When a Pisces man isn't committed and is using you; he'll flake out quite often. He just wants to be left alone. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! Capricorn isnt really the type to play games when it comes to love or dating at least, not intentionally. You spend so much time together, yet you know nothing about him. yep thats my pisces to a t! Playing hard to get might work for most of the zodiac signs but this is not the case with a Taurus man. the feeling once you fix everything about that emotion. Get him to trust you first, then lie to him and never reveal the truth. Its fun and titillating to a point. Pisces are such hopeless romantics that they dont want to lose their love interest under any circumstances. More often than not, he has an excuse as to why hes canceling on you and hes so good at lying that you even believe him. Did he have a happy childhood? One moment, shes head over heels for you, and then you wake up the next morning to find her cold and distant. Maybe I'll see him again one day. At first, the cat-and-mouse chase of the whole thing can be fun. Scorpio - They play the blame game. She was constantly prodding me with questions on why I was isolating myself. Check the following reasons people show signs of mind games: 1. You can play mind games with your Pisces guy by getting him to tell you his secrets and then revealing them to everyone. Pisces men crave honesty from their partners. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. One way to get any man jealous is by spending little or no time with him. They really cant tell because Pisces men can be slipping into their fantasy world, and it might look as if they are aloof. Gemini jealousy and that of Pisces can be triggered when you make your relationship with them insecure. People send us signs that they like us, but we often get hurt in these experiences and become insecurw and passive. 3. I just recently broke up with my g/f (a Taurus) because I lost my feelings for her. I'm a Pisces and my GF would laugh out loud reading this! However, when he doesnt talk about any of this, then hes not that interested in you. 22. ), 10 Tips on How to Keep a Pisces Man in a Happy Relationship. Any fire sign would generally be an awful match for this water sign anyway but if you are one, then you know that youre constantly unsatisfied with the relationship you have with this man. Everyone and everything is higher up on his priority list. It doesn't make them feel powerful or smarter than anyone; it just makes them feel kind manipulative . If youre an Aquarius woman, you may have more problems with this sun sign than anyone else but youre not safe even if youre any other sign. He may even gaslight you by saying that youre crazy for even asking about it or hell tell you that he already told you the answer to that. You should not give him the opportunity to suspect anything about you. He knows that youre easy to manipulate so he doesnt want to let go of you but when you try to have a serious conversation with him, he gets nervous and uncomfortable and he likely cant give you an explanation for his behavior. In this guide, we explain what a Pisces is and what the common Pisces traits--both good and bad--are. Make your Pisces man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. If you want some attention from a Gemini man, then don't start texting him frequently. hoping another person will heal their deepest hurts. Wish I'd have known this beforehand but we both had life lessons to learn. Because they are inherently introverted, they need to be alone a lot. People who are born in this zodiac sign would rather be sad when they are jealous than being angry. Love or like a Pisces man and you will never regret it! You wont gain anything trying to make a Pisces man jealous. . They need a strong, unshakable support system. . Havinga reputation of being all work and no play is a little unfair on this Earth sign, because anyone who knows a Capricorn woman in love knows that she likes to show off a little bit. If he never asks you how you feel and doesnt seem to care about you, its one of the signs a Pisces man is playing you. Tell him that he hurt your feelings with his insensitive comments or by treating you poorly. Since they're dreamers, Pisces . However, here he is, showing you once again that youre not as important to him. Cancer Sex Match: Pisces. Youre nothing more than a waste of time to him. They're mutual signs. (4 Important Things To Know), sounds awkward when used to describe Pisces. They are the most attentive partners that one can ask for. Found out my pisces also divorced three months later. This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man. I think I come across as not giving a shit. Beautiful bods, power and motivation are turn-ons for the Ram. Agreed? You put so much effort into everything that you do for him but he couldnt care less. Some zodiac signs, including Aquarius and Scorpio, are more presidential than others most common astrological signs of us presidents 2x1. Why cant you just have these conversations without so much hassle? She loves being the object of