Worst decision I ever made was to have PRK surgery and to believe the 10 recovery crap! Honestly, it took me 2 months to recover and be able to drive again, work normally and even live normally (see my comments above if youre interested) but I am so happy with the result today! The good news is that your vision will improve over time as epithelial cells regenerate. Without glasses, I have double vision in the left eye. I began to worry and get frustrated when my vision did not start to stabilize in the third week. Still cant see clearly and will not drive at night or during the rain. Doctors just keep saying more time more time. I then had LASIK & for 14 years I saw a crisp 2020. Especially after looking forward to 20/20 vision for so long, and spending so much money, it is depressing to be now so blind I cant work or drive properly, Sam, I am so sorry to hear your story. After a year or so and successful healing he did Lasik and I saw a crisp 20/20 for 14 years. Because I cant see I feel like I cant think clearly either! Who is paying for this? I think they let us sign a waiver before the surgery but I cant remember. If I had known the issues and that I would wind up wearing glasses, I would not do the PRK. How many weeks of FML is sufficient. The first eye, no problems. On my 3 week check up, they made me do standard reading tests and said I can read properly so alls good, despite telling them that ALL IS NOT GOOD. That didnt work and I had another enhancement 6 months after that. Now all I can think of is the music I cant play and the art I cant create because I cant see well enough. Once I arrived home, I climbed in bed, took my sleeping pill as directed, and slept for about six hours straight. I am so sorry youre going through all this. After having a procedure done, you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for some time afterward. In some cases, a steroid shot behind the eye might be necessary. Ive been wearing them the last few months and love them! Your daily work is at computer/reading distance THIS IS ACTUALLY A BIG ONE! Really bothersome. its helped me feel more confident about my decision that the long recovery and potential risks really arent worth it for me personally. My doctor told me it was okay for me to wear nonprescription cosmetic lenses 1 month after my PRK surgery (Oct 2020). No light sensitivity or halos. Is it worth it? I was told all of these wonderful things about how awesome it would be to see clearly again. You may never see well again. Maybe, like you, a life of crisp 20/20 due to glasses, made our expectations too high for this procedure?! Now, I dont need reading glasses, but I dont enjoy the same corrected vision I had prior to PRK. I have to sleep with ointment in my eyes, and my eyes taped shut. I think I will stick to my glasses. Patients can use over-the-counter pain medication or consult with an eye doctor if prescription medication is needed to alleviate pain and discomfort. I had PRK surgery 1 year and 1 month ago and I have exactly the same experience. Im Otto Olivier, the guy behind Eyes Advisor. Anyway, I figured Id share my experience with you since I, too, understand your pain. My vision is definitely much better than it used to be without glasses, but 10 weeks out, I am not seeing anywhere as good as I was able to with glasses. And suffer the same complications as you. It doesnt make sense because I thought the cause of needing reading glasses was age and would happen to both eyes??? How sharp? It seems that there arent many negative reviews of PRK surgery and if there are, you REALLY have to dig for it. I wanted to share because it kills me to still pay for eyewear after paying so much for the surgery. According to a student in Clinical Ophthalmology, only around 6.8 percent of patients pursue retreatment after PRK myopic correction. Im not necessarily recommending it, but was curious if he or she did. How long does it take to get 20/20 vision after PRK? But my doctor said before surgery that I would get better but always be sensitive to bright light. I was -5.75 in both eyes. And then had to wait about an hour to be taken back which is when I started feeling a little nervous. Vision works best when looking through a clear surface. All I can say is that my dry eye did get better as time went on. That was a little over a month ago. I wanted LASIK but my corneas were too thin. I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. Cant touch my eyelids, an eyelash feels like a knife, and onions are acid. The prescription of the eye stabilizes and with this comes improvements in what you can see. I hear some people saying they pretty much heal over the first month; others tell me that the transition between the 3rd and 4th month is the final round of big changes. Really, there wasnt a problem. I had PRK in June 2020. I did recently buy two pairs of glasses and one pair of prescription sunglasses for under $100 online!! Also, one thing I noticed immediately from my surgery & that was probably an indicator of surgery complications: seeing the car headlights, traffic lights, anytype of light colors more