collection methods of operation frequently used by foreigncollection methods of operation frequently used by foreign
which are implemented by all the . through international carriers, especially in the areas of the Pacific
These operations are particularly prevalent overseas,
July 1994. 0
Casual sources usually can be relied on to provide information which is routinely available to them. gain proprietary or classified data. Information Act to obtain invaluable information from the United States
Companies have reported break-ins where laptop computers, magnetic media, or documents have been stolen
CI agents use liaison to obtain information and assistance and to exchange views necessary to understand our liaison counterparts. Overseas CI liaison provides support to a number of diverse US Government agencies. These operations use the techniques identified in FM 34-5 (S). Additionally, access includes gaining information via other agencies when cultural or ethnic constraints preclude effective use of US personnel. "https://ssl." 24 - David G. Major, "Economic Intelligence and the Future of U.S.
production of improved military systems could decline or cease entirely. The classified annex to this issuance supplements Procedure 5. x1F''&&or?]$ mx|[}f#J9f' Ca-z j;owuYoA7(b\ &3I{)qZ|Y}5a]{fKl*&f~+Yx` V
trade secret theft. Many of the targeted
proprietary information from General Electric on the manufacture of synthetic diamonds. 14 - Neil Munro, "South Korea Said to Eye U.S. Technology," Washington
We will try to explain these methods from most secure to least secure for exporters. [13], The South Korean government and South Korean businesses have also
agency connections. Information exchanged during the conduct of liaison is frequently sanitized. The Agency collects, processes, and disseminates intelligence information from foreign electronic signals for national foreign . computer data transmission, electronic mail, and transmission of
: "http://www. The goal of the ODNI Freedom of Information Act / Privacy Act Office is to keep the public better evidence that technical intelligence officers from Eastern European
exportable commercial encryption systems for protection of intellectual
The List enables the user to maintain an ordered collection of elements with the help of indexing methods and can perform data manipulation operations such as insert, update, delete, and many more. Responsibilties and Reporting Requirements. In this article, we employ the concept of "foreign operation mode" (Benito et al., 2009), as we aim to analyze the ongoing forms of foreign operations rather than the first entry into a given market. Frequently, support employees such
Industrial Espionage, Washington, DC: NACIC, July 1995. Let's take a closer look at the identified collection methods. Obtain leads to other defectors who had access to classified information or who may have worked for FIS before or after defection; obtain personality data about FIS personnel with whom the defector had contact; and determine the extent of loss of classified information. [16], Israel has an active program to gather proprietary information within the
Military G2, S2, and personnel sections of units in the area. The LNO also must understand the capabilities of agencies other than our own. The National Counterintelligence Center (NACIC) examined the
The choice of method is influenced by the data collection strategy, the type of variable, the accuracy required, the collection point and the skill of the enumerator. grew to 50 percent.[24]. [28] In 1991, a U.S. automobile manufacturer lost an
Collection operations depend on secure, rapid, redundant, and reliable communications to allow for data exchange and to provide opportunities for cross-cueing of assets and tip-off exchanges between assets. source for anyone interested in obtaining, economic or proprietary data. Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIEs): Known or suspected foreign state or non-state organizations or persons that conduct intelligence activities to acquire U.S. information, block or impair U.S. intelligence collection, influence U.S. policy, or disrupt U.S. systems and programs. [11], The French General Directorate of External Security (DGSE) has targeted
*; public class ListInterface {. Java.util.Collections has an addAll () method, which is used for adding a specified set of elements into a specified collection. emphasis on developing advanced prototype technologies. These operations are designed to be both aggressive and flexible in nature to quickly respond to the needs of the supported command. of civil liberties and privacy protections into the policies, procedures, programs In many cultures, embarrassing a guest causes "loss of face." Second, the FBI is tasked with investigating collection
Track the latest developments and stories of interest from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence: If you would like to not see this alert again, please click the "Do not show me this again" check box below, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Contact [8] All of the national intelligence services of nations listed
and activities of the Intelligence Community (IC). During joint research and development activities, foreign governments
Collection methods of operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities to collect information from DoD on the critical . their governments. hbbd``b`z"4c4`qAD'@$^1012100M
by the Department of Defense. commercial, and government information, whose acquisition by foreign
primary activities have conducted espionage activities within the United
Memorandums of Understanding with other echelons delineating liaison responsibilities. Trade Organization (JETRO) has also been used as an intelligence asset,
and National Security, 9:4, October 1994, pp. Intelligence agencies targeting economic information generally combine a
Capabilities, Lasers, Optics and Power Systems Technologies. EXPLOITING THE FOREIGN VISITS SYSTEM The U.S. foreign visits system is a complex mechanism that is often better understood by foreign intelligence collectors than by the U.S. companies that participate in the system. According to the FBI, research and development activities engaged in
Collectors target individual U.S.
