She watches as Mr. Gold and Neal finally reconcile. Emma returns to the apartment to face a disappointed roommate. From this, Regina suggests the key to breaking the curse is for Henry to believe in magic as Emma did. Emma then humorously notices Hook entertaining Ashley's daughter by dabbing his nose with cream and making funny faces at her. Upset, he dashes out of the apartment as Emma follows. As justification for her lies, Emma explains her assumption that Neal would never reenter her life and that she wanted to hide her past. Due to his persistence about the matter, she helps convince Mary Margaret to read to a comatose patient, John Doe, who Henry stubbornly believes is Prince Charming. As Mr. Gold continues to demand answers, Neal bursts in to stop him. David swims out to grab Emma, while Hook, Regina, and Mary Margaret work together to pull both of them up. After the crystals return to their light form, Emma suggests getting Mother Superior's help to obtain more from the mines. "Ok Emma, you're 9 centimeters one more and you are going to have to push." When they ask for the Wicked Witch's identity, he is unable to tell them. Realizing she can provide the needed tear, Regina uses the dreamcatcher to relive the memory of Cora killing Daniel, which gives Emma insight into the latter's painful past. In the aftermath, Emma returns to the inn where Henry is dropped off by Hook. Encouraged by Elsa, Emma talks to Regina again; admitting what occurred earlier wasn't to assuage guilt, but because she wants to be her friend. At the graveyard, Emma begins burning away the names when the storm happens. As a price, the Dark One is revived while the key user will die. A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. When she suddenly feels intense chest pain, Hook tries to return the heart to her, only to be engulfed in fire. Tired of playing games, Regina snatches the map and casts a locator spell on it, which leads them straight to Pan, who then sends the Lost Boys to engage them in combat. When Gideon teleports in while holding Snow as his hostage, Emma makes him let her go before starting a duel with him. Feeling betrayed, Emma sets off to confront Regina, only for David and Mary to give caution for their daughter. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. In this story, we see what might have happened if Hook had been able to leave with Emma when she escaped Pan's curse. Hook is appalled at this, to which she exemplifies Mr. Gold, who used to be a coward and didn't find true love until becoming the Dark One. Telephoned by David, Emma is filled in on Mary Margaret's temporary bodily connection with Regina and told the holding location is somewhere that smells like sardines. During the climb, Hook exhibits perceptive knowledge of Emma's status as an orphan and her wish to prevent Henry from going through the same thing. Emma accosts Cleo for only caring about getting a payout for bringing her back to Phoenix, while Cleo gives her an ultimatum to uphold her end of their bargain. Later in the day, Emma runs into Archie again, except this time the Evil Queen is disguised as him, and she tells him about the possibility of her vision not coming true if Aladdin is still alive. Hook reports that Regina is not at the vault, and then questions if Emma is now avoiding him. ("Hat Trick"), While headed off to work, she is approached by David, who clarifies his last encounter with Mary Margaret, and that he doesn't actually think she is guilty. He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast members Jared S. Gilmore and Andrew J. On the day Emma goes into labor and births a son, she struggles with her desire to keep the child. Past Dragon Queen. Called to the mayor's office by Regina, she tries helping Pinocchio remember his time as August, but he can't recall anything. ("Firebird"), Sometime after Cleo's death, in 2010, Emma becomes a bails bondsperson and tracks down Cleo's daughter, Tasha, and gives her collected information about her birth mother. Henry is struck by the idea that August can get a second chance if his actions proved himself to be selfless, brave and true. In the woods, Graham tracks John Doe's trail until it goes cold. The Queen teleports the trio to the woods, where Henry and Hook give her a pep-talk about her ability to find people even without magic. While following the footprints trail, Emma admits to Mary Margaret that she and Hook kissed, but it didn't have any deeper meaning for her. After he is gone, she asks Henry if strangers usually come to Storybrooke. She is the child of Emma Swan and Killian Jones and she's the product of their true love. To help her recuperate, Henry takes her and Hook to Violet's family stables. Emma makes it down the beanstalk in time to stop a scuffle between Mary Margaret and Mulan. She and Ruby head there to come across a delirious and bleeding David. Hoping to amend what she did to Violet six weeks ago in Camelot, Emma purposely releases the girl's horse, Nicodemus, so Henry can find it and earn Violet's admiration. He asked, and I brought him up the stairs. Mary Margaret counsels that this theory of hers should not be known by Henry because even if Emma no longer has feelings for Neal, it will drive a wedge between him and Tamara. To Emma's surprise, her courage in standing up to Mr. Gold earns everyone's respect and she is elected as the new sheriff. Even Mary Margaret now approves of the idea and by going back to the Enchanted Forest she could