Henry Lyman, head of the firm Lyman, Sons & Co, which in 1914 was the largest pharmaceutical company in Canada, who was bound for Europe for a belated honeymoon with his young wife, Florence. Web. [31] Hundreds of people were thrown into the near-freezing water. The tragic story of the Empress of Ireland; an authentic account of the most horrible disaster in Canadian history, constructed from the real facts obtained from those What's he waiting for? Blasting his ship's whistles, Kendall cautiously ordered his vessel's engines astern in an attempt to slow her to, or near, a dead-stop in the water to allow the strange ship to pass. Dowd said: Archaeologists have been searching for the Irish Palaeolithic since the 19th century, and now, finally, the first piece of the jigsaw has been revealed.. [60] As a result of the disaster, naval designers began to employ the raked bow with the top of the prow forward. The implement used would probably have been something like a long flint blade. The Empress of Ireland's human toll is almost unbearable to consider; 1,012 passengers and crew were killed, including 139 children. "In their repeated attempts, they left seven marks on the bone surface. What marks this postcard out as most interesting is the emphasis on the Empresses' status as Royal Mail Steamships - the slogan "Go as your letters go" reads like a boast and indeed it was a well-earned one. On May 28, 1914, the Empress of Ireland set out on her final voyage. Some one gave me a blanket, and I sat with that on me for about an hour until he came up" and she indicated Mr. Johnson, who was sitting beside her."[48]. "Empress of Ireland" redirects here. [42], Amongst the dead were the English dramatist and novelist Laurence Irving and his wife Mabel Hackney; the explorer Henry Seton-Karr; Ella Hart-Bennett, the wife of British government official William Hart-Bennett; and Gabriel J. Newspaper's firsthand accounts accompany map showing location of the sinking on the St. Lawrence River less than 250 miles (400 km) from Quebec City. However, Empress of Ireland turned to port to continue on its original time-saving heading; thus the bow to side collision. Now, the Empresses provided all classes a lounge and smoking room for the week-long voyage. [58], In 2005 a Canadian television film, The Last Voyage of the Empress, investigated the sinking with historical reference, model re-enactment, and underwater investigation. Storstad remained afloat, but Empress of Ireland was severely damaged. March 1 (UPI) -- A proxy for petroleum demand in the U.S. economy is well below year-ago levels and commercial inventories of crude oil are bloated, suggesting waning demand, data show. The following morning she made port at Moville, a coastal town on the north coast of Ireland, to pick up a number of Irish immigrants before making for the open Atlantic. [28], Empress of Ireland lurched heavily to starboard and began settling by the stern. All of these questions were addressed by the inquiry and answered in full in its report. Immediately after Andersen saw the masthead light, he saw the green light, and a few moments later saw Empress of Ireland and the ships then collided. Read about our approach to external linking. I involuntarily began to paddle with my feet and came to the surface. Just rediscovered my original post from back in 2005, >>Not sure if this topic has been raised before?<<. [1] She was one of four children (out of the 138 children on board) who survived the sinking. It comes from Empress of Ireland's first class dining saloon, just one small piece of a large dinner plate manufactured by Mintons of Staffordshire. The 65 feet provided too great an increase in pressure too Empress of Ireland was launched on 27 January 1906. I was sure something was wrong when the blow occurred. [16], Over the next eight years, Empress of Ireland completed the same process of transporting passengers and cargo between Britain and Canada, with alternating Canadian ports by season, terminating at Quebec City in May through October and at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Saint John, New Brunswick, in November through April when the river was frozen over. As such they, along with Mabel's maid, booked with Canadian Pacific and were allotted first class tickets aboard Empress of Ireland - due to sail just one day sooner than Laurentic.That decision would prove to be a tragic one, but on that night of sailing disaster must have been the last thing on the couple's mind. Ultimately, the speed with which the Empress sank and the looming threat of war meant that the ship's foundering was but a mere blip on the world stage. Passengers travelling in these two classes had some shared public areas, including access to the forward well deck on the shelter deck, as well as a large open space on the Upper Deck very similar to the open space later seen aboard Titanic. Although the loss of Empress of Ireland did not attract the same level of attention as that of Titanic two years earlier, the disaster did lead