In today's example, we have the case of Marsh Moss Lane, which is a semi-rural community that sits just a bit to the north of Burscough, a small town in West Lancashire (England).The lane reaches around 11 houses and a small business park of 10+ units. We want to attract the best and brightest people - and when we do, we want to get the best out of them. The assessment centres for technical and business schemes are very similar. The presentation should last 10 minutes and you can expect 510 minutes of questions from your assessor afterwards. Competitors such as Sky and TalkTalk have also attacked the service, with underinvestment in infrastructure, high prices, and poor customer service at the top of a list of grievances. How to answer the interview question, "Why do you want to work for BT?" This question, sometimes phrased as "Why BT?" or "Why work for BT?", is almost certainly going to come up during your BT interview, so it is essential that you prepare a strong answer for it. BT use online psychometric tests for all of their graduate programmes. You can search online for resources to help you work out good responses. 6. . Explain the steps in this cycle and how you implemented them. During your interview, you will want to clearly show that you fully understand the role and match the companys values in order to stand out from other candidates. To be a competent Openreach Engineer you must be capable of communicating with customers whilst they are at work or in their home; enjoy the feeling of helping people to resolve their problems or issues that could occur with their broadband, phone, or network; and be prepared to demonstrate outstanding customer service and care at all times. No minimum term. What are your strengths and weaknesses? (worldwide success stories from our YouTube community! "BT Openreach" does not exist as Openreach are a separate company. For this exercise, you will be given some information to read through (around 810 pages) and asked to prepare a SWOT analysis and/or make some recommendations. Whatever the reasonor no reason at allyou can have a full refund if this resource isnt right for you. Remember health and safety, prior to conducting any work you would complete your own risk assessment. Why do you want to work as an openreach engineer? What is BT Openreach and why should you care. You are the tops! You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Give me an example when you provided great customer service.Q19. Describe a situation where you went above and beyond to provide high-quality customer service? To be successful, it will be useful for you to consider ways in which you can demonstrate that you have these competencies. What skills and attributes do you think you can bring that are relevant to the role? (v.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || v.documentElement.appendChild(v.createElement('head'))).appendChild(scp); Tell us about yourself and the skills you have applicable to this role with BT? var scp = v.createElement("script"), Q3. Learn more. I have an interview today ill update you on how i do :). Im on step two ! Order today and you will get this bonus guide FREE offer available for a limited time only. Why do you want to be an Openreach Engineer? Q22. Sent to your email inbox within seconds of your order being placed. For example: we might not have been able to agree a location for the cabinet with the local authority it's taking us longer than we thought to get permission to close roads or manage traffic to do the work These concerns have undoubtedly played into Ofcoms decision to keep Openreach within BT, as a full separation would be likely to cause serious financial difficulties for the company something which wouldnt bode well when it comes to taking on that massive deficit. So youve just heard youve secured an interview for the job you really want at BT - well done! Richards People Management Interview Questions and Answers Slide Deck people management skills are critical for any managerial role, and therefore form an integral part of a managers interview. If you saw someone not wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at work when they should be doing, what would you do?Q11. In order to give you the best possible job recommendations, we'd like to get to know you better. Suggested answers verified by our panel of interview experts. You are likely to face a series of tough strength-based interview questions during the video interview such as You witness another member of the team turning up to work late and visibly upset, what would you do?. A complete guide to what BT Openreach is, how it works, and why you should care about it. What is the difference between a router, a switch and a hub? Check out this example answer: Q11. Q4. BT has various core values and it assesses candidates against these throughout the assessment process. Q20. What experience did you learn from university? The role is physically demanding what factors do think contribute to this? Why do you want to be an Openreach Engineer? Emmanuel Abbey on 2 May 2020. . Q13. please use the contact form HERE. This assesses your mechanical, spatial and diagrammatic reasoning skills. HOW TO PASS A BT OPENREACH ENGINEER INTERVIEW AT THE FIRST ATTEMPT! Most candidates will sit a Kenexa numerical reasoning test, which will assess your ability to understand and apply numerical data. }; Unless spending a great deal of money on a router, any device you buy will only have 4 ethernet ports and will be cheaper to use in conjunction with the . Along the way you are supported by our dedicated apprentice development coaches. I have my interview in exactly 2 weeks and these helpful tutorials are absolutely perfect for those who don't know. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Give me an example of when you witnessed a colleague breaking health \u0026 safety rules at work.Q9. What do you know about Agile project management? Thank you so much for this, extremely helpful! All the questions featured were asked during my interview and on the next day I received a phone call telling me Im hired. Make sure you have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile and seek out positive reviews from former employers and colleagues. Order the 23 BT Openreach Engineer Interview Questions and Answers today to get free access. What forces are influencing the industry? We will never disclose your information with others. Why do you choose these methods of keeping up with technology? We follow the IPSO Editors code of practice to underpin these standards. Get all 26 interview questions and suggested answers for your interview, plus FREE bonus access to our bestselling online interview training course, which contains over 50 powerful video modules to quickly get you interview ready (and they work for ANY interview). How can you tell if an employer values and is committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion? Where do you see yourself in five years time?Q. Tell me about a time you worked with someone different, which led to success for the other person. Who has created the answers to the interview questions? Why do you want to leave your current job to take up this position as an Openreach Engineer? Finally, your mission statement is simple, clear, and it demonstrates you always continually improve, and you put your customers at the forefront of everything you do.. At Openreach each of us gets 3 days a year to dedicate to volunteering or charity-based community work, within work time. So there is no risk. Whatever you think of BTs customer service or its commitment to improving the network, it seems difficult to argue that having more than one option when it comes to your broadband, phone, and television provider is worse than having just one. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 4, Methodically think through the comparable evidence you can offer from your education and work history against all the key job requirements. IAB_Category: 'IAB1', Tell me a time when you provided brilliant customer service? Whats your worst quality?Q. You clearly support your employees to be the best they can be. If you are one of these candidates, then make sure you carry out some specific preparations before your interview. I just wanted to thank you so very much. Thank you so much! Not only does it come with a great salary, but you will also receive outstanding training and be eligible for some great benefits, too! Unbiased and independent advice on what to buy. Take a look at our customer reviews and feedback where our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their job interview). For example, your day may commence by having to attend a customers home to solve a problem with a network, before moving on to connect a new customer to the broadband network. Tell me about the latest piece of technology you have used and how you would apply it to BT. God bless u mate and taking the time to help a lad out like mw who is in over his head. Why are you interested in network engineering? Thanks so much for making these. Why do you need to have multiple providers?" His comments will wind | 15 comments on LinkedIn The BT video interview is an online interview in which you are presented and readout prerecorded interview questions via your laptop, PC, or smartphone. PLUS BONUSES So many notes already, would have went into this interview the wrong way. (With Examples) How to answer "Why do you want to work here?" Consider the following strategies as you prepare your answer to this important interview question: 1. If you are interested in a career with BT (Openreach)? If the interview means a lot to you then its important to really focus and treat it as your main project. As an Openreach Engineer, you will have numerous tasks and duties on a daily basis. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. All rights reserved.PassMyInterview, Suite 4, 2 Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1UETerms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. Getting into IR just takes strategy - do an elective in IR with a group you want to work for, impress them and be a good fit, and be willing to take a reduced salary for the first year while you train (and make the group zero money) (think of it like a well-paid residency instead of a low-paying job). The problem was that the network. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 3, The ONT enables you to get our fibre . That means its concerned with maintaining and upgrading the local network between the BT exchange and the phone socket in your home or business, otherwise known as the last mile. Q2. Tell me about a time you had conflict at work? Giving back and volunteering is a significant part of my own personal values, and I remember . Openreach is a huge division of BT, or British Telecommunications PLC, now known as BT Group. How Did You Handle a Difficult Situation? TIP 1 One of the most valuable tips for passing your BT interview is to ensure that you are able to demonstrate you fully understand the role you are applying for. Confidentially sharing the following information helps us to understand who is using the site. Why do you want to work as an openreach engineer? Often caught out, candidates can fail their interview by not having prepared a strong answer to this tough question. It also provides TV services and works on behalf of 537 communications providers to carry out repairs and installations. Thirdly, our interview guides and training just work. When an interviewer asks "Why do you want to work here?" it's a great opportunity for you to demonstrate that you're not only excited about the company's mission and opportunities, but . You are the tops! Where possible, try to avoid carrying objects in your pockets as this will help aid the preservation of the suit lines. Rule of thumb: be yourself, manage your time well, and try to find ways of demonstrating that you have the BT values. Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition. Sometimes things happen while we're building the new network which delay us. Campaigners have long decried the poor level of service they say BT provides, and have called for the division to become an entirely separate company. This button displays the currently selected search type. For example, our main charity partner isSSAFA,theres always lots of things on the go with The Supporters Cluband through our Work Ready programmes, you can get involved in a variety of things to help the next generation get prepared for the world of work. Openreach is known to handle a big amount of work in its firm to provide better service. As most of the time is spent in the workplace, the majority of training takes place on the job. BT offer a structured programme that takes you through the skills needed to complete your apprenticeship. 01:28Q2. This may include running new cables, or disconnecting old extension wiring and powerline adapters. Q8. The report found that Openreach still has an incentive to make decisions in the interests of BT, rather than BTs competitors, which can lead to competition problems. As a result, the company was ordered to open up its telegraph poles and ducts the underground tunnels that carry phone lines to rival broadband providers, allowing competitors to build their own fibre-optic infrastructure rather than piggy-backing on BTs. All of our products and resources are protected by our 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. What would you do if a change you didnt agree with was implemented at work?Q17. We dont blame you. Interview Question Slide Deck This powerful bonus guide provides Richards insight on why the interviewer is asking YOU this question, the }, 2000 ); Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. You can use a 3D printer and 250 resin to acquire Tech Mesh . Editorial independence means being able to give an unbiased verdict about a product or company, with the avoidance of conflicts of interest. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 6, 2 IMPORTANT TIPS for answering it with confidence, and 3 BRILLIANT ANSWERS you can use! The idea was to provide equal access to BTs local access network (LAN) so that other companies could provide their own services using the network. Part of its remit is investing in upgrades to ensure the network is capable of supporting the fastest possible broadband speeds. To These should include: testing your microphone and webcam to ensure you can hear and see yourself clearly, make sure the webcam is level height to your eyelevel, and the room you are in is clean and tidy. See this article for general advice on aptitude tests. Why are you proud of it? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?Q22. This online course will instantly be free for you to access for 30-days. No two days are ever the same as a BT Openreach Engineer, and with formidable training, benefits and a great salary, it is a job you are likely to find highly rewarding. Give an example of something that went wrong, and what you did to rectify the situation. If you are applying for a payroll management role, this guide is essential! Please give us an example of when you have worked with others to achieve an improvement, efficiency or better way of working? Our Accelerated Leadership Programme much like our broadband offer - is designed to propel motivated, solutions-focussed individuals into senior leadership positions, ultra-fast. What skills are needed to demonstrate good customer service? Q22. All of our products and resources are protected by our 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. Tell me about a difficult challenge you had to overcome? Openreach is a subsidiary of BT that runs the network infrastructure part of the business. All rights reserved.PassMyInterview, Suite 4, 2 Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1UETerms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. Interview Question Slide Deck Do you have a strong answer to this tricky interview question? The BT Openreach copper