Swim along the bottom of the tunnel, into the first patch of grass, then the next, then on to the trapped air pocket beyond. By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. Story Walkthrough. The camp itself is in the northernmost part of the level, on the stone circle where Lara read the mural about the jaguar mouth, silver eye, etc. You can, however, pick up some supplies here and run a rope line from the post near the metal barrier to the beam on top of the rock formation to the north, and use it to climb up and mine some gold ore. (screenshot). On the way there's a spider and an eagle that rises toward a temple." Kuwaq Yaku - First Crypt - Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough CRYPT ENTRANCE: The entrance to the first crypt is located on the bank of the stream that runs along the west side of … Note that you can't kill the men wearing helmets with a single headshot, and it will take more than one arrow to penetrate their body armor, so you'll need to use different tactics for them. Run along the hall, past the fire, then jump to the pickaxe wall ahead … Follow this link for the HOWLING CAVES CHALLENGE TOMB WALKTHROUGH, which includes the Petroleum Deposit Base Camp, a mural (8/10), 2 documents (16/18 and 17/18), and a survival cache (12/14). In the distance she spots the temple they've been searching for, but Trinity is already on the scene, trying to blast their way in with explosives. (It's covered below.) (Note: You may also perform side missions in this town.) (screenshot). If you need help right away, I recommend the Lara Croft Online forums (laracroftonline.net), the Square Enix Tomb Raider Forum or any of the other message boards listed at tombraiders.net/stella/community.html. Path to the Hidden City 11. When the man patrolling the walkway on the right heads away from you, swim under the inflatable boat and the first dock to surface in the corner where the second dock meets the perpendicular walkway. A little way into the valley, on the north wall, is a mural (7/10), Pachamama (Quechua/Pantheon of Gods 2). Lara says, "The numbers on the pillars look like the first half of dates, Ix Chel on the left, Chak Chel on the right.". If you didn't get them earlier, pick up some supplies here and run a rope line from the post near the metal barrier to the beam on top of the rock formation to the north, and use it to climb up and mine some gold ore. (screenshot), Drop down and follow the stream back to the northwest, gathering a few resources on the way. Gameplay. I haven't marked them on the map since there are more plants than you need for the challenge. Lara hears enemies talking ahead and goes into a defensive crouch. KUWAQ YAKU – First Crypt (Wayta, the Tyrant) Enter the tunnel ahead and pick some mushrooms. ur mama says Sep 19, 2018 @ 2:04am ... Sep 19, 2018 @ 2:04am How to find the eagle in kuwaq yaku? (screenshots), To make progress, you'll need to rotate the left pillar so the third number reads zero, as shown on the panels. Then continue out the back of the MARKET to the RUINS you visited earlier. (screenshot) Pick up lumps of jade ore on both sides of the table. var emailarray8809= new Array(115,116,101,108,108,97,108,117,110,101,64,116,111,109,98,114,97,105,100,101,114,115,46,110,101,116) pknlildude. Locate the tomb The entrance to the tomb is near the Crypt on the eastern side of Kuwaq Yaku, easily reached by swimming through the underwater shortcut to the southeast of Pilar's house. It is located at the south end of the stream near the Hunting Grounds Base Camp. Rotate the left pillar so the last number reads zero, completing the sequence. Difficulty Levels. (screenshot) Then continue through the tunnel to the northwest. Face the stairs on the northwest side of the monolith. Lara tries to contact Jonah but gets Abby instead. Follow the path down to the village. Note: You can talk to the villagers to learn more about Kuwaq Yaku, which in turn will reveal new locations and secrets on the map. 1/6/19 - Updated the section on The Forge DLC. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. DAIS WITH MURAL: As you climb the steps, a cutscene ensues. (screenshot) If you have enough skill in the Mam dialect, Lara will read the clue: "Two guardians have fangs. You will be able to return to Kuwaq Yaku later in the game, so you don't need to buy everything now. Follow this part in parallel with main story to collect the items, because their locations will not be shown in the walkthrough. Trophies. The gold icon is then surrounded with a blue circle. It is Maya Date, from the Path of the Stars Story. Just ahead there's a feathered totem (1/5) hanging from a tree. Jump, rappel, & use your pickaxe to reach them. There are still a few more collectibles in this area. The first is near the village. Two guardians have feet. The chest and the rope-ascender barrier are covered below.) (screenshot), CAVERN WITH SPIDER MOSAIC: Climb onto the wooden walkway and face the wall with the spider mosaic. MAIN VILLAGE COLLECTIBLES: While you're here you can explore the village, talk to some of its residents, and steal their stuff. Unwelcome Guests achievement in Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Get rid of the pillagers outside of Kuwaq Yaku - worth 25 Gamerscore. After being trapped behind bars, it seems like Lara has to complete this trials on her own. 1/19/19 - Made a few minor tweaks and added Spider Trial save file since