pronounced (the way ppl see car headlights/traffic lights, lights at night, well thats how I see them during the day & night.) When would I have the time and how do I know this will work if it didnt work the first time. They claim that my eye didnt heal as everyone elses did even thought I followed the recovery rules to the T. Like your doctor, he said my response to PRK is rarely seen and usually doesnt happen. I couldnt see as crisp as I used to with contacts and had a hard time reading signs far away. Ten minutes dont go by when I dont feel a deep regret. Its difficult not to be frustrated or think I shouldnt have but the doctors are always so confident and they rarely focus on the risks. Long story short, Im on month three now since prk and I still have blurred vision that comes and goes but never complete sharp vision. I wish, I had read about your experience before getting PRK done. I await your response and thank you for sharing your experience. And when I turn off the lights at night my vision goes dark for about 30 seconds, then it picks up on the light coming from the window. Most people can see well enough for daily activities like driving, reading and watching TV within the first week after surgery; however, it takes several weeks or months before you achieve perfect vision. I had LASIK 20 years ago and the results were amazing. Some people actually opt to have cataract surgery with a top tier lens when they are younger as well. In addition to all these new expenses, I have been forced to decrease my work hours due to the pain and burning in my eyes. Im so sorry youre going through this as well Kristy. I know a few people who had no issues at all but also a few like me whove had nothing but issues. I never felt at any point during this time that I could see as good as when I had contacts, but I expected the first week to be like that. I hate that you are going through this, I definitely understand. If I put a soft contact lens on with 0.5 diopters of distance correction, I can see 20/20, but eyeglasses will only get me to 20/40. The pain, sensitivity and frustration I felt was identical to your experience. During month one and two after the surgery, my vision seemed to stabilize as in it didnt fluctuate throughout the day, but I still didnt feel like I could see well. My morning vision is what we had discussed before the surgery, but it regresses horribly throughout the day. My head would start to hurt and I felt like I had to force my eyes open, thats when I knew it was quitting time. Six years later I still feel like my eyes are healing. My doctor saved my cornea, but the irregular astigmatism was awful. The fact is that my eyes are in worse shape now than they were before getting lasik. Dont skimp on something that could negatively impact your existence for LIFE. Do NOT rub your eyes in the shower or afterward with a towel. In addition to making things blurry, higher order aberrations cause halos, starbursts, glare, and ghosting in our vision. Please keep us posted on your recovery. I dont know why my experience was so horrible when all Ive heard were good things. Also because its something people cant see, so they dont understand. 2. After my consultation, I was told, I was a good candidate for laser correction. It is possible for vision to remain blurry for one to two weeks. I can see better than before but the blurriness annoys me. PRK (photorefractive keratology) is a laser eye surgery that corrects refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. By 3 months, vision sharpens up to its full potential - this means that most will be able to see 20/20. (If only had read your blog sooner!) The best I can remember, things had started to get a little blurry when I was around 10. Originally only wanted to while driving or seeing something far away. You have certainly been through the wringer! So much so that the FDA has posted a New Draft Guidance for LASIK, and I believe was previously open for comments. Candace, youre definitely not alone. This corneal abrasion takes three or four days to heal, resulting in moderate pain and blurred vision in the short term. Our goal is to highlight amazing locations,share our journeys andpost our favorite travel resources. When we use glasses and surgery to correct vision, we correct two prescription measurements: sphere (how nearsighted you are) and astigmatism (how much your cornea resembles a cylinder or football). A few minutes later, I was led into a surgical room. Im wondering how I am going to live the rest of my life like this. My job choices are now extremely limited. as a company founder and managing director, I work on average about 80 hours a week and have a team of people who depend on me. It usually takes a few days to weeks for these new layers to cover and thicken your cornea, eliminating ghosting in the process. My vision in dim lighting isnt good either, as if its a bit more dark. Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. I also, wish I wouldve done more in depth research & read on similar situations as yours. ($5 Off Here: https://bit.ly/3JMlzim). Toss of coin. He had performed the surgery on other surgeons, police officers and even his own son. Unrelated I had to have a membrane removed from the retina. My eyes had been about -7.5 prior to PRK. The pain was the kind that is like waves travelling through your brain. Importantly, you should only drive if you can see well enough to drive . Im hoping I just havent healed all the way yet. However, your vision may fluctuate for the first several weeks so it is important to use good judgment. Hi Rose, I did not have any other surgery before the first. The lens is removed in cataract surgery and replaced with a clear, artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implant. Im not sure if Im having an allergic reaction or what gives. Although PRK surgery has a 95% success rate, it's important to know that there are risks associated with laser eye surgeries such as PRK. Everyone has to do their research and talk to people who have the procedure done at the place youre considering. I dont blame you on the second surgery. I had a pre-surgery visit with his team. The FDA has actually received many complaints from patients throughout the years and many patients are now complaining that complications were not communicated to them properly or at all. Is this normal? I wear glasses 100% more then before it. Ive had so many people reach out to me privately and below in the comments about their own personal nightmares with PRK complications. (I was 34 when I had the surgery). I feel very fortunate not to have the follow up issues that you had. Another benefit is that PRK can be performed on individuals who have thin corneas as well as individuals with severe nearsightedness. While some of these symptoms are normal after eye surgeries, none should continue indefinitely. No reading glasses just yet! PRK is also generally less expensive than LASIK. I ran into some extra money and decided to take the leap again. These grafts are the most successful of all tissue transplants. I was cursing during the whole process literally cursing out loud at the pain while I was laying on the table. As I sit to write this, it is almost three years to the day of my first PRK procedure at a vision center in Illinois. After prk I had blurred vision which left me debilitated because of headaches and difficulty working on my computer. All in all, if I could do it over again, I wouldnt. By four or five days after surgery your vision begins to clear up, although it may take several weeks to a month to become excellent. It felt like I was being tortured on a rack of sorts! Sounds like a great outcome, doesnt it? Edema is the cause of these spots on your corneal surface, which will subside as the healing process takes its course. Looking back, I would have done things differently. Also he told me that as I get older I would need glasses. Wow! Anywhere I inhabit is littered with the tiny plastic bottles of preservative free eye drops. Hi. Literally. Stage 4 The vision sharpens and stabilizes as it should within the first six months. This allows your eye doctor to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. LOL That is too funny! Ive literally gained 20 lbs in the last 2 months from stress eating and even started smoking again to try and cope with the stress. Instead, it is much worse than preop without glasses. I felt like I had razor blades that were on fire scraping across my eyes for the first week. Vision can become blurry or fluctuate when the eye dries out. I did not have dry eyes before the surgery but do now. Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. Man reports experiencing blurry vision for 2 months after LASIK Ocular Surgery News | A 47-year-old man who had LASIK in both eyes 2 months prior presented complaining of blurry. Wow Josh, thanks so much for taking the time to share your insight and personal experience! Although I typically do painstaking research on any personal medical procedure, for reasons I cant explain (other than, I guess, misplaced confidence in my physician), I decided to take the doctors advice and have the prk correction. Like you, I had PRK surgery. What laser, corneal thickness, procedure done, etc. One morning I woke up and realized I could see clearly. Every time I call them they tell me that everyone is different in their healing and to just continue to use the drops. The clinic told me it would be around a 5 day recovery. Click our photo tolearn more. The good news is that with a soft contact lens I can see 20/25. Once the epithelium heals, you will move on to the next stage of healing. I felt like it was never quite as crisp after than it was with contacts but not enough for me to notice a whole lot to wear I had an eye exam. Prk makes cs go bad. It simply takes time for the vision to sharpen up all the way to 20/20. One thing is for sure, they have clearly been changed forever in every way. All those things are just something I used to enjoy and now will probably be selling pay for anything that would help restore my vision and take away the pain. I am only 5.5 weeks into my recovery but I have a feeling Im in your boat20/80after surgery??? If you experience any of these effects, contact your surgeon promptly. There was astigmatism in my left eye that was causing me to go back into glasses to see sharply again. Prior to laser vision correction with PRK, your surgeon destroys the epithelium layer of your cornea in order to restore vision. The vision in each eye doesnt match though. The healing was irregular. What is the fastest way to recover from PRK? We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links. People who have diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, or cataracts are also not considered good candidates for PRK surgery. Fast forward to 2022. I have heard that some vison clinics are not good. Dr. Horn in Oakbrook..dik! Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. Months 3 to 6 after surgery: Your vision will finish improving during this time, reaching 20/40 or better. Vision is still not as clear (crisp) as it used to be when I wore glasses. If you are experiencing severe ghosting after PRK, it is essential that you contact your eye doctor as soon as possible to identify the source of your symptoms and get the most appropriate treatment plan. Also even getting slightly bumped in the eye is painful for me. I am in constant pain. A year after my first procedure, I went back into my eye center for more tests to confirm I was a candidate for PRK enhancement. Since epithelial cells reproduce rapidly within the human body, they typically regenerate within weeks to months. And according to some clinical cases, your vision will constantly improve as time goes by, and it would take you 3 . Keep reading below to find out about the great deal I found for regular prescription glasses and sunglasses! I am recovering slowly. I went in for an eye exam (should have before 2yrs) and was told my vision is 1.5 in one eye and -1.5 in another eye so I got glasses and they make a huge difference. My prescription has stayed the same since the second PRK surgery and my near vision is still great for a woman in her 40s. Oh no, Im so sorry for what you had to endure. Being almost blind has significantly slowed me down which is almost unbearable. Before surgery Iwas -7.50 in left and 5.50 on right. I already feel like I am going to have to push for a prescription at my next appointment but I would rather pay for temporary glasses than live in a blur. I work for an eye surgeon and also had PRK) With a correction that is extremely high like hers, I would think she wouldnt have enough thickness left for a touch up. What are the chances the second procedure will work? If you are sticking to drops then you may try different gel eye drops. I started to get a little anxious during this time, especially when reading some recovery logs with quicker recovery time. The assistant blew me off, but when she examined me she realized that I had a corneal erosion (not just an abrasion). When I woke up, my eyes felt like they had sand in them (which I was told was because of the bandage contacts) so it was a little uncomfortable but not in pain necessarily. There are way too many stories that need to be shared for those thinking about the surgery. I wanted to avoid spending $500 a year on eye classes but now I spend $500+ a year on eye drops! All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. It's nerve-racking having blurry vision weeks and even months after surgery. Posterior Capsule Opacity (PCO) is another common complication that can occur when a cloudy layer of scar tissue forms behind the lens implant. Please do not do it. I am one and a half years post op. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. I feel your pain.. Its devastating to hear these stories but Im so glad you shared with us. She confirmed my suspicion that I needed glasses or contacts to gain a 20/20 outlook. Thanks for sharing your story with us Rachel! Unfortunately any time you do durgery on the surface of the eye you run the risk of dry eye. I work in a kitchen and doing things with vinegar, cutting onions, being near a stove or a grill are a constant struggle and my coworkers and boss think Im being dramatic. I hope anyone whom is considering getting PRK, reads all of these experiences. He performed cataract surgery and then PRK, which did not work. Thats why one of my doctor said FML is not require more than 6 weeks so you can stop. Three to six months to be exact. There are so many more reasons that I could go into as to why you shouldnt do this but I dont feel like writing anymore. It will blur your vision, so put it in right before bed Run the tube under hot tap water for 20 seconds to thin it out Use the smallest possible amount just inside your eyelids Artificial tears in the morning may help wash it out Wash you face normally help remove it from your eyelids Punctal plugs: this sounds scary, but is super easy. When the eye covering is removed, your vision may be blurry. Glad you shared with us my left eye & read on similar situations as yours curious if he she. Should continue indefinitely & for 14 years you are sticking to drops then you may try different gel eye!... 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