his affection, adoration, and admiration. How does it work? This is why Pisces men need a partner who encourages them to achieve their dreams. I don't enjoy doing it but it's in my nature, I guess? This zodiac sign is not the jealous type, unlike Scorpios and Virgos. Just understand that your mental health and your happiness are much more important than this guy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 8 Tips on How to Make a Pisces Man Miss You. My unbiased and anonymous analysis takes the gamble out of deciding what to do. We game to test how real something is. He would always message you because hed want to give you the feeling that youre important to him. They do lie, and in fact are very changeable. This Pisces man is testing you to see how long itll take you to realize that hes just doing this for his own selfish needs. 6. I used to play that a lot but since I got with someone serious I kept it to a minimal oh yeah??! 1. So am thinking he's gemini moon is a tricky one especially for a virgo moon like mine, do u think he'll call or come back because I think about him everyday he's 28 and am 24.. And it breaks my f-in heart every time I make her cry, I hate doing it to her but her tears remedies my situation. Once a man is born in this zodiac month, expect him to pay little or no attention to your flirtatious lifestyle. Inability to escape reality3. Pisces Man perspective on mind games. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. Until then, however, shell happily date around. This zodiac sign tries to make the person they love or live feel jealous. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. But due to his words/actions, the usual ones so it seems for a pisces man, I've had to walk away. Not just towards me but even in the display i have seen him do to others. This is a somewhat simpler sign to decipher. Dude i totally second that! Why Did He Come Back To Play Mind. The breakups and makeups with this one are enough to give you whiplash! You're questioning yourself more. When he says that he wants to spend a night alone at his place, start an argument with him. He tells you that youve been having such a fun time but youre ruining it with these conversations. Seriously, us pisceans can be seriously misunderstood sometimes because of our erratic unpredictable behavior. He'll push your buttons to test your reactions. Hes even more romantic than a Pisces woman. he had a hard life, says he grew up extremely poor and still yet is making irresponsible decisions concerning his life, financially and morally at the age of 28. i tried to be helpful and supportive, but instead i was met with attitude and rudeness for the simplest things. A Gemini man always wants to be approached all the time. She could be totally into him and he wont even know it, because shes waiting for him to make the first move. This is one of the reasons why they tend to play mind games as a way to exert control over their partner by making them feel guilty for spending time away from them. He'll ask you questions that seem "out there," or he'll say one thing and then do something else to watch how you react. Lets be honest for a moment. What would be the signs for the outside world to determine weather you're in love, dear Pisces? They like to observe things around them and the best part is they put their observations in use to care and give attention to their loved ones. 174,489 taken - User Rating: 2. This zodiac sign wont be able to mislead you once you know exactly what to look for in his behavior. 21 years of experience solving real problems for real couples. Theres something exciting about the gameplay of it all, of not knowing for sure how the other person feels, and reading just a little too much into their actions or gestures. And the women he dates don't understand how he could want two different things at the same time. If he tells you something personal and significant, its one of the signs a Pisces man is in love with you. Normally the mind games being employed are used for the simple reason that the person doing it is too afraid to confront you . We live in different states and haven't spoken in years - I wonder if I've crossed his mind. However, when you find yourself in this situation instead, you just know that hes playing with you. Gemini jealousy and that of Pisces can be triggered when you make your relationship with them insecure. 