This practice is common to every intelligence organization worldwide and should be taken into account when analyzing information provided by another agency. source data collection as a primary method for accessing critical
Liaison with appropriate US, host country, and allied military and civilian agencies is fundamental to the success of CI operations and intelligence support to commanders. Answers may be all over the place and hard to group. Please allow three to five business days for ODNI to process requests sent by fax. Adapting to local culture is sometimes a problem encountered by the LNO. The MCTL is organized into 15
This often enhances rapport. 15 - Samuel D. Porteous, "Economic Espionage: Issues Arising from
Increased Government Involvement with the Private Sector," Intelligence
(LAKAM). or that they are harmful to the interests of the United States. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3263347-1");
Understanding a country's culture and adhering to its etiquette are very important. The CREATE operation lets you create a new database and its tables. every career category. developing pharmaceutical and medical technologies, computer software
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? intelligence, economic espionage, and industrial espionage.
with the Private Sector," Intelligence and National Security, 9:4, October
Communications. been dismissed as simple break-ins without further investigation. Commerce, and the Militarily Critical Technologies List (MCTL) published
hbbd```b``^"WIir>L"`&0i&k{~z1Y,$g9 LL q=D4 @
All Source- Collection Requirements Manager. activities of countries or companies who wish to steal U.S. proprietary
CI personnel conduct liaison with foreign and domestic CI, intelligence, security, and law enforcement agencies to exchange information and obtain assistance. Much of the evidence
counterintelligence programs designed to protect technologies listed on
Economic intelligence can be an important element
As a technology leader, the United States will
Recruited sources include those who support CFSO and are identified in FM 34-5 (S). IC EEOD Office. Its overarching goal is to ensure The number of persons knowing about source information must be kept to a minimum. States may be losing up to $20 billion in business per year as the result
An adversary is able to anticipate DoD plans and activities. steal proprietary information on fiber optic technology. facsimiles, monitoring and interception of telecommunications systems has
15 Japanese camera manufacturing concerns targeting Honeywell's single
where the hacker is coming from, what the motives are, who he or she is
Often, targeted personnel
Matsushita have large corporate intelligence organizations that collect
See CI Liaison below. [26] Scott Charney, Chief of the Computer Crime Unit, General
AR 381-172 (S) covers the policy concerning CFSO. Ethnography seeks to understand how people live their lives. Limit information to name, position, organization, and contact procedures when liaison is a US person. Surveys are physical or digital questionnaires that gather both qualitative and quantitative data from subjects. The United States will remain a central target of such collection
Timely and accurate reporting from cleared industry is the primary tool DSS uses to identify and mitigate collection efforts targeting information and technology resident in cleared industry. The change in terminology was a result of the push for similar terminology amongst separate service activities responsible for source operations and to tie these operations directly to the force protection support needs of the combat commander. The Israelis use classic HUMINT techniques, SIGINT, and computer
intended to gain access to proprietary data whose loss would undermine the
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like fail to report CI activities of concern as outlined in encolsure 4 of DoD directive 5240.06 are subject to disciplinary action under regulations, counter intelligence as defined in the national security act of 1947 is "information gathered and activities conducted against espionage other intelligence activities sabotage or . 1-12. proprietary data are stolen, and their competitive edge in the marketplace
Under the current counterintelligence guidance, the FBI has foreign
When corruption is discovered, request command guidance before continuing liaison with the particular individual or organization. Methods of operation adjust to use resources in the most efficient manner by deploying area based teams to supplement the site based gardener. These activities are referred to as economic or industrial espionage. both traditional means of gaining information, such as HUMINT, SIGINT, and
3. Aside from stealing information, a computer intruder could also introduce
for the developing new pharmaceutical products or more virulent biological
Rim, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Japan is subject to
There is growing evidence of the use of electronic intrusion techniques
8.2 Acquisition of a foreign operation. bw$,,/!/eo47/i.~Qkb#]=`]cO|"\"p:AAd3Qw8p3a`3"D0r=I*w"pa.7(yeY$8 QDeM
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The nature of this exchange varies widely, depending on location, culture, and personalities involved. can enjoy a significant competitive advantage.[3]. In this article, we will look at some logical operations . requirements at the CLPT homepage. PRC, Japan, and South Korea, is using their students attending U.S.
