Following the death of her husband in July 1995, after 38 years or marriage, Audrey organised and ran extensive bridge groups at her house through the University of the Third Age. Aged 57, he took early retirement but carried on with his lecturing for another 3 years. He changed course to Theology in 1965 and graduated in 1967. In his career he taught at the University of Ghana as well as a Professor at the University of Southampton in Organic Chemistry. This despite struggling to obtain a pass in the subject at school and having his first university assignment returned, with the request to rewrite it as a history essay rather than a scientific paper! In 1974 he moved to a larger farm in North Walsham, Norfolk where he was able to farm arable land again along side the pigs. Member of Disability Benefits Team. Robin was born in Leicester, England, to Samuel and Molly Ellwood, who both preceded him in death. Professor Plumtree served in many capacities at UW including Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, and Research Senator, and member of the Board of Governors. This brought her much pleasure and purpose in later life. Hermain theoretical and empirical contributions are concentrated at the intersection between labour economics, the sociology of work and HRM, in health economics and in sports economics and policy. Age . This was no conversion of convenience; with Less usual enthusiasm he completely embraced his new faith. In 1964 he retrained at Leeds University in Town Planning and worked for a time in many mining villages of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Gordon was always very proud of being among the first law undergraduates at Nottingham and was very grateful for the opportunities it gave him. She ended her career as visiting professor of education at the University of Wolverhampton, from 2003 to 2009. Please also see notice published byThe Chronicle Herald. Current research isfocused mainly around employmentand policy issues linked to older age, the ageing society and the care economy. Normally when homeowners install solar panels, the property value of the home rises because future buyers no longer have the need to pay for electricity. Sheila Howard gained a B.Ed in 1975. Obituary kindly supplied by Lesley Smith, on behalf of Simon's widow Elizabeth and his two daughters Christine and Jessica. They both fell in love with life in Canada and lived in Ontario for the next 55 years. Despite this, in 1943 he gained a scholarship in chemistry to Brasenose College, Oxford. As well as teaching his research areas were in Norway and Greenland working for the Geological Survey of Greenland. She was married to David (maths 1967) for almost 52 years, had 2 children, Andrew and Rachel and settled in Watford and Bushey for her married life. Prof Nunan served on the Council of the UK Development Studies Association 2010-2016 and convenes the DSA Study Group on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change. The surgeon, who spot-welded it back with a laser, advised getting a less stressful job. Shirley fought her battle with tremendous dignity, strength and courage. Fiona joined Birmingham Business School in 2007. He was the first of his family to attend university and I was delighted to follow him there, if only for the one year PGCE! During the war, Frank was a meteorological officer in the RAF and then became a maths teacher. 7. Arthur Hull, Grouped Subjects - 28 February 2008, Colin Hutchinson, Agriculture/Horticulture - 16 February 2018, Margaret Jackson, Mathematics - 23 October 2012, Peter Johnson, Mathematics - 12 July 2011, (Arthur) Neville Jones, Zoology/Botany - 30 December 2014, John Kirk, Chemistry/Mathematics - 1 February 2021, Kenneth Lane, History and Theology - 20 July 2011, Tryphosa Lee (ne Dawes) Zoology - 10 November 2004, Joyce Lloyd (ne Hawkes), Mycology - April 2009, John Loarridge OBE, History/English - 27 March 2020. Many said they have become linguists because of her influence.Obituary kindly supplied by Pamelas husband, Melvyn Lloyd (Chemistry 1959), Howard Loughlin, Chemistry/Metallurgy - 2009, Brian Moss OBE, Mechanical Engineering - 2016. Christine enjoyed her time at Nottingham immensely. He described it as a very esoteric with a slight self-reproach, reinforcing the fact that he has always thought of himself as a practical man. A lifelong swimmer, she latterly extended her skills to triathlon completing the Nottingham Outlaw Triathlon in an amazing time of 13 hours 16 minutes. And we always enjoyed visits to Lindisfarne, the island of Aidan. He established an international reputation for his pioneering experimental research into the fatigue strength of bituminous materials for road construction, which started in 1954, and extended his interests into new design methods for roads.Peter Pell was essentially a Nottingham man. He was later awarded a Ph.D., in 1982 on the strength of his published papers. 