to a change in the design of ships' bows. The rapid sinking of Empress of Ireland has also been cited by 20th-century naval architects, John Reid and William Hovgaard, as an example for making the case of discontinuation of longitudinal bulkheads which provide forward and aft separation between the outer coal bunkers and the inner compartments on ships. In order to pass Storstad (off Empress's starboard bow) to quickly expedite this maintenance of speed, Kendall, in the fog, turned to starboard (towards Storstad) as part of a manoeuvre to spin back to his previous heading to pass the other ship as originally intended on his starboard side, thereby avoiding what he saw as a time-wasting diversion from his preferred and fast route through the channel. Print. This was deemed a plausible effort due to the wreck's relatively shallow depth at 130 feet(39,62m). The shipwreck became Within minutes she would be totally submerged, and most of her passengers frozen or drowned. Twenty-five of these coffins, covered with white satin, contained bodies of babies. The passengers included 167 members of the Salvation Army. When the boat sank the suction took me down. At this moment, Empress of Ireland was about two miles away and Storstad's Chief Officer, Mr. Toftenes, assumed that it was Empress of Ireland's intention to pass him port to port (red to red), which the ships would do with ample room if their relative positions were maintained. When the spaces flooded, this quickly forced a ship to list, pushing the port holes underwater. This light was observed for a few minutes before being obscured by the fog. After a quiet dinner, they turned in early as did the majority of passengers - it was typical to get a good night's rest on the first evening of the trip and so the Empress' elegant public rooms lay empty and mostly silent. Scientists believe they've found untapped helium reserves. Above: An intact plate from the Empress from another private collection. But radiocarbon dating of a bears knee bone indicated it had been butchered by a human in about 10,500 BC some 12,500 years ago and far earlier than the previous date. While perhaps not to the same degree of sumptuousness as liners like Mauretania and Olympic, the Empresses were comfortable and inviting and marked a turning point for the conditions provided to Third Class passengers who, for so long, had contended with leaky, rat-infested and stinking quarters. In the film, water tank replication of the incident indicated that Empress of Ireland could not have been stationary at the point of the collision. "Defense of the Collier's Captain." Analysis of a bear bone found in an Irish cave has provided evidence of human existence in Ireland 2,500 years earlier than previously thought, academics have After continuing for some time, Empress of Ireland altered her course with the object of proceeding down the river. Communiqus Bas-Saint-Laurent, 1999-04-21. These consisted of Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) ticketing agents who would meet with all the passengers to arrange for their transportation by rail to their final destinations across Canada; Canadian immigration and customs officials who would inspect luggage and check passenger documents, and doctors to examine all passengers to check for any illnesses which would warrant quarantine at Grosse Isle, a process all but one of the ship's passengers passed through successfully. On May 29, 1914 the Norwegian ship the SS Storstad collided with transatlantic liner the RMS Empress of Ireland. He is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. In 2010 and 2011, Dr Carden re-analysed and documented the museum's animal bone collection. 14 minutes was all it took for the ship to sink, taking the lives of 1,012 people along with it. WebThe career of the RMS Empress of Ireland ended in the early morning hours of May 29th 1914 when it collided with the Norwegian collier the SS Storstad. [15], On the afternoon of 6 July, Empress of Ireland arrived at the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River, calling at Pointe-au-Pre to pick up a river pilot who would assist in guiding the ship down the final 300-kilometer stretch of the voyage to Quebec City. "Archaeologists have been searching for the Irish Palaeolithic since the 19th Century, and now, finally, the first piece of the jigsaw has been revealed. The CPR also erected several monuments in Quebec, e.g., Mount Hermon Cemetery and St. Patrick's Cemetery, both of which are located on the Sillery Heritage Site, at the formerly independent city of Sillery. The accident, which claimed the lives of 1,012 people (840 passengers, 172 crew), remains the worst disaster in Canadian maritime history. The Official First Day Cover was cancelled at Pointe-au-Pre, Quebec, the town closest to the site of the sinking. WebEmpress of Ireland toll 1,032; 188 bodies found QUEBEC, June 1, 1914 (UP) -- Stretched in three rows in a low ceiling pier shed here today were 186 black, brown and white pine The sinking of the RMS Empress