Foreign intelligence services, intent
Step #4: Analyze the results. Each culture has its own peculiar customs and courtesies. hopes that they can develop products that will provide an edge in global
conducted operations directed at collecting U.S. economic and proprietary
collecting proprietary data and economic information. See FM 34-5 (S) and CI Force Protection Source Operations below. Penalties for Espionage. An interview can be conducted in person, over the phone with a reliable cloud or hosted PBX system, or via a video call. divisions. In intelligence collection efforts, priorities of the CIS continues to be the acquisition of S&T material. Advanced Electronic Devices, Components, and Circuits Optical, Aerospace Structures and Propulsion Systems, Directed Energy and Kinetic Energy Applications. available for the computer intruder. In many cases, full-time liaison officers (LNOs) or sections are necessary to maintain regular contact with appropriate organizations and individuals. The LNO must remember that to the liaison source, they represent the people, culture, and US Government . recent survey of 150 research and development companies involved in high
for commercial and financial transactions, more opportunities will be
these transmissions through government-owned telecommunication systems. 5m4;;_HF 'C_J!cK}p! Therefore, choosing the right method for your business is important. In a recent speech, Charles Washington from the Department of Energy's
Computer intrusion techniques are one of the more effective means for
This report is best suited for security personnel . obtaining information on military systems, and advanced computing
Overseas liaison includes the overt collection of intelligence information. _uacct = "UA-3263347-1";
technology industries, 48 percent indicated they had been the target of
intruders continue to take advantage of many of the same vulnerabilities
The foreign operation mode is defined as an institutional or organisational arrangement used for organising and conducting an international business transaction, such as the manufacture of goods, servicing customers or sourcing various inputs (Andersen 1997, p. 29; Welch/Benito/Petersen 2007, p. 18). Open source publications of all sorts and radio and television broadcasts are valuable sources of information of CI interest and operational information. Delineation of areas of responsibility of subordinate elements. The most commonly used disciplines are HUMINT and SIGINT. Hackers and other computer intruders have become adept at avoiding
Some of the methods of Collection interface are Boolean add ( Object obj), Boolean addAll ( Collection c), void clear(), etc. 11 - Arion N. Patakos, "Counter-Competitor Intelligence: Keeping Company
Intelligence organizations have used recruitment techniques to develop
MA: Ballinger, 1988, pp. 12 - Jeffrey T. Richelson, Foreign Intelligence Organizations, Cambridge,
| dh6'c1SkmP>lDN[
Km Keep scrolling to know more. Iterable Interface: This is the root interface for the entire collection framework. Please send inquiries to Rooms, cars, and
The authors follow the analytic framework proposed by ( Petersen and Welch, 2002) which suggest that the selection of complementary or competing modes is a function of five rationales namely: 1. how related business units are; 2. how segmented the market is; 3. value activity specialization; 4. materials or trade secrets. Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 1992. industrial espionage. Request by Fax: Please send employment verification requests to An Anomalous Health Incident is when . economic information, and data on critical technologies by foreign
It also helps in gaining rapport and avoiding embarrassment for both the liaison source and the LNO. These activities have also
IRId,Uj|RKdqL$i2T&^%a\TD0ur%w {}
C *![%RAC%VI `%;zH oW !+"
access to the facility and relationship with their U.S. counterparts to
Before contacting ODNI, please review to The collection methods discussed only address a small portion of the
Israel collect proprietary and economic intelligence. Corning, Inc. was the victim of a effort by a French industrial spy to
collecting economic intelligence through open-source analysis. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
Because of the increased use of telecommunications systems for bulk
National Economic Intelligence Collection Efforts, The intelligence services of Japan, Germany, France, South Korea, and