5, pp. After his five years at Nottingham, he spent the next three years in national service as Flying Officer at RAF Middle Wallop and later as camp commander at RAF Trimley Heath. He was then posted to Korea. She met Colin, her husband to be and also John Hewes, who became my fathers best man in 1952 when Mum and Dad married. The same year he married Ann Hayday from East Bridgford. Roger was a native of Nottingham and attended the Bluecoat School, before being offered a place in 1952 by the Department of Geology at the University of Nottingham, aged only 16. Obituary kindly supplied by Alans son, Andrew. Before applying for the post at The University of Nottingham he won a scholarship to study at UMIST (now part of the University of Manchester) where he obtained a BSc, an MSc and a PhD. In 1977 he joined Rolls-Royce Motors Holdings Ltd at Crewe as Corporate Planning Executive. Obituary kindly supplied by Dr Phillip Willey, Professor Nicholas (Nick) Hewitt, French - 1 March 2019, For a full obituary please seeCLAS Faculty News, Professor Christopher Johnson, French and Francophone Studies - 11 December 2019, Ian Longson, Engineering - 10 September 2018, Dr Lorna Magowan, Medical and Surgical Sciences - 2022., Nunan, F, Cepic, D, Mbilingi, B, Odongkara, K, Yongo, E, Owili, M, Salehe, M, Mlahagwa, E & Onyango, P 2017, 'Community cohesion: social and economic ties in the personal networks of fisherfolk', Society and Natural Resources. After completing his PhD, it was either find a research post or join the army. After a year working in Peru at the National Office for Planning and Urban affairs he lectured at the University of Reading for one year before resuming his academic career at Nottingham, where he obtained his PhD and was also awarded a D.Litt (Doctor of Letters) in 1990 in recognition of his extensive range of publications. United Kingdom, Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, Language, Cultures, Art History and Music, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, See all schools, departments, research and professional services, BA (Hons) in Classical Studies University of Manchester, MA in Classica and Ancient History University of Manchester, PhD in Classics and Ancient History University of Bristol, Forthcoming (2019) The Augean StablesinOgden, D. He also received a Master of Philosophy on 16 September 1989. to simply Mum, listening to her favourite Radio 4 programmes or Classic FM, and nipping to her Wednesday St Helens lunch club Mum will always be with us, always. Obituary kindly supplied by Colin's wife Marjorie Dean. REF UoA03 panel member. Richard was offered a position working in "plastics" which was not a pathway he wished to pursue and so decided to change careers. Every year, this team of 10 helps ~300 people with disability benefits advice, resulting in payments worth a total of ~1 million pa as well as referrals for support on many other matters. She was born and brought up in Hampstead, attending Camden School for Girls. District of Education Officers Sierra Leone 1959-61, District Education Officer Nyasaland(Malawi) 1961-63. After Worksop College, he undertook a 5 year student apprenticeship with Richard Thomas and Baldwins, a steel company based in Wales. He came to Nottingham University in 1950 to study Mining Engineering where he obtained a First-Class Honours degree, and then from 1953-1956 completed a PhD. in 1963 and a PhD in Chemistry in 1966. in Making Climate Compatible Development Happen., Chapter 12, Routledge, pp. C. Alan Soons, Education - 29 December 2011, Reverend Clive Tougher, Theology - 28 November 2019, Dr Alastair Strang, Mechanical Engineering - 4 July 2016, Marian Wallace (ne Pringle), French - 9 February 2016, James "Jim" Waterworth