of Ireland took the lives of 1,012 of the 1,477 passengers. Sources: Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, Minutes, June 2008. U.S. energy data suggest waning demand for petroleum-based products. A few minutes later at 02:10, about 14 minutes after the collision, the bow rose briefly out of the water and the ship finally sank. Their accommodation included access to the open boat deck and two enclosed promenade decks which wrapped the full exterior of the upper and lower promenade decks. As reported in the newspapers at the time, there was much confusion as to the cause of the collision with both parties claiming the other was at fault. As such, the Empresses were just one part of a vast transport web operated by the CPR; it was said that one could travel from Liverpool to Tokyo without ever once leaving a Canadian Pacific train or ship.As such, it was vital that CPR's ships be up to a standard comparable with the larger ships of competitor lines operating the transatlantic trade. Above: This period illustration shows passengers desperately clinging to the Empress overturned hull. [citation needed] The sinking of Empress of Ireland proved that the reverse slanting, inverted or "tumblehome" prow so common at the time, was deadly in the event of a ship-to-ship collision because it caused massive damage below the waterline, effectively acting as a ram which would smash through an unarmoured hull without difficulty (especially if the ship was steaming at some speed). When she first entered service in 1906, she had been equipped with standard wooden lifeboats, which in 1912 were replaced with sixteen steel lifeboats mounted in conventional radial davits, under which were stored another twenty-six wooden collapsible lifeboats, all of which combined had a capacity of 1,686 persons, 280 more than the ship was licensed to carry. One passenger, who had dined with the couple only hours earlier, saw the pair struggling up a slanting corridor when Laurence lost his footing and slammed bodily into a bulkhead. Shortly after the disaster, a salvage operation began on Empress of Ireland to recover the purser's safe and the mail. The total death list is now figured at 1,032. The international denomination stamp was designed by Susan Scott[74] using the oil on canvas illustration she commissioned from marine artist Aristides Balanos,[75] and printed using lithography in six colours. This shattered fragment of plate bears witness to the Empress violent final moments and ultimate demise; after only 14 minutes she was gone. [34] The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires that any openable portholes be closed and locked before leaving port,[35] but portholes were often left open in sheltered waters like the Saint Lawrence River where heavy seas were not expected. pp. All are available for research and we never know what may emerge, said Nigel Monaghan, keeper of the natural history division of the National Museum of Ireland. L'pave de l'Empress of Ireland est classe bien historique et archologique. 14 October 2013. Her masthead lights came into a (vertical) line, and she showed both the green and the red side lights. Though not entirely watertight, these longitudinal bulkheads trapped water between them. The new date means there was human activity in Ireland in the Stone Age or Palaeolithic period, whereas previously, scientists only had evidence of humans in Ireland in the later Mesolithic period. The bone has been stored in a collection at the National Museum of Ireland since the 1920s. The ship lay on her side for a minute or two, having seemingly run aground. See more ideas about ireland, titanic underwater, titanic. A study of nearly 2,000 U.S. teenagers and young adults found that those who vaped nicotine or marijuana were more likely to report anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts. Ultimately, the swift sinking and immense loss of life can be attributed to three factors: the location in which Storstad made contact, failure to close Empress of Ireland's watertight doors, and longitudinal bulkheads that exacerbated the list by inhibiting cross flooding. Her call sign was MPL. After midnight the Crow's Nest notified the Bridge that a vessel had been spotted some way off on the distance, perhaps 10km, but no immediate threat of collision was deemed possible. Famously, the first words he said to Captain Andersen of Storstad after the sinking were, "You have sunk my ship!". [1][2][3][a], Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering built Empress of Ireland and her sister ship, Empress of Britain, at Govan on the Clyde in Scotland. : 443. It is not entirely clear how the Irvings met their fates. The brown bear bone had been stored in a cardboard box at the National Museum of Ireland for almost a century. The fact that most passengers were asleep at the time of the sinking (most not even awakened by the collision) also contributed to the loss of life when they were drowned in their cabins, most of them from the starboard side where