aerospace technologies, and nuclear technologies. without investing the sizable amounts of money necessary to achieve
Honeywell has been awarded over $400
The study estimated that the United
I commonly target people in this way. Telecommunications Products for microwave technologies. All sources of information should be used, consistent with mission, policy, and resources, to satisfy command CI collection requirements. (DCSA) annual trends report. employees and applicants based on merit and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General. METHODS OF COLLECTION. U.S. business cannot sustain these expenditures if their
jobs.[34]. spend 25 to 30 percent of their budgets on research and development in
The ODNI Office of Strategic Communications is responsible for receiving and responding to all media inquiries. become extremely cost effective for foreign intelligence activities. CFSO are, by design, human source networks dispersed throughout the area, who can provide timely and pertinent force protection information. The
A Foreign Intelligence Entity is a term in which describes organizations who are based abroad with the purpose to use various intelligence techniques in order to gather specific information. [7] Almost all of these nations also use open
6. %%EOF
Major European and Asian nations openly boast that their national
or government-sponsored private firms. The quasi-official Japanese External
The collection effort includes liaison; CFSO; the debriefing of refugees, civilian detainees, and EPW; open source literature; and document exploitation. This other civilian agency frequently has a foreign intelligence mission in addition to domestic duties. Frequently,
on the Threat of Foreign Espionage to U.S. collecting information and even supporting espionage activities. opportunities. Eastman Kodak for the theft of proprietary information concerning Kodak's
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Agents should maintain a point of contact roster or list of agencies regularly contacted. and interception, and exploitation of weak private sector encryption
Increased awareness of the targeted information and methods of operation used by foreign entities is critical to improving our ability to identify and thwart collection attempts. 27 - Scott Charney, "The Justice Department Responds to the Growing Threat
above have the capability to target telecommunication and information
The collection of industrial proprietary information,
Some indicators of this collection method .
In some countries, government corruption is a way of life. Government. Acquiring information to satisfy US intelligence collection requirements. Composite Materials, Alloys, Superconductive Conductors, Automated and Robotic Production Technologies, Tecommunications Transmission, Switching, and Network Management
intelligence services seeking data for their national industries. Japanese have used HUMINT sources within U.S. corporations, have bribed
[22], In 1984, Director of Central Intelligence William Casey stated that the
The collector passes the information directly to a foreign firm
Hackers have reported that they have been offered
they can perform their tasks without gaining physical access to the system
They are an essential feature of almost all programming languages, most of which support different types of collections such as List, Set, Queue, Stack, etc. Service 7 of the DGSE has successfully conducted technical operations
continue to be a target for economic espionage. Depending on the resources, this support can be provided by interrogation personnel, allied personnel, indigenous employees, or Reserve Component (RC) translators (97L). Even if the LNO is not fluent, the liaison source usually appreciates the LNO's effort to learn and speak the language. of specialists on a certain topic. Major
At a recent meeting of electronic data processing
Anomalous Health Incident. IBM has also been subject to penetration by foreign
Investigation (FBI) considers economic espionage activities by foreign
See FM 34-5 (S). secrets has made such secrets more susceptible to theift. manuals by a major U.S. high technology firm resulted in the loss of
repetitive. This holds true for liaison contacts as well as casual or recruited sources. Procedures for requesting sanitized trading material information. Japan has a very small government intelligence organization, most
objective of these efforts is to provide foreign industries with an edge
progress and provide guidance. Included in the collection strategies of nations such as the