people seem to have trouble here. Head down the steps to the left of the monolith and swim into the inlet to the northeast. (screenshot) Examine it to reveal a few survival caches and the treasure chest on your map. You receive XP for each kill, and a larger award for completing the objective. There are quite a few bushes where you can hide; some climbable trees where you may be able to use that Eagle's Talon maneuver; a few rickety buildings, some with roofs to climb on; a patch of mud in the southwest corner, where you can apply camouflage; and a vine-covered wall inside the wooden building directly ahead as you enter the clearing. Prologue. Region: Kuwaq Yaku Quest Giver: automatic Requirement: having finished Path of the Dead Trophy: The Hidden City Do you like traversal? EAGLE HUNTING: If you like, you can also hunt the eagle that lives in this area. You may want to wait until you have all of the necessary proficiency and gear and then make one trip back to clear the level. On the east side of the river stands a Proficient Quechua monolith (1/3). The left one has treasure, so go that way. Then turn around and face the platform where you found the relic. Check the section on REVISITING THIS LEVEL, below, for details. When you come to the fallen tree connecting two rock formations on the left (south), search the ground underneath it to find another survival cache (13/14). There's also a salvage crate under the shelter, and health herbs and hardwood nearby. Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net. 10/10/18 - Added notes about 100% completion and monolith bugs being fixed in the most recent patch. (screenshots), From the first air pocket, head forward and a little to the left. For now, continue up the steps to the right (south). Swim across to monolith #1 on the east side of the river. (screenshot) If you played the last two games, this will be familiar: you'll need a new piece of gear, the ROPE ASCENDER, to pull the door down. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) Peruvian Jungle - Rimak, the Storyteller Kuwaq Yaku - Nameless Crypt. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - sekrety i znajdźki: Kuwak Yaku Zdjęcia, dokumenty, relikty, płaskorzeźby i inne cenne przedmioty. (This is mural #10, below.) (screenshot). The only time I would buy salvage or rare resources is if I only needed a little more for a particular upgrade. If you didn't explore here earlier, there will be a supply box on the right. Info Guide. (screenshot). When the last man falls, a voice over the radio says, "We're here. (screenshot) When you're ready to fight, move through the opening in the wall to the north. 5/5 – From the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins camp, take the path to the right, but instead of jumping down into the clearing, follow the path to the left. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. (screenshot) Move up the wooden ramp and jump to grab a handhold on the wall ahead. A soldier wearing a helmet with camouflage netting is clearly bugging out. They glow with the survival instinct so use it to find them! 11. Shadow of the Tomb Raider ... Reach Kuwaq Yaku On the western side of town, a confrontation with a man named Omar draws the attention of Lara. 2/5 – When exciting the tomb north in Kuwaq Yaku, find the totem hanging from a branch near the tomb entrance. After you take a breath, look for a deposit of jade in the rock wall just west of the trapped air. After the cutscene ends and you leave Jonah, head to the other side of Kuwaq Yaku. You'll come up against 8 mercenaries in all, two or three just beyond the barrier, one or two more just ahead, and a group of 4 guarding the area you're trying to reach. She sees Lara's photo from Cozumel and says she's seen a similar inscription in the nearby ruins. FINDING THE RUINS: Much of the area still remains unexplored but this is a good time to move on with the story. Rotate the left pillar so the fourth number in the stack matches the fourth number in the clue: zero. There's a document (2/18) Fuel for the Future (A Community in Need Story), sitting on a box near the fluorescent green house, second on the right as you enter the village via the rusty foot bridge. About halfway along the north wall of the valley is a metal barrier that can only be destroyed with the shotgun. You'll see that a bridge has extended over the snake pit into the center alcove, and a third set of numbers has appeared on each pillar. As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. OBJECTIVE: Complete the Trial of the Jaguar. Before entering the crypt, dig up a survival cache (1/14) on the riverbank just south of the cave opening. (screenshots). He will buy just about anything you have, and he sells the following items: WEAPONS: J&D MODEL 27 PISTOL (4,200 gp), C&T S55 PISTOL (4,100 gp), GF RAL ASSAULT RIFLE (3,200 gp), WEAPON ATTACHMENTS: PISTOL SIGHT - for all pistols (1,700 gp), PISTOL SUPPRESSOR - for the AB .45 or C&T S55 (1,800 gp), GEAR: PISTOL AMMO POUCH (1,600 gp), RIFLE AMMO POUCH (1,500 gp), VESTIGE OUTFITS: Nine Strides' Harness - ability to craft more ammunition (3200 gp), Hide Boots of Urqu - more XP from stealth kills (4,200 gp). When exciting the tomb north in Kuwaq Yaku, find the totem hanging from a branch near the tomb entrance. Path to the Hidden City is the tenth Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Examine another mural (4/10), Coniraya (Quechua/Pantheon of Gods 2) on the right, and talk to the man sitting nearby to hear his story and learn the location of one of the area's Challenge Tombs. Kuwaq Yaku Merchant is a merchant character in Shadow of the Tomb Raider in Kuwaq Yaku. City of the Serpent Then return to the air pocket to top up. Page 6 of the full game walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Objective 9 Collect the nearby RC, then scramble up the southwestern wall. 4/5 – Go to the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins camp. Then press the button indicated for Toggle Waypoint. Jump to the handhold above. Allgame's Staff: soluzione completa della prima parte del quarto livello (Kuwaq Yaku) di Shadow of the Tomb Raider per reperire tutti i segreti. (screenshot) Then exit to the southeast and dive into the pool. (screenshot), Climb onto the little plateau where the upper end of the tree fell. There are also a couple of kids playing on the bank nearby. Then make a brief stop at the Hunting Grounds Base Camp, just to the left of where the first barrel was. I've included one possible strategy on this page with screenshots. The second location that you unlock in Shadow of the Tomb Raider is Kuwaq Yaku. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Kuwaq Yaku | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, ... Treasure Chest 2 Walkthrough. I am working on PC save files for download. Swim down and around the left side of the wire cage to find it. (screenshot) Look for several blue plastic barrels and you'll find the cave opening nearby. Then return to the central platform to find a fifth set of numbers showing on the pillars. You may want to even the odds by killing off a few of the unarmored guys with stealth attacks. Vous retrouverez dans les sections qui suivent de notre guide de Shadow of the Tomb Raider l'emplacement des 18 documents, des 4 reliques, des 10 fresques, des 14 caches de survie, des 2 coffres aux trésors,des deux trésors de crypte et des 3 défis de Kuwaq Yaku. For details, visit tombraiders.net/stella/support.html. (screenshot) Inside is a vein of gold ore. (screenshot). When you're ready to go, pry open the metal door with the Porvenir logo. This matches the "zero" symbol in the alcove. Ne restez pas bloqué ! Swim down and pry the gold ore out of the rocks. Each stone in the pillar is inscribed with five Maya numbers. (screenshots) This isn't the one from the monolith clue, or one of the caches revealed by the backpack, but you can still dig it up. In the Shadows 3. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Harte Landung Teil 5 – Kuwaq Yaku finden Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: Die Lösung des Brückenrätsels. There's also a document (10/18) Temple Survey (Trinity Story) on the left side of the room at the bottom of the path (screenshot) and an archivist map (3/3) sitting on one of the storage boxes on the right. Now you can safely enter the center alcove and press the last golden tile to open the exit. 12. There's a wooden wall there that you can climb to get out of this enclosure. Climb the first flight of stairs in front of the big building and look to the left to spot another document (5/18). Walkthrough. If you've been with us since Tomb Raider III, this will bring up fond memories. (screenshot) The puzzle itself consists of 2 pillars made of polished stones, stacked one on top of the other. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Summary : Experience Lara Croft's defining moment as she becomes the legendary Tomb Raider in the third game of the revitalized Tomb Raider franchise. Doing so extends a bridge to the alcove. The first hideout (1) can be found next to the crypt on the south of the location. As Lara watches from hiding, a grayish, humanoid creature leaps out of the bushes and attacks the man, then flees before Lara can get a good look at it. The SECOND CRYPT also requires the SHOTGUN. (screenshot). Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Kuwaq Yaku | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . (screenshot). The following steps will guide you through the aforementioned Challenge Tomb in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. If you want a stealthier approach, there are some ideas on this page with screenshots, including info on using the Serpent's Fury skill, which you'll need for the Chain Gang achievement/trophy. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole Path of the Dead mission. All rights reserved. In any case, the trial ahead involves navigating through a flooded cave system. (screenshots), Now stand under the rope-wrapped beam and shoot another rope arrow into the rope coil above the next wooden platform to the south. Also added the correct name for document 9, thanks to Henry. Inside, Lara calls out for Jonah. Head left to return to the village. Like the condor near the Plane Fuselage Base Camp in the PERUVIAN JUNGLE level, this eagle respawns, so you can fast travel back here later and hunt it again. You also receive a few random rare resources. In the clearing in the norhternmost part of Kuwaq Yaku (before entering the challenge tomb), find the totem hanging from the big tree in the center of the clearing. Sep 15, 2018 @ 1:09am thank you for the replies! After the fight, Lara contacts Jonah with an update. Chapter 1 - Cozumel. Right side (top to bottom): 9, 1, 3, 5, ?. (screenshot) In the middle of the area, on a raised platform, is a Fluent Quechua monolith (screenshot). Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la partie : "Fresques : Région de Kuwaq Yaku" du jeu Shadow of the Tomb Raider dans son wiki. (screenshot) Examine it to reveal several documents, murals, and relics, as well as a nearby monolith, on your map. The challenge tomb and crypt are also available right away, and the first Base Camp is at the bottom of the steps ahead. But if you want to experiment, you can save the game, buy a gun or accessory from the merchant based on its basic description, return to a base camp to examine them, then reload if you don't like what you bought. When you surface in the pool south of the cavern, you'll retrace the same route you took when you first passed through this area, minus all the enemies. A little way in you'll pass a sturdy wooden barrier with rope-wrapped beam in the middle. The challenge can be completed north of the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins base camp. Take out all the enemies in this area - one-by … The road to the right (north) leads back to the HUNTING GROUNDS. Then swim down to find an underwater opening with a wooden barrier. var postemail8809='' It may be enough to get you through, but if you need more, there are screenshots linked below. 8. One room will have Lara automatically sliding down the floor - 3 wall spikes are here and are located left, right, left so dodge them by using your movement controls. (screenshot), Return to the main path and continue to the left (west), up the fallen tree trunk that juts out over the next area. … They don’t count in the collectibles list but help your searches in addition to an experience bonus. THE FORGE DLC: One of the game add-ons is set here in Kuwaq Yaku. Just beyond the monolith, on the north side, is a metal barrier that can only be taken down with a SHOTGUN. (screenshot). Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) Peruvian Jungle - Rimak, the Storyteller Kuwaq Yaku - Nameless Crypt. Also added a note about the achievement/trophy related to the side mission. postemail8809+=String.fromCharCode(emailarray8809[i]) Move forward and down the stairs, then dive into the pool below. Jonah gets back on the radio and tells Lara he's found something she's going to like. Bottom Feeder. (screenshots), As you return from the right alcove to the area with the wheels, the bridge crumbles, and you'll need to jump across the gap to get back safely. (screenshots), Lara contacts Jonah on the radio. ), Before leaving this area, examine the mural (6/10), God of Suicides (Mam/Pantheon of Gods 3) to the right of the dais. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Walkthrough & Guides, Kuwaq Yaku - Mission Walkthrough & Challenges. FIRST CRYPT ENTRANCE – WAYTA, THE TYRANT: Just south of the dock and the kids playing is the entrance to one of the level's crypts. There is a map of the route and other details on this page with screenshots. If you enter the middle alcove and press the golden tile before rotating the pillars into the correct configuration, the floor collapses, and you'll need to run back to the start to avoid falling into the snake pit below. © 2018 Square Enix Ltd. All rights reserved. Path of the Dead is the ninth Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Head Above Water 5. There are also various bottles and red jerrycans here and there. (screenshot) There's not much to it. … To review: Open your map and highlight the gold icon. Return southward to the previous air pocket. (screenshots), After getting this relic, exit the building and head forward then left. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole Path of the Dead mission. We'll explore there soon. Follow this link for the FIRST CRYPT WALKTHROUGH, which includes an archivist map (2/3), mural (2/10), and a sarcophagus containing an outfit component, Vestige: Nine Strides' Boots, and 750 gold pieces. That is, rotate the left pillar once to the right so the When you pick any of the plants growing on the bottom, you'll initiate a Challenge: Bottom Feeder. Prologue. If you speak to the old woman standing outside, she'll reveal the location of some gold on your map. (screenshot) Continue holding Forward and Lara will struggle through. Then swing back and forth to build momentum and jump on the forward swing to grab the ledge. Then Chak Chel's glyph on the right, with five stacked tiles: 9, 1, blank, 5, blank. OBJECTIVE: Make Your Way through the Hangar, ENCLOSURE WITH CRASHED AIRPLANE: There are 8 Trinity mercenaries in the area ahead: Fortunately they're too busy freaking out about whatever is attacking their comrades to notice Lara right away. Inside is an Artifact, Copal, from the Story A Community in Need. Many gold pieces at this point, you 'll probably have some skill points to spend and a new.. Panel in the Mam Dialect, Lara will automatically pull out the situation and plan your strategy wall then... Jerrycan by holding and wait for the Current objective marker. ) totems. Dock to the last man falls, a voice over the walkie-talkie to update them on the and... Isolated, swim through the hole in the village may want to bring out the back door, another will! Yaku bugged the LCO forum for details about this site was useful, consider... Dead soldiers and examine the document is also nearby ) the crypt on the Forge DLC: one them... 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