the collision happened. I was serious and made them put them on, and as a result they are saved. The Company had been commissioned by CPR to provide a fine selection of crockery for use by First Class passengers and Mintons obliged by designing a unique pattern named 'Fontenay'. The Tragic Story of the Empress of Ireland, and Other Great Sea Disasters. On May 29, 1914, on its 96th voyage into the sea, the RMS Empress of Ireland collided with a Norwegian collier. [73], The Royal Canadian Mint has also issued a 2014 coin commemorating the disaster. Ignore above! Lost in a maze of unfamiliar corridors, they died by their hundreds within minutes of the collision. [6], Empress of Ireland was the second of a pair of ocean liners ordered by Canadian Pacific Steamships during their early years in operation on the North Atlantic. R.M.S. Empress of Ireland Memorial Wikipedia (Creative Commons) Along a coastal road near the St. Lawrence River in Pointe-au-Pre in Rimouski, Quebec, Canada travelers may come across a picturesque stone sculpture carved with a wreath and inscribed with many names. Assisting Lord Mersey were two other commissioners: Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier of Quebec, and Chief Justice Ezekiel McLeod of New Brunswick. March 1 (UPI) -- March 1 marks the end of maxed-out assistance programs that helped more than 30 million people get by during the COVID-19 pandemic, something that advocates said will likely deal a blow to low-income U.S. households. Only the very finest and most reliable vessels were awarded the prestigious Royal Mail contract. [13] Also, in the wake of the Titanic disaster, Empress of Ireland, like many other liners, had her lifesaving equipment updated. [29] There was no time to shut the watertight doors. [73] The Empress of Ireland domestic Permanent stamp was designed by Isabelle Toussaint, and is lithographed in seven colours. Above: Canadian Pacifics majestic Empress of Ireland. Instead, they blamed Kendall, Empress of Ireland's captain, for violating the protocol by not passing port to port. All eleven bulkheads extended from the double bottom up to directly beneath the Shelter Deck, equivalent to three decks above the waterline. Each section consisted of two-tiered bunks, individual pantries and long wooden tables with benches. March 1 (UPI) -- Julie Su, the Labor Department's deputy secretary, said Wednesday she wants to continue to fight for the "forgotten and unseen" workers as President Joe Biden announced her as his nominee for labor secretary. Then I saw a man swimming. Swimming to the surface, he clung to a wooden grate long enough for crew members aboard a nearby lifeboat to row over and pull him in. I was getting away from the swarm of people who were around the ship when a big man, wounded in the head, approached and clung to me. When I heard the vessels siren blowing I jumped up in my bunk, took a lifebelt from the rack over me, and threw the others to the girls. Into the void left by his passing stepped his 35-year old son Laurence who had already gained some reputation as a novelist and dramatist. [72], Canada Post issued two stamps to commemorate the event. Marks, the first mayor of Suva, Fiji, along with his wife Marion. Excavations have uncovered significant quantities of human remains at a former home for unmarried mothers run by nuns in Ireland, officials said Friday. Three experts further confirmed that the cut marks on the bone had been made when the bone was fresh, confirming they dated from the same time as the bone. What exactly caused the proceeding events has never really been concretely established as the testimonies of both captains differed substantially, but the effect was catastrophic. Even with this loss of lives she remained forgotten until her remains were discovered in 1964. He also discovered that certain artefacts from fixtures to human remains continued to be taken out by "treasure hunters".[65]. [14] Seen as a foreshadowing of Empress of Ireland's popularity with immigrants, Third Class was so heavily overbooked on her maiden voyage that at least 100 passengers who had booked passage aboard her had to be left behind in Liverpool to wait for the next ship. "This made sense as the location of the marks spoke of someone trying to cut through the tough knee joint, perhaps someone who was inexperienced," explains Dr Dowd. The old steerage consisted of three sections of open berths, one on the main deck and two on the lower deck, all forward of the third class sections. On her first trip across the Atlantic she carried 1,257 passengers, with 119 in First Class and 342 in Second Class, Third Class being booked well past capacity with 796, a large number of small children and infants among them. JavaScript is disabled. The small number did not, however, spare the inclusion of some rather notable figures from both sides of the Atlantic. [63] It was later reported, implausibly, that the sudden increase in water pressure had so compressed the diver's body that all that remained was a "jellyfish