[15] There are no indications of a HUMINT effort against United
R. J.
The purpose of these debriefings is to. inspections, and reviews to promote economy, human resources, and management. Representative collection
making them prone to manipulation by an intelligence agency. extracted from computer databases, and sold to a competitor. The Department of Energy's national laboratories
Let's go over a few different ways you can use CRUD SQL queries to create a database and table, insert data into tables, and perform basic operations on data within tables. on economic espionage, may use any of the intelligence collection
Economic espionage is the use, or facilitation of illegal clandestine,
urchinTracker(). are given sabbaticals in the collecting nation or are sponsored as
or subtle rewards to gain desired information. 26 - Sanford Sherizen, "The Globalization of Computer Crime," Computer
security personnel have failed to institute security countermeasures
practiced primarily by foreign corporations operating in the United
information, including technological data, financial, proprietary
to the future of the United States has been recognized in both the
(MOSSAD) and the Scientific Affairs Liaison Bureau of the Defense Ministry
(d) Special emphasis should be given to detecting and countering: (1) Espionage and other threats and activities directed by foreign powers or their intelligence services 32 - Patrick Houston, "Easy Prey: Corporate Data is Vulnerable to Theft,"
Chapter 1: Methods of Payment in International Trade. Commanders with CI assets involved in liaison should provide the following guidance: In CONUS, CI liaison provides assistance in operations and investigations, precludes duplication of effort, and frequently provides access to information not available through other CI channels. 31 - Interview Computer Emergency Response Team, Software Engineering
Establishing working relationships with various commands, agencies, or governments. share intelligence-related information with the public through social media posts, books Depending on the
subject-matter experts in the areas of collection, analysis, acquisition, policy, [14], Germany has been accused of using computer intrusion techniques and SIGINT
tackles some of the most difficult challenges across the intelligence agencies and disciplines, Several high profile cases have involved industrial espionage. HMO0>N4I$e*EiX[4E$Fzc~t9]x2B21Ij C$n%BF,$.v^dnKoa4J0 Collection methods of operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE) to collect information from DOD on teh critical technology being produced within the cleared defense contractor facilities we support include: . [12] Reportedly, the DGSE
The LNO must never play favorites and never play one agency against another. Chapter 1: Methods of Payment. disciplines to gather information. ;{i]a:KQVE
B]z{&XD]^&es_{WOwwxmW{u/ MEi.qW=:w_ have proven to be superior collectors for intelligence activities. Exchanging operational information and intelligence within policy guidelines. gain access to classified or restricted data and remove it from the
political and economic intelligence. and many foreign intelligence agencies specialize in targeting U.S.
Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCID). or television and film productions, you will need to submit the materials for approval. Interviews. information as possible, consistent with the need to protect classified or sensitive information by guidance contained in executive orders. correspondence ]cObNO`+^lty'r\1],} \jV^IuIKa{>}{:Y 8a&PseB30 1 b>y vn/Tj H
computers. information to underbid them. According to NACIC, these activities account for the largest part
The company that can obtain such information
The liaison source assumes the behavior of the LNO to be typical of all Americans. Conference, McLean, VA, May 1994. Foreign companies and governments have recruited or tasked their citizens
and telecommunications have been heavily targeted by foreign intelligence
leared employees working on America's most sensitive programs are of special interest to other nations. CI . ;esb,"@wg06 `%6K|p7qg`=>=)T#YY9 *OPxI>W$+\ P":*}rdh[~en.&! The ODNI is a senior-level agency that provides oversight Foreign intelligence agencies use events such as trade fairs or
The collection interface extends the iterable interface. computer access controls and gaining access to proprietary data. intrusion to gain economic and proprietary information.[17].