have a chance to heal her own heart from Cora's death. I screamed with pain, but I didn't want anyone in here with me. However, she'd rather bring him out of town so he can be away from Regina for good. She reenters her home to find an escaped Hook, who paralyzes her with squid ink and demands answers from her. To catch up on lost time with her family and friends, she, her parents, Henry, Ruby and the dwarves have dinner at Granny's. Shen Qingqiu howled, but the System conveniently fell silent and didnt respond no matter how many prompts Shen Qingqiu sent. While browsing Merlin's tower, Emma confronts Regina for taking her role without her consent, but Regina explains her motives for doing what she did and promises Emma that she will free her of darkness with Merlin's help once they unseal him from the tree. When fitted into her date dress, she shows her parents and Elsa. She is more inclined to take chances with Cora since they have no one else to rely on, and reminds Mary Margaret that they need to get back to David and Henry. With Mr. Gold's demise approaching, the Apprentice removes the darkness from his heart and stores it in the Sorcerer's hat, but it breaks free and attacks him. This angers Mary Margaret, who quickly regrets her mistake as a hurt Emma flees and drives off. While she waits for him at a meeting spot, a police officer arrests her for possession of stolen goods. Equally as surprising, Elsa's mother and Ingrid had another sister, Helga, who resembles Emma. He then gives her storybook photos of Emma as an infant and claims she is the daughter of Prince Charming and Snow White. ("Dreamcatcher"), After Merlin and some of the heroes have rescued Lancelot from Arthur's castle, they regroup with everyone else at the diner. ", "I was out on a walk and my phone was on vibrate. Emma states it is viable in cities and relates how she got into the job from unsuccessfully searching for her birth parents. However, Emma's thoughts are still focused on only Henry, especially after the ordeal he went through in Neverland. Seconds later, Neal bursts in demanding an explanation. From outside the room, Emma and Regina watch the interview between the District Attorney Mr. Spencer and Mary Margaret. Emma proclaims her that the things she's doing now are to sustain their future. Due to Henry's belief that Regina possesses light magic, she uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all. Judging from the family tree, they realize Ingrid means to replace Emma and Elsa as her sisters. Emma deters her from the inn because the beds are not comfortable, but Hook offers Belle a new room elsewhere. ("Welcome to Storybrooke"), Emma sees David is making yet another breakfast tray for Mary Margaret, who is still in bed since the aftermath of Cora's death. Henry tries to stop the argument, which ends with Regina teleporting out to find Mr. Gold herself since Emma doesn't want her help. David would probably try to kill Killian and I have no idea of how Henry would take this.". Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light,[1] formerly as the Dark One or the Dark Swan,[2] briefly as Princess Leia, and alternatively as Princess Emma, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. In the end, Cora is forced to flee. SuperCorp family chaos! ("Wish You Were Here"), With the portal gone, Emma and Regina acquiesce to Robin's demands and hand over their jewelry to him before he takes off as Henry and some knights approach in search of Regina. The two flee and enter the snow lair where Ingrid shows them their memory stones. Later that night, Emma and Hook enter the pawnshop, which has since been trashed by Mr. Gold and find the sword from Emma's vision. However, after the woman learns from Emma about Hyde's death, she reveals herself to be Jasmine, and that the Oracle was helping her to track down Aladdin, who is also a Savior. Neal thinks she is having a hard time getting used to Tamara, but she cuts him off and leaves with Henry. Regina arrives looking for Henry, who has stolen the crystal and left town to destroy it. Suddenly, it plays footage, which Emma doesn't remember, of herself in a new foster home as a boy toys with the camera. He instructs her into introducing herself to the horse, but the steed becomes frightened of her, sensing her darkness. She asserts that Regina's pushiness is encouraging her to stay and ensure Henry is okay. As they pull up at the diner, a scream alerts them to trouble. After disarming Emma and grabbing the pages from her, Zelena demands to know if Regina is in on the plan to hurt Hades too. "Mary Margret, you can go back to the house we'll meet you there." ", "No nothing like that, I don't think that he'll leave me." The Mist Haven version of Graham's sacrifice. Emma and Neal stand guard, but she teleports them away to the forest. Killian throws the bean and the portal opens, while Emma and Killians joined hands go protectively over their child before returning back to Storybrooke to have their child and live their happy beginning. ("Desperate Souls"), Two weeks later, Mr. Gold convinces Emma to become sheriff since she already is deputy. She then drops her sword and allows herself to be stabbed by Gideon, causing a burst of light to emit from her abdomen, which defeats Gideon by reverting him back into an infant. Like her, Sidney has been nursing a grudge against Regina since she fired him from his editing job. As she moves to tear out a page from The Ugly Ducking story, a boy, actually the older Pinocchio, stops her from destroying it. When she decides to call it a night, Henry requests to sleep over at Regina's house. Emma, David, Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina link hands as the portal opens, but Cora refuses to appear. He prattles about needing to find his heart by following a wolf. Emma uses a locator spell on Ashley's shoe, and as she is following the shoe, she is joined by Hook and Henry. She loses track of him, bumping into Neal, so they search together. Only afterward, Emma finds out from Neal that the car isn't actually his and that, like her, he was attempting to steal it. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Emma and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. It is mostly fluff with the possibility of sexy times in the future. However, Emma confidently points out it's impossible as she built new curse to be unbreakable since there's no savior to undo it. And light cannot destroy darkness, it can only create more light. Surprisingly, Henry was eavesdropping and excitedly thinks he and Emma are "back in business". At the counter, Mary Margaret blurts out August's whereabouts, and Marco, who is sitting next to Emma, overhears and wants to see him. Emma gets a sense of deja vu from Merlin, and she cannot recall where she has met him before until he mentions a time when he stopped her from taking a candy bar. After hearing Regina rebuff Robin Hood's attempt at talking to her, Emma objects to her reaction. Archie approaches Emma to give her coffee, but she catches on that her parents sent him. She sends him away and goes after the bird, which leads her to an Oracle, who lets her see the end of the vision. Even so, Emma expresses concerns about what would happen if outsiders found out about Storybrooke and its inhabitants. ("Murder Most Foul"), While Hook is away from home, Emma finds the ring hidden in Killian's sea chest and realizes he means to propose to her. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. Mary Margaret reveals Cora, while pregnant with another man's child, was once engaged to Leopold, but Princess Eva deliberately wrecked it. Or it wouldn't if he hadn't possibly accidentally promised to provide Thorin with an heir and Din just might still be scheming something. Regina sends Devin back to camp with one half of a magic viewing mirror. "Baby, I love you." Emma said, trying to help the other woman. Regina's cousin - Robin - armed to separate her from the w. On her birthday, Emma tells her parents about a dream she had, in which the Queen was still a threat to them in a place called Storybrooke. So funny story, Stiles winces, Remember when I joked you couldnt get me pregnant?. Post-Neverland and AU from there. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. Instead, Emma has him arrested for assault and criminal harassment. Later, Hook takes her to the dock, where they view the horizon, as he talks her into forgiving her parents. Much to his despair, true love's kiss doesn't work on her, but Emma insists it failed because she doesn't need fixing as she has accepted who she is now. While packing for her first camping trip with them, she searches the garage for her sleeping bag and discovers Lily hiding out there. "I called Killian and your mom, but there was no answer for either of them and you didn't give a third person to call so I called your dad." When asked if she has heard about. To break free, Emma smashes a tea cup with a pillow and uses one of the broken edges to cut out her way out. This is a collection of little stories of all the wonderful things that happen during the pregnancy. Receiving a phone call, she is told Neal is recovering in the hospital. As her body dissolves into mirror shards, she returns Emma and Elsa's lost memories. They ride his motorcycle to the wishing well and he fills her in on the lore of magic water that can restore something once lost. ("Quiet Minds"), Emma, along with Henry, attend Neal's funeral to pay their respects. Is Killian in there with Emma?". After thanking Regina, they eventually return to pawnshop where Mary Margaret awakens David with true love's kiss. Having arrived in Storybrooke months ago, Ingrid confesses she's been waiting for Emma to walk into her shop. Having found the link Regina has both to the crime scene and as a suspect in the case, Emma comes to the front door the next day with a search warrant to look in the shed. Can someone help her embrace them? The two are released to speak with the leader of the survivors, Lancelot, who Mary Margaret is acquainted with. During Mary Margaret's attempt to reach Henry in the Netherworld, she awakens to tell Emma that David put himself under the Sleeping Curse to tell them they need squid ink to defeat Cora. I didn't get the message until I got to Granny's. She's also half-sister of Henry Mills and Henry (Wish Relam), and granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Disdainfully, Regina catches on that Emma is now part of the police force team. Later, while Emma is scourging for berries in the bush, Pan commends Emma for beating his game, but also implicates that she hasn't forgiven her parents for their abandonment. Emma finally allows herself to cry and dabs her tears on a napkin, which Gideon unknowingly keeps. It rang, but there was no answer. In the morning, her car skids into an iced over road. When she mentions her journey to the Underworld, Neal tries to persuade her out of it, because once she