line switch off will be huge - BIGGEST UK telecom change since 1876 You may be aware from the BBC News and National Press, BT Openreach is withdrawing ALL copper-based voice telephone lines from the UK's network on December 31st, 2025, as the network will reach its end of life.After this date, any customers using copper-based lines for their telephone service, and in . What would you do if a change you didnt agree with was implemented at work? What are the most important qualities needed to work at BT? TIP 4 BT has a highly-regarded reputation within its industry, and the culture within BT is highly important to the success of the organisation and all the employees. At the time, there was talk of Ofcom potentially ordering Openreach to split entirely from BT, but the regulator stopped short of such a drastic move. Category: Industry News, community, Opportunity, experience, customer service, driving licence, trainee engineers. Typically, I have always held job roles where there is an importance on providing exceptional customer service, and BT is certainly the type of organisation I want to work for. What are your salary expectations in this role at BT? How can you demonstrate your passions for technology/business/sales etc? Q24. Why do you want to work for BT openreach. While BT Telecommunications plc retained full ownership of Openreach, the service is distinct from BT Group itself, and BT Retail. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 2, At BT, we take great pride in putting the needs of the customer first. Earlier this year, Ofcom published a report which detailed the findings of its investigation into Openreach. by Richard McMunn of: Openreach provides services including fixed line phone connections, DSL broadband, and fibre-optic broadband. 1. . I just wanted to thank you so very much. Ideally, have a plain, neutral background behind you, and no bright sources of light directly behind you either, such as windows, as they are likely to overpower the camera. ), UPDATE: I got the job offer. Put simply, Openreach is the part of the BT Group that runs the UKs entire broadband infrastructure. If there are any tricky area to cover, for example leaving a previous company due to bad management or a period of unemployment, make sure youve got answers ready that dont cast you or a former employer in a bad light. } ); Let us know your thoughts on the latest Openreach developments in the comments. FREE 30 days access to our BESTSELLING online Interview Training Course! A TYPICAL WORKING DAY AS A BT OPENREACH ENGINEER. BT's chief executive, Philip Jansen, says "there is only going to be one national network. [emailprotected] for more information. Tell me a time when you had to work under pressure? You may then have to make your way to a local business to resolve a recurring network issue, or you could attend a street cabinet where you are required to install the latest technology to keep the people in the local area connected. The application form is your first opportunity to introduce yourself to BT. That way you'll always have the latest updates sent to you. Finally, we have eliminated all risk for you. But this hardware can no longer sustain modern requirements and is on a steady decline amid a shift to cloud-based systems. As well as traditional training, its an incredibly supportive and connected learning environment. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 9, If you'reSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Q19. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. I feel the salary and the benefits are also very attractive and having researched Openreach before applying for this job it is clear you are a great organisation to work for. However you do not need to be a BT customer to be using its network of cables. What are your strengths and weaknesses?Q7. This gives you the opportunity to talk about your experiences and achievements which have not been covered elsewhere in the application form. Yes! To access the tests, click here. What do you think will be the main challenges for BT over the next 5 years? Who are some of the clients that BT deals with? 4 answers. BT and Openreach are heading their separate ways but what does this mean for you? 2023 Related: How to reduce ping. He is extremely passionate about helping people pass their interviews, and his success rate is unrivalled within the interview training sector. So there is no risk. Whatever the reasonor no reason at allyou can have a full refund if this training isnt right for you. Men should wear a freshly pressed suit, again in darker colours, with complimentary socks and a tie that are all neutral. BT Openreach technicians therefore carry out work on behalf of these other companies, such as installing copper wire and fibre connections to link customers to the broadband grid. Learn how to PASS a BT interview with Richard McMunn's example interview questions and answers training video. Additionally, just as you would for your CV and application, you will want to tailor your interview answers to demonstrate the key skills and qualities advertised in the job description. This not only shows you understand the role and qualities BT are seeking, but you are also backing up your claims that you can fulfil the role with your prior experience. 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