eight of wandseight of wands
Are the flirtations of a friend or co-worker suddenly more inviting? If you are single, you may meet someone special while traveling or participating in a new activity. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you should find yourself gaining momentum and progressing quickly.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_6',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-box-4-0'); Slowness, lack of speed/ movement/ action/ results, slow progress, delayed/ cancelled/ returning from travel or holidays, restriction, bad timing, losing momentum, missed opportunities, late start, unfinished business, lack of energy, negativity, lack of romance, panicked, hysterical, impatient, impulsive, out of control. It is for the time when you wish to know specific answers in the form of Yes or No. Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. The reversed Eight of Wands is a symbol of slowness, stagnation, and worry. However, it can also indicate an impending medical emergency which needs to be treated quickly. It shows eight staves, which have a similar look to wands, suspended in the air. Her Great-grandmother was known to keep up with her own 21 children by talking to the birds and the bees, as well as reading the signs in the cards. In some cases, the eight of wands can also suggest air travel, perhaps for a business trip, indicating that new opportunities may come from distant places. Her great-grandmother was the first registered nurse in Hawaii and is believed to have been a gifted midwife. While the idea of leaving will seem incredibly daunting at first, take it step by step and dont let your fears get in your way. When combined with the Eight of Wands, its a sign that you are acting as your own worse enemy. Is a settlement about to appear in a long-running dispute? In the Rider-Waite deck, the card shows eight diagonal staves of staggered length angled across an open landscape with river, as designed by artist Pamela Colman Smith . While it is particularly tempting right now, be warned against impulsive spending if you see this card here. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. 5 of Pentacles (Pauvret),3 of Swords (Chagrin), 8 of Wands (Vitesse), & 8 of Chalices (Abandonn)The 8 of Cups in this combination is similar in meaning to the Fool, both are walking away from . The Eight of Wands is the card the Tarot delivers when your excitement over a positive turn of events is compressing time and making every moment heightened with anticipation. The answer is backtrack through the messages and communications. The card shows eight wands suspended in midair as they are flying towards their destination. The Eight of Wands is one of those few minor arcane cards which symbolize the meaning of 'losing yourself' in a particular moment. With a B.S. The illustration of the eight of wands in the Rider-Waite tarot card doesnt match the exact energy of the card itself. Privacy and Terms. Some may look at them as wands that are blossoming that are travelingat a maximum speed. Instead of pushing forward, you may be better off giving the other person time, or at least making plans. Check out our Quick Reference Meanings list. These meanings can be relatively similar to each other or drastically different! The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. Know that this time is just as vital for them just as much as it is for you. A whirlwind romance or love-at-first-sight is heading your way. Sometimes the card can suggest that someone is mindlessly going with the flow instead of taking proactive steps to create positive change. However, this Minor Arcana card can also signify poor timing and missed opportunities so you may be waiting too long to take action. There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. The Eight of Wands reversed suggests that you are charging ahead with an idea or plan, but you need to slow down and consider your next steps before continuing. Stop being so precocious and sceptical and be in sync with the flow. Suppose you were in a long-term relationship when you got this card. As the staffs in this card soar across the sky like a volley of arrows, the focus here is really about being quicker at the draw. In this position, the eight of wands has two meanings that can apply to your career. You are right now working on getting your life in order, and taking care of your mental and physical health, to keep yourself in an excellent position when you work on your goals. When the Eight of Wands appears reversed in a tarot reading, the notion of movement is still there but now there is an obstacle that must be overcome. Or it could be that you are rushing into plans that do not hold much meaning, instead of doing important things. They are traveling at maximum speed towards their target. Trust your intuition and go with your gut feeling it will probably lead you in the right direction. Try to carefully analyse your words and how they might impact the other person, before speaking them. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Keep putting positive thoughts out into the universe, it is sending them back to you. Take note of what worked before and what did not. The message of the Eight of Wands is that it is time to put yourself out there, be social, and communicate with others. This is often taken to mean that a recent victory has set you on the path to success and that continued forward momentum will lead to even greater things. This can be due to bad timing, outside forces beyond your control, or simply because you are not putting in the effort necessary to make things happen. It can also signify an illness aggressively taking hold. Its great that you are being assertive with your decisions, but slow down a bit, relax and give a few more thoughts before moving forward. To cope with these feelings, try consulting with others in the same position as you but with more experience and try to learn how they cope with all these responsibilities. It can signify late starts, bad timing, losing momentum, missed opportunities and unfinished business. In this case, the number is eight, so you should expect it to be during the 8th day, 8th week, or 8th month of the reading. Despite having a lot of energy and enthusiasm to progress things forward, you now face multiple obstacles in your course. This can refer to swiftly unfolding events, whether of unintentional or intentional design. If you are single, the Eight of Wands signifies meeting someone who will sweep you off your feet. It is hard to predict the future taking into consideration years since our future keeps changing with every action we take. But dwelling on the past will take you nowhere. Eight of Wands Meaning - Love & Relationships (Upright) In a love reading, the Eight of Wands is a very nice card to get. It could seem like money is out of your hands as quickly as it came into them. It may not be easy, but the big change is predestined and will culminate soon. While diving into things makes you feel in control, doing something isnt always better than doing nothing. Following the challenging and defensive nature of the Seven of Wands, the Eight of Wands signifies rapid change and the necessity to take action. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. It indicates that your life is about to get busy and you wont have much time on your hands, because you will be working hard with dedication for your future and making immense progress. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. It can also represent being inactive or too active leading to fatigue or a newly implemented diet or exercise regime not producing results as quickly as you hoped. It can represent dislike or a lack of passion, excitement or romance. This is not a good time for you to assume that everything is fine the way it is. The Eight of Wands reversed is not a good sign when it comes to health and wellness. In fact, they may have a big crush on you and desire to be around your company. Reflect on any rash decisions youve made in the past and the consequences theyve had. They are pointed at a downward angle, implying that they were thrown by somebody and are hurtling towards the ground at great speed. It's very important that you awaken to the changes happening all around you. You are having this feeling that you are achieving the progress you desired faster than you anticipated. There is a lot of positive energy, and things are really starting to take off. The Eight of Wands shows eight sprouting wands sailing through the air at high speed. The Eight of Wands says the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. You feel that you have moved too fast, and feelings grow because of what others working under you are asking from you. You can expect changes in your life if you pull this card in a tarot reading. Known by Kabbalists as the Lord of Swiftness, the Eight of Wand's fiery energy is all about movement and speed. Your current job is not striking up the motivation or energy to work with passion in you which no doubt can feel very frustrating. In a spiritual context, the Eight of Wands indicates that you should be experiencing in a big upswing in your positive energy. The card represents speed, swiftness. You possess awareness as to how to effectively apply your imagination to shape the world in productive and aesthetic ways. Despite your enthusiasm, things in your life are not moving forward as you had hoped, causing you to feel frustrated and anxious. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you should find yourself gaining momentum and progressing quickly. The eight of wands represent quick movements. Your progress has plateaued, making this the right time to try new things. Manage Settings The background where they travel through isa clear sky which represents that there is likelynothing that will stand in theway of these making it to their destination. It depends on its placement in your tarot spread of course, but In general, the eight of wands reversed suggests that things are not happening as quickly or smoothly as they should be. Your hard work will be paying off and you will be ahead of the game. If youve had a holiday romance, reality will kick in and youll wonder what you saw in them. The Eight of Wands represents a person who is highly motivated, goal-oriented, and not afraid of change. Recent successes provide confidence to accomplish more. Sometimes we are so used to plodding through oppositions and setbacks that making strides and fulfilling goals creates an anxiety because the familiarity of failure is replaced by a strange success. Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play tarot card games. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? The eight of wands also indicate that you are probably making plans for the future and taking account of your resources which you will soon use to pursue your dreams. only then will you be able to find the relationship you truly deserve. Tarot Guru is an Amazon Affiliate and earns money from qualifying purchases. Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 8 Of Wands Introduction: A lot of things may be up in the air for you when the 8 of Wands appears. It could be the relationship is losing momentum and there may also a sense of stagnation or even boredom as if the relationship has lost its spark. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eight_of_Wands&oldid=1039461752, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 August 2021, at 21:08. This tarot-related article is a stub. Applied to your career, this principle can mean rapid movement in the literal or figurative sense. Moreover, the sticks stand for finally taking action and no longer waiting to fulfill one's dreams and goals in life. The Eight of Swords signifies constraints and self-victimization. If the question is about the exact time when something you are wishing for will come to reality, and the eight of wands have been pulled out, this can indicate that the time is very near. They are traveling at maximum speed towards their target. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. You can compare it with a sound wave, the speed of light. The most important message of the eight of wands is that one has to throw their wands or take their shot with determination and strength while focusing on the important things. All Rights Reserved. It is found in the Rider-Waite tarot reading. If youre single, unfortunately, youll most probably stay that way for the foreseeable future. If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. Once youre in a pattern of self-sabotage, its very difficult to get out of it, so see this reading as a wake-up call to start ridding yourself of your fears and insecurities. Wands are the Tarot decks symbol of creativity and you are looking at many creative possibilities all falling into place, just as you would like. Whatever the case may be, the eight of wands reversed is a reminder that love is worth fighting for. If you are tempted to do something, anything - instead of waiting, you may want to reconsider. What Does the Eight of Wands Tarot Card Mean? Your small investments today will pay off in the end (even if they are frustrating now). Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. You may have been working hard but not seeing the results you want. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this forward momentum to manifest your goals and dreams. In some cases, the reversed eight of wands can indicate that you are giving up on love altogether. It can also represent being inactive or too active leading to fatigue or a newly implemented diet or exercise regime not producing results as quickly as you hoped. If your job does not pay as well as you would like, it might be that you are still paying your dues. Often, the background of the card is the sky, signifying limitless possibilities. When the eight of wands tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it often indicates discord or disharmony in a relationship. The results for one card pull in the eight of wands card is: Upright Position: If the eight of wands are pulled out in the upright position, this indicates that the answer is yes, and what you wish for is coming to you very soon. This will help you to grasp the new role quicker and make you understand the right ways. You might feel as if there is not enough or you should be having money flow in faster. The background has a clear blue sky with nothing in their path, which can be interpreted as there is nothing in their path that will stop them or be an obstacle in their journey to their destination. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. But this Minor Arcana tarot card advises you to have patience during this time. You may need to be patient and allow situations to play out a bit longer before you take action. You will soon figure out the time. You need to settle this quickly in order to avoid derailing any major issue. In the future position in your reading, the Eight of Wands is a harbinger of opportunity. If you have dreamed of meeting your soul mate or reconnecting with an old lover, then this is a sign that it will happen very soon. The eight of wands also represent that maybe you are having a lack of activities that will keep your body moving, or you are too active, which is leading to fatigue. Go forth with confidence that you will continue to surpass expectations. This card has a lot of energy stored in them which, when it appears upright, forces you to move forward with your plans and reach your goals faster than ever. If you havent been in a relationship for a while, and your love life seems to be going nowhere, this card indicates that soon you will find a very compatible person whose company you will enjoy the most. If you are currently in a relationship, the chance of surprises and sudden plans, made either by you or your partner, is there, which will bring adventure and excitement to your relationship. This card is an indicator to be patient a while longer. This is where our ideas get spoken into the world. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent things taking off too quickly or not quick enough and cancelled travel. Its also an indication that communication is effective and even if some family members are away from home the connection and communication are as strong as ever. Your significant other will soon be ready - forcing things to happen may affect the result negatively. Think before you act first. The main take away from a card is that you should be more patient and remember that everything you are doing is part of your slow march towards progress. You might be experiencing feelings of jealousy in terms of your partner, but know that they are uncalled for and have no basis. Dont give up on your dreams of finding happiness with someone special. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. They may rekindle the flame they once had for one another and could do so by also traveling together. If your reading with the Eight of Wands card also features The Chariot card, you will be excited to find that a dream is coming true. In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands can represent work related travel or things taking off a great speed. Now is the time to put all your energy into your career and let the Universe take care of the rest. You must be moving forward with a plan which you have made already, but this card is an indication that there might be some disputes or misplaced research in your plan, which later on could seriously harm your plan. This Eight of Wands tarot guide separates the meaning into two parts, like with any other tarot card. The Eight of Wands appears in a tarot reading to indicate an ideal time for manifestation. The eight of wands represents rapid movement forward. The Eight of Wands card is a bringer of a positive and energetic vibe influencing the love life of a person who got it in a tarot reading. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. You may be getting a second wind to finish up a long-term project. Stay upbeat and look for signs that things are turning your way. Hastiness, speed, progress, movement, action, rushing, exciting times, travel, freedom, holiday, holiday romances, taking off, gaining momentum, ahead, thinking on your feet, sudden action, hard work paying off, results, solutions, energetic, positive, infatuation, obsession, being swept off your feet, jumping in. While this may prove difficult as there are many people trying to sway you, youll be much happier in the long run if you listen to your gut. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. The answer to your question is yes.. This combination is a jackpot. The key meanings of the Eight of Wands:[3]. A majestic landscape can be seen in the background, and as the wands land on the grass, it shows you are heading toward . You may be feeling negativity or a lack of energy when it appears in your Tarot spread. Each wand is directed in an arc, speeding toward the ground, representing there are no obstacles standing in your way. Even if you do not like the speed at which you are gaining money, know that you are most likely not losing any, which is a very positive sign. The Eight of Wands shows eight sprouting wands sailing through the air at high speed. She is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition, and believes that everyone has within them innate wisdom that can be accessed through introspection and self-reflection. Instead of focusing on the happy days of your early courtship, think about the lack of excitement and growth that has plagued your relationship lately. The Eight of Wands represents new, unexpected growth opportunities. You got ahead and made the most of the access you were granted, the favors that were bestowed and the contacts that networking delivered. All rights reserved. The Eight of Wands reversed is a precarious omen when it comes to love and romance. It means that your deepest desires are going to come true. Try to keep account of how much is coming in and how much is going out. So be careful with useless purchases and keep your hands tied during these times because things might become difficult if you do not control your impulses. This advancement is exciting and invigorating. The Eight of Swords coupling with this card means you are your own worst enemy when it comes to being held back from taking charge of your own destiny. The eight of wands card is not so much a yes no answer but an assurance that the answer is coming soon card.If it show up reversed it could be messages stuffed in a junk folder or packages lost in the mail. If you are frustrated by a sense of stagnation at work, this card can signal that you have missed opportunities by failing to act in time. This leads to zero progress at all because you keep switching between plans and ideas that none end up being completed. If youre single, youll find that your romantic life is once again set in motion; a new love interest may spark a romance, and your love life can even be moving surprisingly quickly. But if that is not the case, then the eight of wands is resonating with your internal feeling of satisfaction and success as you are feeling you are making great progress in your career and profession and you are moving forward very fast. We then decide to put our ideas into . The Eight of Wands is the most dynamic Arcana in the Tarot system. The Eight of Wands can symbolize a course of action you must take. For the time being, put all of your energy into living in the moment and know that when the time comes, your feelings will be your guide. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Applied to your career, this principle can mean rapid movement in the literal or figurative sense. Regardless of whether youre single or attached, make sure to think carefully about what you say or do. Unlike most Minor Arcana cards, Eight of Wands do not have people in them, which is a unique aspect of the card. You may realize that splitting up would be a positive thing. Trying to slow things down because youre not ready or youre fearful about the unknown will just waste this opportunity. Finding the Eight of Wands in the present position indicates that you are feeling a bit stuck in your life. Someone may be coming to visit you, or an adventure awaits. The meaning of Eight of Wands indicates new strength, energy, composure, an increase in the energy level of the person. This is a great time to start new projects, as there is a lot of potential for success. The Eight of Wands represents quick action, conclusion, and news. In a reading, the eight of wands can be a sign that it is time to take action and trust that everything will work out in the end. Obstacles standing in your life if you ask how someone feels about you, the of. Words and how they might impact the other eight of wands, before speaking them the game money out. Tree of life, and news based on the past will take off that love worth., missed opportunities so you may want to reconsider of data being processed be! To put all your energy into your career, this Minor Arcana cards, of. Be treated quickly rash decisions youve made in the energy level of the card as it came into.! 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