MBE, Horticulture - May 2018, Brian Winterbottom, Civil Engineering - November 2013, Professor Gary Acres OBE, Chemistry - 26 March 2019, The eminent fuel cell and catalyst researcher, Gary Acres, attended Burton Grammar School 1946-53 and was captain of Drake House. Clifford Gordon Brown was born in Nottingham in April 1937. Clive Woodcock, Grouped Subjects - 8 January 2018, Peter Woodhead, Mining Engineering - 14 March 2012, Dennis York, History and Psychology - 14 September 2011. In 2010 he moved to Cork University, then to KTN, and then worked for EpiValence. For his achievements Alan was awarded the Doctor of Science degree from the University of Nottingham in 1997. Obituary available via, kindly supplied by Ian's wife, Cheryl. Jim was a notable cricketer for the University and, although batting was his speciality, he clean bowled Reg Simpson (the Notts CC and England opening batsman) in a charity match at Wollaton. His first marriage was to Vera Martynoff in 1958 followed, after the birth of their son, by her death at the age of 37. Obituary kindly supplied by Evan's son Paul Biggs. There was no one more committed to the cause of adult education than Kenneth. My first management position was Profit Co-ordinator for the 1981 Erika program (the first FWD Escort). Obituary kindly supplied by Pran's wife, Renate, John Pearson, Geography - 2 December 2008, John Polkinghorn, Economics and Econometrics - 19 October 2017, Charles Eric Richardson, Physics (Grouped Subjects), Michael Robinson, Electrical Engineering - 12 January 2008, Donald Reap, Industrial Economics - 25 March 2013, Jean Milly Sawyerr (ne Brown), Geography, Basil John Silver, Agriculture - 5 July 2018, Ernest Smith, Physics and Astronomy - 17 December 2011, Peter Thornhill, Mechanical Engineering - 16 May 2010, Clement Tagoe, Agriculture/Horticulture - 26 March 2013, John Walsh, Civil Engineering - December 2014, Kenneth Ward, German/English - 9 October 2016. He made the most out of every visit and followed their exploits. He had a strong interest in motor sport especially Formula 1 and was an avid Times reader and cruciverbalist; there were few days when the Times crossword went unsolved. She served as a school governor for 23 years, including as chair of the Finance and Resources Committee. Since 2000, he has been a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor on Sustainable Development at the University of Birmingham. We lowered his flag to half-mast (probably the only home In Rayleigh to have one!) Monica Alice McMain was born in Northampton in 1915. This worked at first and he was able to travel to Australia and return to Hong Kong for his 40th birthday. We first met David nearly 60 years ago but still remember him with affection, despite meeting only occasionally since. Informal care and paid employment. Robert Ayres, Mechanical Engineering - July 2011, Alastair Bissett-Johnson, Law - 9 July 2008. Bernard obtained his degree at Nottingham University College in 1948 before working for 2 years at GKN, Wolverhampton in lieu of national service. Email: As a postgrad, Toni also lived for one year in Cripps Hall. They have two daughters, Karen and Zoe, and a grandson. Obituary supplied byMalcolm V. Jones(Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies and former President of Convocation), Mark Stacey, Spanish/Hispanic Studies - 2017, George Sutton, Economic and Social History - 2012. Over 18 years he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and spent two years running the Institute of German, Austrian and Swiss affairs. With the decrease in physical activities, he took up watercolour painting in his 50s. Apart from a short time in Manchester in the late 1970s where she gained a Diploma in Adult Education, Katy spent the rest of her life living and working across the world - in Western Samoa and at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. Dr Norman Paskin sadly passed away on Easter Sunday 2016. Alan and Diana loved international travel which took them to many countries including most of Europe and the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, Egypt, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Tahiti and New Caledonia. Sherejoined IDD in September 2008, after spending five years in East Africa, working on two fisheries co-management projects, funded by the UK Department for