with a copper mantle and dangling canvas tentacles. Perils of the Atlantic: Steamship Disasters, 1850 to the Present. Postcards like this were sold aboard CPR's liners in the barbershop along with other souvenirs such as dolls. About a minute later the fog shut out the lights of Storstad completely. Skip to main content; Skip to "About this site" Skip to section menu; Notice: Basic HTML. One night of March 30, Captain Henry Kendall had his ship sailing close-by the shore of the St Lawrence river which is some 50km wide. The bone shows clear signs of cut marks with stone tools, and has been radiocarbon dated to 12,500 years ago. [41] Storstad was damaged but not severely, so her captain continued on to Quebec. "1914 Silverton shipwreck survivors surface", "Report and evidence of the Commission of Inquiry into the loss of the British steamship "Empress of Ireland" of Liverpool (0. 123972) through collision with the Norwegian steamship "Storstad", Quebec, June, 1914", "Empress of Ireland Official Inquiry and Storstad's Defence", A Summary of Legislation Effecting Underwater Cultural Heritage. The lights and power on Empress of Ireland eventually failed five or six minutes after the collision, plunging the ship into darkness. WebThis content remains active until it is transferred to the new LAC website. Located on the upper promenade deck was the music room, with built-in sofas and a grand piano encircling one of the ships most notable features, the glass dome over the first class dining room. In the hope of possibly avoiding or minimizing the effect of a collision the engines of Empress of Ireland were ordered full speed ahead, but it was too late and Storstad struck Empress of Ireland amidships. As for immigrants and lower-class travellers, Empress of Ireland was designed with accommodations which symbolised the dramatic shift in immigrant travel on the North Atlantic commonly seen between the turn of the 20th Century and the outbreak of the First World War, that being a general layout which included both the 'old' and 'new' steerage, which combined provided accommodations for 764 passengers at the forward end of the ship. Early life [ edit] Perhaps the notion that a safe, modern vessel fully-equipped with more than enough lifeboats for all aboard could sink in 14 minutes with the majority of its human complement was just too much to consider. Finally on April 30, 1998, the remains of the Empress of Ireland was declared a Historic Site by the Quebec Provincial Government. The beam was 65.7ft (20.0m) and her depth was 36.7ft (11.2m). [17], Empress of Ireland's final successful crossing ended when she arrived at Quebec City from Liverpool on 22 May 1914, by which time she'd transported 119,262 passengers westbound to Canada[14] and another 67,838 eastbound to Britain.[18]. Finally, as her steam escaped and her boilers cooled, the great ship lost all steam and her power died; the Empress was shrouded in permanent blackness. For the next few years Laurence's name grew as he appeared in tow highly successful plays of his own writing; 'Typhoon' and 'The Unwritten Law'. I was trying to shake him off, for he was pulling me down, when I saw his head fall forward. The remains of children buried in a mass unmarked grave in Tuam, County Galway, could be exhumed later this year under newly-published legislation. As flooding continued entering accommodation spaces, this only exacerbated the listing of the ship and dragging of the main deck down into the water. The radio operator at Pointe-au-Pre who picked up the emergency signal from Empress of Ireland notified two Canadian government steamers: the pilot boat Eureka at Pointe-au-Pre Wharf, which left the wharf at full steam at 02:30; followed by the mail ship Lady Evelyn at Rimouski Wharf which left at 02:45. [56] Storstad was seized at the request of the CPR and sold for $175,000 to Prudential Trust, an insurance company acting on behalf of AF Klaveness & Co.[57], On 5 June 1914, Canadian Pacific announced it had chartered the Allan Line's Virginian to fill in the void in service in its fleet left by the loss of Empress of Ireland, joining Empress of Britain and other previously acquired Canadian Pacific ships on the Saint Lawrence run. It honours all those who drowned on the Empress of Ireland but particularly the 124 Salvationists who perished. Both tests indicated the bear had been cut up by a human about 12,500 years ago. Louth man William Clark survived both The Titanic and The Empress of Ireland Getty. Both were of identical appearance, with two funnels and two masts, with equal passenger capacity of just over 1,500. For decades, the earliest evidence of human life in Ireland dated from 8,000 BC. The excavators published a report on their investigations and noted that the bear bone had knife marks. Copyright 2018 Liner Designs & Illustrations. United Kingdom:W.W. Norton. Quebec. The results were revealed in a paper published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews. George Smart, Inspector of British Immigrant Children and Receiving Homes. [4], The wreck of Empress of Ireland lies in 40m (130ft) of water, making it accessible to advanced divers. She had twin funnels and two masts.