is there, it won't be easy to leave. As the two look for Gideon, Mr. Gold recognizes an old shack as the place he was born, with Emma noticing that they are in his dream world instead of Gideon's. This is Feeling small re-uploaded with some editing and a new name? Called away to sheriff duty, Emma corners the Snow Queen with the candle's power. I said a little louder. Language: English. They learn this is Hyde's doing, and that he purposely brought over the people in it from his realm. Taking a page from her mother, Emma considers that Mary Margaret is giving up too easily and believes there has to be another way. He leaves and promises to buy her a drink in the future. As she drives by Regina's house, Emma spots someone climbing out the window. The goodbye is bittersweet and Emma is heartbroken to leave Henry, who opts to remain in the New Enchanted Forest in order to find his story and chase after his own love. Relating the dream she had, excluding the part where her mother died, she talks about possibly burning the names from the headstones. She then exits to be alone. Unable to keep it to herself, Emma spills her theorized idea to Mary Margaret that Tamara is the "her" August was talking about and even brings up the list she had. The nun provides a clue about the location of the other half of the wand, but before she can say any more, Snow starts to choke her and revealing the Black Fairy in disguise, with David as Gideon, before kidnapping her. They plan to switch Henry back to his own body so he will be in possession of the scroll and bring it to Regina. Hook confirms they did indeed go back to their homeland. Ultimately, the decision is made to save the stranger's life no matter what. I shook my head and she put her head on my shoulder. "No, he went out sailing and we've been trying to get a hold of him." There, she shoots a flying monkey to protect her son as David and Regina also step in to take out incoming monsters. Before leaving for Mount Olympus with Hercules, Megara asks Emma to give her regards to Hook. Ingrid then appears; advising Emma to accept herself since it's the only option. But what she didn't know was that Emma wasn't too far from the loft. While Mary Margaret goes to convince Hercules to give the plan with Cerberus another go, Emma keeps Megara company at the apartment, until everyone is forced to flee the building, just before Cerberus crashes in. Later, Neal admits to being wanted for stealing watches and plans on escaping to Canada alone. Hook blames her for saving him without thinking of how it would change him, and now, her family will die. Hook assures that he's skilled in survival, and the two kiss. As the remaining duo return home, Hook reveals Ursula told him the villains want to darken Emma's heart so she will no longer be a savior by using the Author to do it. She insists she would've tried to find him, too, had she known she could, though Neal clarifies that he's already moved on to a better place, and the Underworld is for people with unfinished business. Emma coldly asserts that she would rather be alone and walks off. Emma wants to take Henry home, but Graham interrupts to show them John Doe's bloody hospital bracelet. To this, Hook cruelly describes her biggest flaw, in that she self-sabotages her own happiness by pushing people away, which is why she'll always be an orphan. I then thought about who to call, I decided to call David, Emma was probably not going to be happy with that decision, but she was in labor and in pain so who knows. Emma hurries to the diner where the other townspeople are gathered. She apologizes, but he only asks to meet his father. She lets him know her reasons for leaving town, that other people shouldn't be hurt in the tug-of-war with Regina, and the two have a farewell hug. Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. PLEASE be mindful of the tags. They go back to the mines to use the bean to contain the trigger, but Emma realizes too late that Hook tricked them. Searching the apartment, Mary Margaret's "magical" touch yields the book. Sadly, David discloses his sustained Dreamshade wound during the fight with the Lost Boys and though he is cured, the price is staying in Neverland forever. Scheduled for babysitting duty, she goes to pick up Neal from Mary Margaret, who is currently at a meet-up with other mothers and their babies. What could happen? By chance, Mary Margaret offers Emma a spare room in her apartment. Inside, Emma finds a shovel with a chipped off piece, which is a perfect fit with the broken shard. However, after she walks off, he pulls out the shears in his jacket. She asks if he loves her, promising to leave if he doesn't, but he states he loved her, causing her to depart shortly after. She admits that she hasn't told her family because they'd want to protect her, and she would rather protect them since she is the savior. With his faith restored, Henry happily runs to hug Emma. So here is the first part! He fills them in on his day's adventure of helping Ariel find a missing Eric. ("Manhattan"), Mr. Gold presses for Emma to convince Neal to go back to Storybrooke with them. As Emma departs in the elevator, she clasps her hand with Killian's, only to have to let him go the further up she travels. Instead, Emma believes Mr. Gold is framing the mayor. In a bout of intense rage, Regina uses magic to physically shove Emma away and even dared her to use magic in her defense. 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