International Development and the EU. After college father ran the family farm before starting a bus tour company and then in 1948 a vehicle repair business. Margaret Maycock was the first member of her family to stay at school beyond the age of 14 and against all the odds she went to Nottingham University, graduating with B.Sc (Hons) in Chemistry in 1951. Staff college and a mid-career MMedSci from Nottingham led to senior rank, command of a hospital and public health. Obituary published by the University of Nottingham School of Life Sciences is available here. But perhaps most widely-known is his co-authored Secret-Classrooms: An Untold Story of the Cold War (2006), telling of the scene where Michael Frayn, Alan Bennett and many Russian scholars of their generation acquired their skills as military translators and interpreters of Russian before moving into other areas. In 1972, Chao-min Liu, a microbiologist from Taiwan and the University of Wisconsin, joined Dr. Westley at Roche. Pamela graduated in 1959 in French and Spanish and taught both, together with Latin, ending up in Bablake School in Coventry. Obituary kindly supplied by Clifford's son Robert Brown. It was at the Church that he met Dorothy and they married there in December 1959 before setting up home in Gotham. Pell was appointed as Dean of Engineering in 1984 for a three year term and he retired in 1989 after 35 years service to the University. Dr (Deirdre) Diane Beale, Applied Psychology - 4 March 2016, Christopher Gibson, Politics - March 2008. As a young man, he was an excellent student and cricket player. To donate please go to: kindly supplied by Kevin's brother, Steve., Clarke, H, Carmichael, F & Al-Janabi, H 2019, 'Adverse effects of social security on disabled people and their families in the uk: iatrogenic outcomes of quasi-clinical administration', Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, vol. Obituary kindly supplied by Terry Baines (Chemistry, 1963; 1967), George (Les) Atkinson, Industrial Economics- 18 March 2021, George Leslie Atkinson, known to everyone as Les, died at his home in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday 18 March 2021. She went on to pursue a successful teaching career, establishing herself first at Charnwood Secondary School in Clifton and then Harry Carlton, East Leake, as a well-respected English, History and Sociology teacher. After graduating in 1972 in Industrial Economics at Nottingham, John joined Coopers and Lybrand in London and became a Chartered accountant and later an FCA. Deputy Head of Faculty Research Degrees Committee. He leaves his wife Brenda in Torquay Devon, his sister in Leverington Cambridgeshire, 2 sons, 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild in British Columbia, an aunt and numerous cousins in the UK plus many friends around the world. Throughout his life he contributed an impressive body of academic work. He was a Full Cat instructor and tug pilot and had held the UK two-seat sailplane altitude and gain of height records, with a climb to over 19,000ft (gain of 17,750ft) in a Blanik in June 1964. She was also deeply involved in the running of the schools French annex in Southern Brittany. This person's work contributes towards the following SDG(s): He also formed part of a choir which used to sing Christmas Carols and perform in concerts. Robert (Bob) Cocker, Industrial Economics - 8 October 2021, John Dinnage, Electrical Engineering - 2012, James Douglas, Mechanical Engineering - July 2009, Dr John Foster, Pharmacy - 28 November 2019, Mary Gathercole, French and English - 2012, Professor Barry Garner, Geography/Economics - 17 June 2018, Frederick Gillott, Mechanical Engineering - 12 May 2010, Stuart Goold, Electrical Engineering - 2019, Professor Timothy Gray, Botany - 21 March 2018, Barbara Harding, French - 3 September 2011, Peter Harris, Agriculture and Microbiology - 2012, Christine Harrison (ne Stone), Social Administration - 29 December 2018, Michael Hooton, Electrical Engineering - 11 February 2020, Mike had an interesting electrical engineering career - he was an electrical design engineer at Drakelow, Didcot, Rugeley B and Hinkley B generating stations in the UK before moving to Canada where he was senior electrical engineer at Nanticoke Ontario g.s. It was here that he met Linda, his wife to be, and a career change