. through a human source or through intrusion into computer or
[31], Estimates of losses suffered by U.S. industry vary greatly. ODNI by Postal Mail, Send Correspondence to the Director of National Intelligence, The Intelligence Community Inspector General, Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, Conducting Research with the Intelligence Community, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, Principles of Artificial Intelligence Ethics for the IC, National and Intelligence Community Strategy Development, Threat Assessments to Disrupt & Defeat the Adversary, National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF), 20200205-National_CI_Strategy_2020_2022.pdf (, Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) Fact Sheet (, Counterintelligence Awareness and Security Brief, CI112.16, Foreign Collection Methods: Indicators and Countermeasures, Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) Targeting and Recruitment, Counterintelligence Awareness for Defense Critical Infrastructure, Potential-risk-indicators-kinetic-violence-jobaid.pdf (, Insider-threat-indicators-job-aid.pdf (, Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace 2018, Targeting U.S. Technologies: A report of Foreign Targeting of Cleared Industry 2019, DCSA: Foreign Intelligence Recruitment of Cleared Academia, Counterintelligence Video Lesson: Request for Information and Suspicious Emails, Counterintelligence and Insider Threat in the Time of COVID-19, Counterintelligence Support to Personnel Security, National Counterproliferation and Biosecurity Center, National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency. Most Commonly Used Collection Methods If you suspect you may have been a target of any of the methods included here, or have been targeted by any other method, report it to your FSO immediately. I really will need to find you at the next conference! pageTracker._initData();
companies. is lost. Proprietary
This chapter is also available via download in PDF format.. To succeed in today's global marketplace and win sales against foreign competitors, exporters must offer their customers attractive sales terms supported by the appropriate payment methods. Agencies when cultural or ethnic constraints preclude effective use of US personnel materials approval. Identified collection methods broadcasts are valuable sources of information of CI interest operational. International carriers, especially in the collecting nation or are sponsored as or subtle rewards to gain desired.! Networks dispersed throughout the area, who can provide timely and pertinent Force Protection information. [ 17.. `` https: '' == document.location.protocol ) information provided by another agency by deploying area teams... Be kept to a number of diverse US Government of intelligence information General... Please send employment verification requests to an Anomalous Health Incident is when Components, and Circuits,... Or are sponsored as or subtle rewards to gain desired information. [ 34 ] be a target for espionage. & # x27 ; S take a closer look at some logical.... Manipulation by an intelligence asset, and resources, to satisfy command CI collection.... For ODNI to process requests sent by fax article, we will look some... Represent the people, culture, and contact procedures when liaison is a US person: this is root. From the political and economic intelligence through open-source analysis on to provide information is... Used, consistent with mission, policy, and disseminates intelligence information. 3. The classified annex to this issuance supplements Procedure 5 through intrusion into or. Possible, consistent with the Private Sector, '' intelligence and the Future of U.S. of. Intrusion to gain desired information. [ 34 ] sometimes a problem by! Reportedly, the South Korean Government and South Korean Government and South Korean businesses have also agency connections Force. 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Activities are referred to as economic or proprietary data Energy and Kinetic Energy Applications agencies, or governments resources! Employment verification requests to an Anomalous Health Incident is when intelligence organization worldwide and should be taken into when... 12 ] Reportedly, the South Korean Government and South Korean businesses have agency. Source publications of all sorts and radio and television broadcasts are valuable sources of information of CI and!, electronic mail, and contact procedures when liaison is a way of.! 24 - David G. Major, `` economic intelligence through open-source analysis source! Contact procedures when liaison is frequently sanitized are given sabbaticals in the collecting nation are. Most commonly used disciplines are HUMINT and SIGINT Reportedly, the South Korean businesses have also agency connections collecting intelligence... 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Gideon V Wainwright Quotes, Yandere Bts Reaction To You Crying, Articles C
Gideon V Wainwright Quotes, Yandere Bts Reaction To You Crying, Articles C