5. I dont blame you for not being able to see through his deceit but its good for you that we do. He's Touchy Early On. Generally speaking, when it comes to games in love and dating, nobody wins. Hell use that misjudgment you have of him to manipulate you with this hot and cold game. They will also listen to the needs you express openly. Answer (1 of 10): reasons I could think of: Loss of interest: Pisces are very sensitive to people's feelings. The Venus sign determines a person's love nature as well as how he or she attracts a partner. He doesnt want to define your relationship, 4. It doesnt matter what you ask of him right now, he just doesnt respond to you. You are sure to mess with his mind if you shoot down his ideas, make him feel inferior, and judge him. Life is about creating something for oneself and future generations, not partying or living a mediocre life. Thats why were here to help you figure out what you need to do in this situation. Personally, I do it to my gf whenever we hit a roadblock and I have to make her go through loops and holes to see if she still loves me. This means she may get a little too serious too fast, but hey, whos got the time to dawdle when you have a family on your mind? You can play mind games with your Pisces man by being unreliable, especially when he needs you the most. For this Tarot-scope, Michele used 12 Rider-Waite tarot cards, each corresponding to a zodiac sign. She just cant make up her mind! So be real, straightforward and sensitive. There are different reasons people play mind games, but the end game is to gain power over others. It was lies after lies, She played me for a fool. He becomes very protective of his body and he cant look into your eyes anymore. A Taurus man will not appreciate it if you try to make him jealous so refrain from playing games as this man does not like being a second option to anyone. This doesnt even have anything to do with his horoscope but its more something that all men have in common. Compare him to other guys and compliment other men in front of him. Pisces men want to be alone. She cant help it its just her sign! Setting aside time to connect with a partner during stressful periods is a must. We always answer with our feelings and that is a sure way to find out if he's testing you or really serious about breaking up. How To Deal With Your Leo Mans Silent Treatment. Do these things and you will be one hell of happy gal. She wasn't able to give me the stimulation I needed to keep our emotional balance going in the relationship. If you want to know how to make a Pisces man feel guilty, make him think that he has hurt someone. It's the most powerful tool I've found to predict the future of a relationship. All we look for in return is love, appreciation, and honesty. By making him dependent on you and then pulling away in his time of need, you can make your Pisces guy feel helpless and insecure, which will definitely mess with his mind. Keeping her dating pool wide open is way more appealing to her, plus she cant deny the attractiveness of having a bunch of guys fighting for her favor. You dont deserve to be treated that way. When he closes his door and asks not to be disturbed while working on something, interrupt him every ten minutes by making noise or going in the room. One of the best mind games you can play to torture a Pisces guy is to play on his guilt and sympathy. If your Pisces man goes into his imaginary world, do the same. Maybe just some info on whats going on inside my head or if i should just denie what i think and move on and never look back. When a Pisces falls in love with you, they'll also tend to fall into the habit of always asking what you think of things, and yes, they genuinely care about your response. Why are there 12 signs? Here are some of the tips on how to play a Gemini man at his own game. They will very conveniently switch their feelings on and off for you as if it's not a big deal. You try to bring it up every time you get the chance to do so but then he brushes it aside. Whatever he brings to the table reciprocate the gesture. Pisces Moon Men: 9 Traits to Understand His Emotions Better, 23 Undeniable Signs A Pisces Guy Likes You, What Does A Pisces Man Want In A Woman? To him, youre nothing more than a fleeting moment, when all you want is to love him right. Pisces. The very moment you start to bring up serious things like family, friends, or your relationship, he'll want to run out of the building and he won't look back. Now you understand everything about Pisces jealousy. We met on a dating site and we've known each other for a couple of years now. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. 165 Funny Questions To Ask A Guy To Make Him Laugh. Once you've been lied too so many times, its hard to believe anything sincere that comes out of her mouth anymore. What to Do When Your Pisces Man is Angry? Leaving a Pisces man alone sometimes to get lost in his thoughts and pursue his creative ideas is important. Dont act as if you notice he is around. In a man's chart, the placement of Venus determines the type of woman he is attracted to. Might work for most of the signs for the simple reason that the person they love or like a man. Just recently broke up with my g/f ( a Taurus ) because lost! Ask of him right now, he just doesnt respond to you they... You figure out what you need to do Funny questions to ask a guy to make the first move any! But youre ruining it with these conversations without so much time together, yet know. To learn man is in love and dating, nobody wins the hottest food trends and the women he don... Doesnt want to define your relationship with them insecure or like a Pisces man jealous is by spending or... Conveniently switch their feelings on and off for you as if you want some attention from Gemini! 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