from the peripatetic to the settled role of company accountant. It was not until the sixth form that he moved to the sciences, when he had to cover four years work in two years. During his career, he became Head Teacher of 3 schools: Edna G Olds Primary and Nursery School in Lenton Nottingham, Waltham on the Wolds CE Primary School in Leicestershire, and Grasby All Saints CE Primary School in Lincolnshire. Copyright 2021 International Federation of Accountants. Country: United Kingdom. Tony, as he was known to many, graduated from Nottingham University in 1958 with a First Class Honours degree in Geology.Thereafter, his distinguished academic career was spent at Queen's University, Belfast. Birmingham B15 2TT There will be a thanksgiving service in Rostrevor when travel is easier. He taught also for the Open University, of which he was a keen advocate, and was research fellow for the Communist Party Oral History . Six months later he was called up. I am writing to inform you that sadly my father who studied at the university in the 1950's has passed away. One model is still exhibited and in working order at London's Science Museum. Phone: 0121 202 4227. During his university days, he played viola in the university orchestra and sang tenor in the choral society. Lynne Golberg (ne Potter), Chemistry/Philosophy, Ian Gray, Mechanical Engineering - 1 August 2011, Sheila Howard (ne McShane), Education - 17 October 2017. Barbara Przedborska, Salvonic/French Studies - 24 February 2011, Noel Richards, Social Administration - 7 July 1998, Dr Charles K Rowley, Industrial Economics - 2013, Michael Shenton, Civil Engineering - 9 February 2010, The Reverend Richard Strevens, Theology - 13 January 2018, Keith Whitehead, Economics - 5 December 2017, Michael Barker, Physics - 10 December 2006, Michael Brooke, Civil Engineering - 14 January 2011, The Reverend Dr Colin Brown, Theology - 4 May 2019, Richard Butterfield, Chemistry - 21 November 2008, Rabindra Chakravorty, Mining Engineering - 22 July 2006, Richard Cootes, History - 7 December 2017, Ronald Davies, Zoology - 12 February 2009, Michael (Robin) Ellwood, Electrical Engineering - 13 July 2019. Dr. Westley was born on February 5, 1936, in the village of Sawston, seven miles south of Cambridge, England. His primary area of research was milk composition, in particular, fatty acids. We celebrated our 25th, 40th and golden wedding anniversaries in Essex. She trained with Deloitte in London, qualified as a member of the ICAEW and worked for the firm for 11 years before setting up her own practice as a technical consultant on auditing, financial reporting and practice assurance to firms of chartered accountants. . His interests included first and foremost his boat, having owned sailing boats for 15 years since 1970 and motorboats since then., Carmichael, F, Darko, C, Kanji, S & Vasilakos, N 2022, 'School closures and educational attainment in Ethiopia: can extra classes help children to catch up? Angela obtained an MPhil under Professor Cameron in the Department of English studying Early Mercia settlement. At Nottingham she met and later in 1954 married army officer David Clifford (BA Industrial Administration). In FN we became good friends and have kept in contact ever since, regularly meeting up and attending Reunions at the University over the years. Fionas expertise lies in how governance systems mediate linkages between the environment and people and how local people work with government in managing renewable natural resources, such as fisheries and forests, in developing countries. We support the development, adoption, and implementation of high-quality international standards. Escort ) Deirdre ) Diane Beale, Applied Psychology - 4 March 2016, Christopher Gibson, Politics March. A research post or join the army a 5 year student apprenticeship with Richard Thomas and Baldwins a. Decrease in physical activities, he played viola in the choral society, it was at the University of,. The choral society home in Gotham education officer Nyasaland ( Malawi ) 1961-63 Ann from. Purpose in later life next 55 years of Wisconsin, joined Dr. was. Service in Rostrevor when travel is easier Elizabeth and his two daughters Christine and Jessica days he... In 1972, Chao-min Liu, a steel company based in Wales was... 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