false and counterfeit love like the case of Samson and Delilah, they seduce greatly, they harass and so many other forms of Oppression. You shall keep My statutes. Receiving gifts from water demons. 12 I dont allow a woman to teach a man or tell him what to do. This is a list of spirits we have come across based on actual deliverances. Excessive fear of physical rivers. Need Prayer, pleaase fill out the prayer request: demonic spiritual husband/ wife/ children problems. False teacher. Depression is another. for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.. It fights any human being who attempts to be in love with you. 1. These spirits oppress men and women. They are very subtle and deceptive. Everything works for others and not you, you are almost at the edge of a breakthrough but never actually get to the promise. These spirits are both Male and Female, in the Spiritual realm they are called Marine because they dwell in waters, from Rivers, Waterfalls, Seas, Lakes, Streams, Drainages, Wells, Dams and anything else as a water body. 3. 19. There may have been other ancient civilizations. They are productive, meaning they want to control all of your life in order to destroy you not just stopping at a percent of your life. Transforming. Hands is normally related to lust. Thank-you for your Holy Spirit. How about the oceans? 2. Displaying their own characteristics, depending on the context in which . Father where I have opened myself up to false tongues because of pride and any other religious spirits or evil spirits from the laying on of hands because pride has not allowed me to hear or see or speak even to slumber, Father, I AND THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT THE SSINTS,BUT THIS PERSON SAYS THEYRE TRYING TO CREATE THEMSELVES? You follow through on the desire through masturbation; it is the spirit spouse wanting this to keep you bound. Unexplainable hindrances to progress. 12. POWER AGAINST MARINE SPIRITS AND WATER SPIRITS. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire. What did Satan want back? Being half native American (Iroquois) there have been many medicine men and women in my family (even my dad) But my mother was Christian so sheRead more . They can also transfer sickness, untimely death, bad luck and other things from their own lives to the lives of others. Im going through the almost the exact same thing, except people dont cough and itch around me, and the spirits that have transferred to me dont seem leave no matter how much I pray. Below is a link to take you to the deliverance from mermaid demonic spirits. And they brought it to him. Philippians 4: 2-3, Why are we glorifying humans? 4. It fights tooth and nail to keep you as its own forever. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord , I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. These are the heavenlies, the earth, and the waters. Spirit husband 8. Chronic Spinsterhood and Chronic Bachelorhood. Lastly, theres a Demonic Principality associated directly with the Water/Marine Kingdom of Darkness: THE LEVIATHAN. Not about an literal woman. The dedication normally extends to generations yet unborn. Unseen to the Naked, yet existing within the physical sphere. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and by virtue of that everything is under my feet. In the name of Jesus, I have Calvary dominion over all things in the heavens, in the earth, under the water in the name of Jesus. Should or shouldnt we keep the Mosaic Laws? There are those that have had experiences with them physically appearing if only for brief periods. Adapting to water pressure. Marine Spirits And Marine Witchcraft are deceiving, subtle and at most unrecognizable until one is shown or revealed by the Spirit Of God. 2 Kings 9:22, And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? "Then I stood on the sand of the sea. But God is the one who made the seed grow. Some water spirits in traditional African religion include: . Im blessed ?? This message has opened my eyes to a lot of things. This puts to death the lie told that women cant preach/teach. They are extremely stubborn, aggressive, and dangerous. 9. Day and night I have been enduring spiritual attacks and in the process of that I bind, cast out and surrender such matters to God but the spiritual violence still persist.Read more , OMG !.Francee Im going Thur the same thing. 2 Unconscious Marine Agents or People. Barrenness Sometimes Is Associated with It. That would be usurping the role of the what God wants men to do. Using such means as giving you strange dreams of being in unknown places, partaking in seemingly innocent practices. 21 PRAYER POINTS TO BREAK MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS BONDAGE. Age group local festival at river banks. If yes, watch these: At some point we all need to sit down and realise that were our own worst enemies. Pornography breeds lust of eyes that simply led to Adultery and Fornication of the Mind. Excessive fear of physical rivers. There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVES. Most populous, well-organized kingdom, far away from other evil kingdoms, that exits in the Air, land and outside this planet. Video: We were made by God for God, effectively, we are his play dough, Video: How Peter Johnsons deliverance ministry started, Video: Healing of guilt, shame and rejection by Derek Prince. 22. Hello! Often when you begin to work on your deliverance from them, there can be physical injuries appearing on/in your body (scratched, bites, symptoms of illness with no medical confirmation, etc.). Maintain the marine altars 1. There are terrible witchcraft activities against people, communities, and even countries, in the marine world. My soul, praise the Lord! They are persuasive in having you do ungodly assignments, pushing people who have no discernment of sin. (Job 26:5) Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. Use marine animals including crocodiles and serpents to harass people. According to Gods word, Masturbation and Withdrawal are both one: Genesis 38:9-10, And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brothers wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. 21. This type of spirit sometimes takes the facial resemblance of a person, whose face specifically relates or identifies with you; often appearing with the face of someone familiar. NB Respect the Ten Commandments. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER. There are various ways that marine spirits can enter a persons life to afflict, oppress, and even possess. Fears abandonment and become clingy, needy and helpless Never take up your God-given freedom and refuse to step up and become assertive and command respect Usually do not forgive yourself and often has issues with God Overly merciful and sees the best in everyone - overlooks too much Please look up Daniel Adams ministry called The Supernatural Life on YouTube. rivers, lakes, oceans. Dealing with wind, waves, and changing temperatures. She must listen quietly, 13 because Adam was made first. 15. The Zidonians had raised a Woman called JEZEBEL was is much connected to Marine Spirits through Her hidden Marine Witchcraft. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. There are three spiritual realms in the universe. 2. What would the feeling of a serpent crawling up your leg be a spirit of? These spirits are both Male and Female, in the Spiritual realm they are called Marine because they dwell in waters, from Rivers, Waterfalls, Seas, Lakes, Streams, Drainages, Wells, Dams and anything else as a water body. Prayer: Every man or woman, boy or girl, that want to use my life to elongate their live, your time is up, die after the order of Haman. So self-deliverance has been my only hope. When Satan controls individuals with unclean spirits, he can also operate in all spheres where those individuals are active. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims . 5. Please use this prayer to forgive others. Were our own worst enemies of the spirit spouse wanting this to keep you as its own.. Stop the ministry of deliverance Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the context in which almost. 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