[11]. I was drifting away myself. Kendall ordered his engines full ahead in an attempt to out-pace the oncoming ship who by now was aimed like an arrow at the Empress' bridge but it was in vain; the anonymous cargo vessel plunged its heavy bows into the Empress like a knife into hot butter, crushing dozens as they slept soundly in the bunks and opening up a hole so vast that 600,000 liters of water began to enter the liner with every passing second.Immediately, the Empress listed sharply to starboard and Kendall realised the full extant of what was about to happen. Already she is listing heavily to starboard. Chief Officer Toftenes of Storstad was specifically blamed for wrongly and negligently altering his course in the fog and, in addition, failing to call the captain when he saw the fog coming on. In 1964, the wreck was revisited by a group of Canadian divers who recovered a brass bell. [56] The owners of Storstad entered an unsuccessful counterclaim against the CPR for $50,000 damages, contending that Empress of Ireland was at fault and alleging negligent navigation on her part. The knee bone, which is marked by cuts from a sharp tool, was one of thousands of bones first found in 1903 in a cave in County Clare on the west coast of Ireland. A few minutes later, the green side light of Empress of Ireland was seen apparently from 3 to 5 miles away. Some boats were launched but not nearly enough; the unbearable list to starboard saw to that. Accessible today by experienced divers, the wreck of the R.M.S. Empress of Ireland has been frequently visited although it remains a dangerous site, having claimed six additional lives since 2009. Marion Dowd, an archaeologist at the Institute of Technology Sligo who was part of the team that made the discovery, said: This find adds a new chapter to the human history of Ireland.. [39][40] Eureka was first on the scene at 03:10 and rescued about 150 survivors from the water. When he arrived, Andersen saw a masthead light moving quickly across Storstad's course from port to starboard whereupon he ordered the engines full speed astern. Radiocarbon dating is something never imagined by the people who excavated these bones in caves over a century ago, and these collections may have much more to reveal about Irelands ancient past., 'Hugely important' iron age remains found at Yorkshire site, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. The brown bear patella - or knee bone - dates to a time at the end of the Ice Age when the climate was considerably colder. He was found lying unconscious on his lifeline and all attempts to revive him after he was brought to the surface failed. They were inseparable in life, in work, in love and finally in death and their twin signatures today exist as a reminder of, not just their loss, but of all those who perished when the Empress of Ireland disappeared. Though less storied than the Titanic, the sinking of the Empress of Ireland in 1914 remains the largest peacetime maritime disaster in Canadas history. May 18, 2021. This elegant, simple green floral pattern serves as an evocative metaphor for the furnishings of the Empress as a whole. And has been stored in a collection at the National Museum of Ireland was launched on 27 1906... Observed for a few minutes later, the remains of the collision, plunging the ship darkness... 139 children was found lying unconscious on his lifeline and all attempts to revive him after he was to. Issued two stamps to commemorate the event barbershop along with other souvenirs as. Who survived the sinking the mail human about 12,500 years ago, 1850 the. 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Masts, with two funnels and two masts, with two funnels and two masts, with passenger! Great Sea Disasters was deemed a plausible effort due to the wreck relatively! Passengers desperately clinging to the Empress of Ireland 's human toll is almost unbearable to consider ; passengers... Coffins, covered with white satin, contained bodies of babies 28, 1914, on its 96th voyage the. Violating the protocol by not passing port to continue on its original time-saving heading ; thus bow., officials said Friday did not, however, Empress empress of ireland human remains Ireland domestic Permanent was... Animal bone collection Carden re-analysed and documented the Museum 's animal bone collection is. '' Skip to `` about this site '' Skip to main content ; Skip to main content ; Skip section. Was launched on 27 January 1906 and her depth was 36.7ft ( 11.2m ) the Royal Canadian Mint also! A plausible effort due to the Empress of Ireland to recover the purser 's safe and red... And made them put them on, and most reliable vessels were awarded the prestigious Royal contract. On their investigations and noted that the bear bone had knife marks Salvation Army however!
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